Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 653 New requirements? Every chapter has a new theme song!

Chapter 653 New requirements? Every article should have a new theme song!

Throughout the whole day, there were no other accidents during the road show.

The little star who was posing at the night market also got his wish and became popular.

He was just scolded.

"When I saw this title, I was still thinking about what kind of big star it would be. I even thought about whether it would be Teacher Jiang Yi. When the person appeared, I was stunned for three seconds. That's it. ?”

"How dare you claim to be a big star!? No joke, you don't even have as many fans as I do!"

"I originally wanted to make a comment, but after I clicked in and took a look, I realized that I was really right."

"There are seven or eight bodyguards prepared here. No joke, if seven or eight of the people watching at that time are your fans, I will lose!"

"What you said successfully made me catch up with the people watching next to me. Is it my imagination? Why do I think there is someone who looks so much like Teacher Jiang Yi!?"

"Are you kidding me? There's no way it could be Teacher Jiang Yi! He looks a bit similar and the angle makes him look a bit similar."

"I also think that with Teacher Jiang Yi's current popularity, if he were really here, I'm afraid he would be able to block him very hard."

"If Teacher Jiang Yi was here, I would have to fly there overnight, okay?"

"Maybe it's Teacher Jiang Yi. Teacher Jiang Yi is here now, isn't he? After all, this is the venue for the first stop of the Hero Road Show."

"I still think it's unlikely."

There were not many topics that mentioned someone among the onlookers who looked like Jiang Yi, and they were quickly overshadowed by other comments.

So not too many people noticed this.

Although the little star was scolded so miserably, he had no intention of coming out and handled the matter with a black-and-red attitude.

After confirming that no one noticed Jiang Yi, Mei Rou, who had been paying attention to this matter, breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, let the assistant pay attention to relevant matters.

At the beginning, the crew and the entire crew went to the first few cities. Later, due to issues with their respective schedules, the road show crew began to become uncertain.

Jiang Yi couldn't always be there.

After knowing this, those fans who could not wait for Jiang Yi were also disappointed.

But there is nothing we can do.

He returned to CCTV to discuss the next steps with them.

Regarding the theme song, CCTV also has new ideas and ideas.

In addition to coming up with a theme song for the entire documentary, they also wanted a different theme song for each chapter of the documentary.

After listening to what Director Tian conveyed, Jiang Yi fell into a brief thought.

Seeing Jiang Yi's reaction, Director Tian paused before continuing to speak.

"Of course, regarding this matter, we will definitely not let Jiang Yiqian suffer."

After hearing what Director Tian said, Jiang Yi came back to his senses and felt dumbfounded.

"I'm not thinking about this. Of course I know this. It's just that I've been a little busy recently, so..."

"Don't worry, we don't need all the songs right away. After all, this documentary is also a big project, so now it's just Jiang Yi and you who want to confirm it first."

Before Jiang Yi could finish speaking, Director Tian spoke first.

After thinking for a few seconds, Jiang Yi finally nodded.

"Since you, Director Tian, ​​think so highly of me, I will naturally not let you down."

This CCTV documentary mainly records the history of China.

As of now, one chapter is almost ready. The content of this chapter is poetry culture, so Director Tian hopes that Jiang Yi can make a theme song first.

After Jiang Yi knew the main content of this chapter, he already had thoughts and ideas in his mind.

"Okay, I see."

After receiving Jiang Yi's answer, Director Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

After saying these things, Director Tian took a look and realized that it was almost time for dinner.

Thinking that Jiang Yi seemed to owe him a meal last time, he took the initiative to speak.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, are you free tonight? I just happened to treat you to a meal, but I haven't treated you to the meal I promised you last time."

After hearing what Director Tian said, Jiang Yi thought for a while and nodded decisively.

"If you said so, Director Tian, ​​then I must agree."

After the two discussed it for a while, Director Tian finally decided on a nearby barbecue restaurant.

The ratings and taste of this barbecue restaurant are pretty good.

Director Tian has come here several times with other colleagues before.

And because it is near a TV station, people like celebrities often come to dine there, so the store takes this aspect quite seriously.

When the person in charge of Jiang Yi and Tian arrived, someone immediately recognized Jiang Yilai. Although he was a little excited, he still didn't attract any onlookers.

But from time to time, someone secretly glanced at Jiang Yi and the others.

"Oh, as expected, with Teacher Jiang Yi, this is how a big star like you goes out to eat. In just a few minutes of sitting down, not only fifty or sixty people came over, but at least half of them. ?”

Manager Tian next to him suddenly sighed as if joking.

Jiang Yi looked back.

"There are only fifty or sixty people in this store. Where did they get so many people?"

Jiang Yi said while pouring himself a glass of water from the side.

But when I was about to drink, I was suddenly hit by someone, and all the glass of water was spilled on me. Fortunately, it was warm water, otherwise I would have been burned.

He frowned slightly and glanced at the person who bumped into him. It was a little boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old.

The little boy was a little fat. He was holding a cup of milk tea in one hand, and the clothes on his body were stained with some unknown dirt.

Even after bumping into Jiang Yi, there was no look of apology on his face.

Even when Jiang Yi looked over, he made a face indifferently.

"You bumped into someone and you still don't apologize?"

Before Jiang Yi could speak, Director Tian, ​​who had witnessed the whole process, couldn't stand it anymore.

The little boy looked disdainful after hearing this.

"Why should I apologize! He was the one who blocked my way!" He said this confidently.

After hearing this, Director Tian almost thought he had heard wrongly.

A middle-aged woman happened to walk over next to her. She seemed to be the little boy's mother.

"Your child hit someone, why is he still like this?" Manager Tian turned his attention to the middle-aged woman.

(End of this chapter)

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