Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 654 Confusing right and wrong, who is bullying whom? ?

Chapter 654 Confusing right and wrong, who is bullying whom? ?

After hearing what Director Tian said, the middle-aged woman realized that

First, he checked his child nervously to make sure that nothing was wrong, and then he turned his attention to Jiang Yi.

"A grown man was just hit by a child. Is it necessary to be so serious about it? Why bother with a child so much?"

When she said this, the middle-aged woman also looked indifferent, and she didn't seem to take this matter to heart.

Seeing the identical reactions of the mother and son, Director Tian finally understood what it means to have the upper beam not straight and the lower beam crooked.

Jiang Yi didn't want to cause any more trouble.

"It's not a big deal, let's forget it." When the person in charge Tian was about to speak again, Jiang Yi gave him a look.

After all, they are here to eat, not to fight with others.

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, the middle-aged woman's face showed a bit of pride.

And the little boy who was being held by the middle-aged woman also had a look of dismay on his face.

"I think Teacher Jiang Yi, you are a bit too tempered."

Director Tian looked at the little boy and felt even more angry.

Jiang Yi waved his hand.

"It's just a little warm water, nothing serious."

Such a small thing is really not worth wasting your mood.

It's just that Jiang Yi's reaction seemed to have left the impression on the little boy that Jiang Yi was a soft persimmon who could be kneaded at will.

After a few minutes of peace and quiet.

Jiang Yi suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if someone had suddenly poured cold water on him.

Turning his head to look, he saw the little boy standing behind him with a smile on his face. At the same time, he was holding a milk tea with its seal opened.

Half of it was wet on the ground, and the other half was on his back.

Even after he found out that he had been discovered by Jiang Yi, the little boy showed no sign of stopping, and even blatantly poured over the unfinished milk tea.

Jiang Yi took a fancy to his intention, and grabbed his hand a second before he was about to break it. He squeezed his hand a little harder, and all the remaining milk tea in the little boy's cup poured onto his head.

After being showered with milk tea, the little boy was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he burst into tears and screamed.

The middle-aged woman also ran over immediately. After seeing her son like this, she immediately protected him behind her and faced Jiang Yi's nose, not his nose, and his eyes, not his eyes.

"I asked you, what's going on with you? Why are you arguing with a kid and pouring milk tea on my son? How shameless do you think you are when you're such a big man?"

As the middle-aged woman spoke, she seemed eager to come up and slap Jiang Yi twice.

Seeing this and listening to the child's scream, Jiang Yi felt like his eardrums were going to explode.

"You are being unreasonable. It was your son who poured the milk tea on us first. It was because he was not sure enough that it poured on his head."

After hearing what Director Tian said, the middle-aged woman had no intention of apologizing at all.

"Isn't it just a little milk tea? If you let my son splash it, he will die!? These two grown men bully a child in broad daylight!"

The shamelessness of this painting made Director Tian stunned. He even wondered if he was hallucinating. Jiang Yi took a tissue and wiped the milk tea on his clothes before standing up.

After standing up, Jiang Yi still felt a strong sense of oppression. The look on the middle-aged woman's face was slightly unnatural. After taking her son and taking two steps back, she looked confident again.

Then he took out his mobile phone directly from his pocket and quickly opened Douyin for live broadcast.

"It's really a crime. These days, I, a single mother, take my son out to eat barbecue and get bullied. Look at my son being drenched in milk tea!"

The middle-aged woman started crying while talking to her mobile phone skillfully.

She can also be regarded as a small Internet celebrity. She usually uses the name of a single mother to take care of her son, and her explosive remarks about favoring boys over girls also attract a lot of attention.

But half of the people here usually scolded her.

Immediately after the broadcast started, people entered his live broadcast room, but there were only a few dozen people.

While crying and complaining about this, the middle-aged woman turned the camera on Jiang Yi.

"It's unreasonable for these two grown men to bully children. They bully us orphans and widowed mothers. No one will support them!"

Originally, I entered this woman's live broadcast room to see the excitement, but netizens were stunned when they saw Jiang Yi's face that suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, am I right? This is Teacher Jiang Yi?"

"How could Teacher Jiang Yi have anything to do with this crazy old woman! Are you talking about bullying children??"

"Based on this crazy old lady's normal personality and the things his naughty son usually does, it's not certain who will bully whom!"

"I don't believe it when Teacher Jiang Yi bullies children."

"You know people but don't know their hearts. Who knows what these big stars who look good on the surface are like in private!"

The number of people in the live broadcast room, which originally had only a few dozen people, suddenly increased to hundreds, and then to thousands.

Even when the live broadcast has the most people, there are only eight or nine hundred people in the live broadcast room. Now that it has exceeded a thousand, the middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, and then her face showed ecstasy.

At the same time, she also saw from the comments of netizens that Jiang Yi in front of her was actually a star.

Because she didn't pay attention to those things at all, the middle-aged woman did not recognize Jiang Yi at first.

But this does not affect his moral kidnapping at the moment.

"Don't think that because you are a celebrity, I will be afraid. If you bully my son, you should apologize to my son. Even your fans can confuse right and wrong, but as a mother, how can you watch your son be wronged? !?"

The middle-aged woman seemed to have been greatly wronged as she spoke.

Coupled with the cry of the child next to him, an uninformed person would really think he was being bullied.

At this moment, the eyes of almost everyone in the barbecue restaurant were drawn over.

The number of people in the middle-aged woman’s live broadcast room on Douyin has skyrocketed and is about to exceed 10,000.

After discovering this, the middle-aged woman became more and more energetic as she spoke, wishing to pin more serious charges on Jiang Yi so as to gain more heat and attention for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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