Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 636 Scandal resumes! What if the person in the photo is Teacher Jiang Yi?

Chapter 636 Scandal resumes! What if the person in the photo is Teacher Jiang Yi?

Jiang Yi's body recovered after two days.

Neither he nor Mei Rou mentioned anything about that day.

But on Weibo, a video suddenly spread widely.

The video was a bit blurry, and all you could see was a young man and woman. The woman was wearing a mask and hat and couldn't see clearly, while the boy had his back to the camera and couldn't see clearly.

The two seemed to be talking about something, but it was obvious that the conversation did not go well. The girl took the lead and walked towards the river with a look of anger.

This video is only about half a minute long.

There was no sound of speaking during this period. The reason why the large area was open was because of the entries below.


Of course, Jiang Yi goes without saying, and Chen Yira is one of the members of the talent show on Fruit Channel, and is quite popular among the members.

If nothing unexpected happens, one of her will be among the final members of the group to debut.

Now that the two of them were brought together, they naturally attracted countless melon-eating netizens to watch.

"What? Did I read it correctly? How could Teacher Jiang Yi be connected with Chen Yira!? What is the relationship between the two of them??"

"With this entry, this video, and what happened to Jiang Yi two days ago, it's really hard not to make people think about it!"

"Does anyone know where Chen Yira has been these past two days!? If the people in this video are really Teacher Jiang Yi and Chen Yira, what is the relationship between the two of them!?"

"I think this is impossible! Teacher Jiang Yi and Chen Yira's identities are not compatible at all! I admit that Chen Yira is indeed very beautiful, but this kind of beauty is not uncommon in the industry."

"To be honest, I think so too, but beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. We think Chen Yiruan is not good at anything, but Teacher Jiang Yi thinks everything is good!"

"I can't accept it! If Teacher Jiang Yi was with other people, I wouldn't be able to accept it so much, but with Chen Yira... it doesn't sound good, it feels like helping the poor more or less."

"Besides, Chen Yira is still a talent show candidate. She was voted for by you fans one by one. But in the end, he secretly fell in love behind your back! Can you fans really accept this?"

"If this thing is true, then there is nothing unacceptable. The man is Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"Being able to fall in love with Teacher Jiang Yi, not to mention other things, if it were me, even if we were together for only one day, it would be worth bragging about for a lifetime!"

Originally it was just a video with unknown meaning, plus an entry, but after these remarks, it seems that Jiang Yizhen and Chen Yira are already in love.

Occasionally, sensible fans would clarify, but they were quickly silenced.

What is involved in this matter is not the fans of both parties, but more the consequences of the netizens who take advantage of it.

After all, it’s fun, who doesn’t like that?

Jiang Yi also saw the comments on the Internet, but when he was about to make a statement with Mei Rou, he received other calls first.



Unlike Jiang Yi who only caught a cold after falling into the water, Chen Yira's health was also relatively poor.

After falling into the water, he choked on the water, which led to some pneumonia. He has been in the hospital for the past two days. Today, the situation is slightly better, and the agent has already hurried to the door.

After seeing the agent, before Chen Yira had time to speak, the agent took several photos in his hand and placed them on the table next to him. "Tell me what's going on! Are you still involved with that boy? Did I warn you to break up with him before? Don't you know your current identity? If there is any When the scandal spread, all the momentum the company created for you was in vain!!"

The agent was furious.

The photos taken on the table were clearly the photos of Chen Yira meeting the boy that day.

The only better thing is that the boy's face doesn't appear in those photos.

Although Chen Yira also wore a hat and mask to cover up, his fans could recognize him by his body shape.

Chen Yira was stunned for a moment while looking at these photos, and her expression changed slightly.

"Originally, you were able to debut as a group during the last Chinese New Year. Now that something like this has happened, the company has begun to have other opinions, and your fans will definitely not let it go! Things have become like this. , what do you think we should do!"

The manager was really pissed off by Chen Yira. She was originally very optimistic about Chen Yira. After all, Chen Yira was indeed talented and had good conditions in all aspects. If she could make her debut, she would definitely not be much worse off.

But Chen Yiruan is such a bad love brain.

He had clearly promised to break up with the boy before him repeatedly, and he promised it well, but he didn't expect it to be like this in private.

Hearing what her agent said, Chen Yira became anxious instantly, and she sat up with her body propped up.

"No! This matter..."

"Now it's your turn to say whether it's okay or not. Now people not only have these photos, but also videos. Once those things are released, not even the King of Heaven can save you!"

The agent was extremely angry as he spoke.

After all, I and my company leader Chen Yiran have indeed invested a lot, and now I see that all of this has been wasted.

Chen Yiran gritted his teeth. After thinking for a few seconds, he felt like a drowning man grabbing the last life-saving straw.

"Then... what if the other person is Teacher Jiang Yi!?"

After hearing Chen Yira's words, the agent's eyes widened instantly.

"Teacher Jiang Yi? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. Although the person in this video is not Teacher Jiang Yi, he can be turned into Teacher Jiang Yi. He was the one who saved me that day. It's just that I never told you about this."

Chen Yiran exhaled a breath of turbid air.

After hearing what Chen Yira said, the expression on the agent's face changed again and again.

As an agent, he knows better than Mei Rou the various values ​​Jiang Yi can bring to them.

If the other person in the video can be said to be Jiang Yi, then this matter will not turn into a bad thing, but will become a once-in-a-lifetime good thing!

As for Jiang Yi, although Chen Yira's current status is indeed considered a high-ranking one.

But Chen Yiran is not an amateur. If he went back and told the company about this matter, the company would definitely have the same idea.

When the time comes to resolve this matter, it will become much smoother.

(End of this chapter)

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