Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 655 I’m so sorry, if you kick me, you’ll be kicking cotton!

Chapter 655 I’m so sorry, if you kick me, you’ll be kicking cotton!

But at the same time, there were also people in the live broadcast room who knew the truth at the scene.

"Auntie, you have a way of confusing right and wrong. I was at the scene. It was obviously your naughty child who acted first. Why didn't you say that he bumped into Teacher Jiang Yi first and then deliberately poured milk tea on Teacher Jiang Yi? "

"Such a big restaurant must have surveillance. Just check the surveillance."

"Sure enough, just like the parents, there will be the same kind of children. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

"Like Teacher Jiang Yi, I have encountered such a naughty kid in the restaurant who deliberately came to cause trouble. I really wanted to scold him back, but he couldn't provoke me. He can only kick the cotton."

"She is really justified! Anyway, there are so many mistakes. It cannot be his or his children's fault."

The matter was a bit big, and the person in charge of the barbecue restaurant also hurried over at this moment.

He already knew what was going on from his employees.

After seeing Jiang Yi's clothes soaked with milk tea, he was listening to the middle-aged woman's unbearable curses.

The person in charge was sweating profusely at the moment.

"Teacher Jiang Yi is really sorry..."

The middle-aged woman immediately exploded like a dynamite bag after hearing the person in charge apologize to Jiang Yi.

"What's going on with you boss! You don't even know what the truth of the matter is, and you're already rushing to hug him!? Let me tell you that this matter is not over today. Don't be afraid because you think you are a celebrity. If you don’t apologize to my little baby, I’ll call the police right away!”

When the middle-aged woman said these words, she did not hide the threat in her words at all.

She knew that for celebrities like Jiang Yi, face was more important than any other threat.

After all, if it really goes to the police station, there will be a lot of things that can be done!

And no one wants to make the matter such a big deal because of such a trivial matter.

He had tried this trick many times before!

But this time he hit the iron plate.

After hearing the pride in his words, Jiang Yi's expression did not change and he just glanced at Director Tian next to him.

"Okay, then call the police."

The proud expression on the middle-aged woman's face suddenly froze.

He even doubted for a moment whether his ears heard it wrong. Why would Jiang Yi agree to call the police? !

Seeing that the middle-aged woman didn't respond, Jiang Yi even took out his mobile phone.

"Since it's inconvenient for you, then I'll call the police."

While talking, Jiang Yi dialed the police number.

The second the call was about to be dialed, the middle-aged woman came up and snatched Jiang Yi's cell phone away as if she had seen a ghost.

"It's such a trivial matter, why don't you call the police? You have to worry about so much with a child, but you are still a big star!?"

When she said this, the middle-aged woman was quite angry.

"Didn't you say you wanted to call the police?"

Compared to the excitement of the middle-aged woman, Jiang Yi looked very calm, as if he was not the one who was almost robbed of his phone just now.

After hearing Jiang Yi's words and seeing Jiang Yi's reaction, the middle-aged woman's face felt as if she had knocked over a palette. It turned green, white, and purple from holding back.

"Anyway, I don't care about anything else. I just called the police and let the police decide who is right and who is wrong in this matter." Jiang Yi seemed to really not care about this matter. After arriving at the police station, What results will it bring.

But the middle-aged woman was not stupid enough to actually call the police.

Although they defend their sons, the middle-aged women know very clearly that they are not responsible for this matter. If they go to the police station, they will not get anything good.

And there are so many people in the live broadcast room at the moment, it will be really humiliating when the time comes!


The middle-aged woman seemed to want to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't even utter a word.

After seeing this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room all exclaimed with joy.

"Teacher Jiang Yi is really tough. Don't you want to call the police? If so, then really report it!"

"So she also knew that their matter was unreasonable, so she became furious when Teacher Jiang Yi said that he wanted to call the police."

"If you kick Teacher Jiang Yi, you've kicked the iron plate!"

"If something like this happens again next time, I will never swallow my anger again!"

"You have to confront such a person head-on. Only when you are more rogue and more tyrannical than a rogue will he be afraid, otherwise he will just slap you in the face!"

"Yes, that's it!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were right. At this moment, the middle-aged woman looked at Jiang Yi's still calm and peaceful look, and she was indeed a little scared.

After glancing at the son next to her and then at Jiang Yi, who was holding a mobile phone and looking like he would call the police anytime and anywhere, the middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and finally slapped the son next to her on the buttocks.

"It makes you worry! It makes you make trouble! Why don't you apologize to uncle!"

After slapping her son, the middle-aged woman looked at Jiang Yi.

"I'm really sorry. What just happened was just a misunderstanding. There is no need to call the police over such a trivial matter. You think that's the truth, right? It's just a child who is ignorant."

When the middle-aged woman said these words, her face changed faster than the sky.

The child seemed to be stunned by the middle-aged woman's slap. After a few seconds, he burst into tears. At the same time, he threw all the other milk tea in his hand to the ground, sat down and started. Splash.

The child's cry was already very sharp, but at this moment it attracted the attention of others.

After the middle-aged woman noticed that the people around her were pointing at her, she couldn't bear it anymore and pulled the little boy up from the ground.

"Why are you crying! Stop crying!!"

But instead of shutting up, the little boy cried even harder.

While crying, he hit the middle-aged woman with his hands and feet.

The seven or eight-year-old boy was not weak at all. With just a few blows, the middle-aged woman quickly got several bloody wounds on the back of her hand.

At this moment, almost all netizens in the live broadcast room are saying that middle-aged women have brought it upon themselves.

After seeing these comments and noticing the looks the people around her were looking at her, the middle-aged woman couldn't stand it anymore.

After turning off the live broadcast, hurriedly put the phone in his pocket, and half pulled and half dragged the little boy away.

After people leave, the barbecue restaurant becomes peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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