Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 652: What, just an ex-boyfriend? Able to add mine!

Chapter 652: What, just an ex-boyfriend? Able to add mine!

"Teacher, you are an important part of the movie. We are concerned about what happens to you. Why is it such an insignificant thing? We are also concerned about your health, Teacher Jiang Yi."

After these words were spoken, everyone else at the scene turned their attention to him, feeling that there was something wrong with his words.

But the reporter who spoke seemed not to notice this, and still focused on Jiang Yi in advance, with a subtle and aggressive look in his eyes.

"Compared to the movie itself, I really don't matter. After all, this movie is not just my effort, but also the efforts of the crew, other actors, teachers, and the director. I'm just a little better. It’s just a matter of luck.”

There were also staff maintaining order at the scene. They had noticed the reporter when he asked his first question. At this moment, when Jiang Yi answered his second question, these security guards calmly went to the scene. The reporter walked past.

Among the people who came to the road show today were some internet celebrities.

Some people also choose to start live broadcasts in order to gain more popularity and traffic. This is indeed the case here today, so the reporter's question and Jiang Yi's answer were all ignored. The live broadcast footage was included and quickly attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

Originally, this Internet celebrity usually had a pretty good number of fans and traffic.

But like today, this is the first time that the number of people in the live broadcast room has soared at an almost impossible speed.

"What does this reporter mean when he talks like a gun and a stick? He is deliberately looking for trouble, isn't he? Where did such a bitch come from on such a beautiful day? Where is the security guard at the scene? Hurry up and put him Drag it down!"

"I told you guys not to go too far. The reporters just asked the questions they should ask. Why are you going too far? I think you are the ones who are going too far!"

"Is this a question that should be asked on this occasion? Doesn't he know what such an occasion represents? In the end, he had to do this, and he still blames us fans. Wow, he is really wronged! "

"But there's really nothing wrong with Teacher Jiang Yi's answer. I think this reporter's face turned dark. I believe Teacher Jiang Yi can't be wrong!"

"I am equally jealous of every one of you who can see Teacher Jiang Yi at the scene. Just because I can't see it, I am really convinced when Teacher Jiang Yi will come to my place!"

"The road show seems to have several cities. This is only the first stop. Don't worry. There will be many more stops in the future. I just don't know if Teacher Jiang Yi will always be there."

"Well, doesn't Teacher Jiang Yi have other plans in the future? I don't think it's possible to be at every stop. We can only depend on Teacher's work arrangements and luck."

"God, I am willing to trade my ex-boyfriend's 10 years of wealth in exchange for Teacher Jiang Yi. He will come to my house for a road show when the time comes. I will definitely see it with my own eyes!"

"Ex-boyfriend? I am willing to use my ex-boyfriend's 10 years of wealth and your ex-boyfriend's 10 years of fortune combined!"

The Internet celebrity in the live broadcast looked at Teacher Jiang Yi on the stage as he answered some reporters' questions, while taking a look at his own live broadcast room. At this moment, he was shocked by the number of people online and the popularity of the live broadcast room. He did not expect that there would be so many people.

Seeing that Jiang Yi didn't even answer what he wanted to hear, the wise man wanted to continue speaking, but he was not given the chance. Jiang Yi quickly looked at the other reporters next to them.

When leaving at the end, a staff member immediately came to the reporter's side. Their attitude was respectful, but they could not refuse and asked him to get up from his seat.

Jiang Yi noticed this, but acted as if he didn't see anything. After the reporter was taken away, Zhang Yimou had a better look on his face. Something like this happened in the first road show. It was obvious that someone was deliberately trying to ruin his show. If he was still being ridiculed like this When it comes to pooping on the head, just write the name upside down.

But in front of the camera, Zhang Yimou didn't show anything.

His expression looked no different from before.

He can also cooperate with Jiang Yi and other participating actors in interviews with reporters and media.

When he talks, he is also flawless, and people can't grasp anything.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, when you were on the set, we all knew that you had several fighting scenes, so we also want to know, Teacher Jiang Yi, how long it took you to practice those fighting scenes, and how long it took you to complete those movements and so on. remember?"

After hearing the media's question, other people's expressions became a little subtle, and even without Jiang Yi opening his mouth, someone spoke further.

"When it comes to this matter, we still find it unbelievable when we think about it now."

"Due to Jiang Yi's health, all the fighting scenes were filmed at the end. However, from teacher Jiang Yi to creating the script, knowing the action, and finally completing the shooting, it actually only took less than a week. !”

After hearing the exact time, there was an uproar among the people below.

Although Hero has not been officially released yet, from the previously released trailers and some behind-the-scenes footage, we can see Jiang Yi's fluent skills and fighting skills. Everyone speculates whether Jiang Yi has been practicing in private for a long time, but suddenly Yiran still found it incredible after hearing it for a week.

Zhang Yimou next to him also nodded, confirming what he said.

"It's true. To be honest, I was really shocked at the time. Sometimes I regret thinking about it. If Jiang Yi could have been discovered earlier, maybe Mr. Jiang Yi would have won several movie stars now. .”

Although there was a bit of a joke in these words, Zhang Yimou was extremely serious when he said these words, and this was indeed what he really thought in his heart.

Listening to Zhang Yimou's evaluation of himself, Jiang Yi did not show any pride or complacency, but instead looked humble.

"It's just because I was more interested in these things before, so I have been exposed to them a little bit. It's not like what you directors said."

When Jiang Yi said these words, the expression on his face did not change at all.

This can be considered a half-truth.

After all, most of the real reasons lie with the system, but the system can provide these other things, but Jiang Yi still has to rely on himself to master them.

(End of this chapter)

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