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Chapter 637: Negotiation? You must have made everyone a fool! ?

Chapter 637: Negotiation? You must have made everyone a fool! ?

This is why this show happened.

The call Mei Rou and Jiang Yi received was also from Chen Yiran and her agent.

They didn't say what they meant straight to the point.

"Mei Rou, our company has some things that we would like to discuss with you two privately regarding the things that happened online. I wonder if Mr. Jiang Yi has time today."

Chen Yiruan's agent was quite polite.

But compared to what they did, what the manager said at this moment was a bit like cutting things off first and telling them later.

Not only Jiang Yi could understand this meaning, but Mei Rou also knew it.

At this moment, Jiang Yi didn't need to speak, Mei Rou's tone was already not very polite.

"I don't think there's anything to discuss with you about this matter. After all, it's all unfounded from beginning to end, isn't it? Just clarify it as you need to. This is the best way to handle it."

Mei Rou's answer seemed to be what they expected, so the tone of the other person didn't change much because of Mei Rou's words.

"Of course that's not what I'm saying. There's obviously a better solution than this, isn't it? If that's the case, then why not choose a better solution so that we can both achieve a win-win situation."

Mei Rou was about to laugh out loud at the shameless words of Manager Chen Yira.

What is a win-win approach?

I'm afraid that in the end, Chen Yira will be the only one who wins in this matter!

"I don't know what is a win-win situation or not. I only know that this matter is a misunderstanding. Since it is a misunderstanding, it should be clarified instead of treating everyone as fools."

When she said the last sentence, Mei Rou deliberately made her voice a little louder, and her meaning was clearly revealed in this sentence.

Chen Yira's agent's tone finally changed slightly.

"If you put it that way, this matter is non-negotiable? Mei Rou, I think there is really no need to do what you said in this matter. Otherwise, it will make us all look bad, so why bother? .”

Chen Yira's agent and Mei Rou actually had some interactions before. Although the relationship was not very close, they had exchanged a few words with each other.

He knows what kind of person Mei Rou is.

Likewise, Mei Rou naturally knew about the agency behind Chen Yira.

Therefore, Chen Yiruan's words were more or less threatening.

But unfortunately, neither Jiang Yi nor Mei Rou did this.

Both of them are a bit soft-spoken. If they talk it through properly, maybe there is still room for repayment on this matter, but now that it is said like this, neither of them will agree with it.

"What a coincidence. I just like to make things like this. I want to see who I am bringing shame on."

Mei Rou sneered.

There was quite a bit of sharpness when he said this. After he finished speaking, he realized that Jiang Yi was beside him and subconsciously glanced in Jiang Yi's direction. However, he saw that Jiang Yi didn't seem to be worried about what he said. What is revealed by these words.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Just when Mei Rou was about to continue speaking, Jiang Yi reached out and pressed his hand, and then took the phone from Mei Rou's hand.

When he put the phone to his ear, Chen Yiruan's manager's rather angry voice could be heard.

"Mei Rouyou is so greedy. Who do you think you are? Do you think..." "What do you think you are?"

Jiang Yi's voice was a little cold.

After hearing Jiang Yi's voice, Manager Chen Yiran instantly felt like a chicken with its neck stuck, and the words that followed disappeared instantly.

If he were facing someone else in the circle, he would never react like this, but Jiang Yi was different.

Not to mention the popularity and traffic that Jiang Yi carried, just the fact that Jiang Yi had this country behind him was enough to make some people fearful.

He forcefully swallowed the words that came to his lips.

When Chen Yira's manager spoke again, there was a bit of a smile in his voice.

"It turns out that Teacher Jiang Yi is here. I thought you were not here, Teacher Jiang Yi."

"It doesn't make much difference whether I'm here or not, after all, my agent's wishes are mine."

Jiang Yi's tone was somewhat unkind.

When Chen Yiruan's agent made the rescue call, Chen Yiran had been listening nearby. After hearing Mei Rou and Jiang Yi's answers, the expression on her face became even more ugly.

Then the blood on his lips disappeared completely.

After thinking for a few seconds, he gave the agent a look and signaled the agent to give him the phone.

The manager's face showed some suspicion, but after a moment's hesitation, he still gave the phone to Chen Yiruan's hand.

"Teacher Jiang Yi."

Chen Yira's voice was extremely weak when he opened his mouth.

The voice seemed to be blown away by the wind in the next second. After listening to it, people couldn't help but feel a little pity in their hearts, as if even speaking louder became a sin.

"I know what happened to Teacher Jiang Yi this time was what I did wrong. It was obviously you who saved me, but I... But I really couldn't help it. I have really put in a lot of effort to get to where I am today. , I couldn’t help but watch all my efforts go to waste.”

Her voice was full of pleading, and there was a hint of crying, as if even a hard-hearted person could not help but feel soft after hearing it.

In fact, Jiang Yi originally had some appreciation for Chen Yira, but this appreciation was just out of appreciation for Chen Yira's talent and basic skills.

After today's incident, this appreciation has completely disappeared.

What's more, there is no hint of soft-heartedness in what Chen Yira said.

"The person who copied all your efforts was not me but you. From the beginning of this matter, it was your own choice. Could it be that someone put a knife on your neck and forced you to do this? "

He didn't expect Jiang Yi to give such an answer. Chen Yiran had already prepared the words, but the words were stuck in his mouth and he couldn't come out.

After being silent for about a few seconds, Chen Yira twitched the corners of his mouth in a way that was worse than crying.

Then he continued to speak.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you are right. It is indeed my own fault, but I also want a chance to save myself. I just need you to cooperate with me to clarify the things on the Internet. I will not use Teacher Jiang Yi's Do anything with a reputation!!”

(End of this chapter)

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