Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 665 The premiere is over! Interview? Don't stop me from rushing to Game 2!

Chapter 665 The premiere is over! Interview? Don't stop me from rushing to Game 2!

It took nearly a minute or two before the applause started.

Then the applause became more and more violent.

Chen Yuan was also among those applauding. He had already forgotten all the faults he had picked out.

He even feels like he hasn't seen enough yet.

After seeing the audience's reaction, Zhang Yimou turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yi and others next to him, with a bit of pride on his face.

When Jiang Yi was cast as King Qin Yingzheng, many people in the industry were not optimistic about the matter.

Even after they released the behind-the-scenes clips, there were still people who didn't have hope for Jiang Yi.

And now the truth is before them.

He wanted to see who else could say those nonsense words without conscience!

At this moment, netizens on the Internet are already waiting and scratching their heads.

Generally speaking, after the premiere of a movie, everyone should be able to come out one after another, and there are already a lot of media waiting outside the theater, just waiting to get first-hand information.

But as the movie ended, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, fifteen minutes passed, and the media still didn't recognize it and looked at each other, even wondering if they were in the wrong place.

"This is really weird. The movie should have ended long ago. Why is there no one there?"

A male reporter glanced at the time as he spoke. He really couldn't figure out what was going on?

The other people next to him also nodded, and they also felt a little weird about this situation.

"This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. Whether it is good or bad, someone has to come out and talk about it. Why can't even half of the people be seen? Are we in the wrong place?"

"How could we have come to the wrong place? Those words outside are still there. Then I think there must be other reasons for this. Just wait a little longer!"

"I want you to tell me, there must be other reasons for this, and I know it myself! But speaking of it, director Zhang Yimou is really courageous. When the filming started, few people were optimistic that Teacher Jiang Yi could play the role. Director Zhang Yimou is the only one who plays the role of King Qin Yingzheng well and can defy all the expectations!"

As reporters, they are usually in the circle, so they naturally know some things and news more clearly than others.

Although the director has the rights to make a movie, whether it is a movie or the final form of the script, at this time, it is the investors who can ultimately determine it.

If you have milk, you are your mother; if you have money, you are your father.

Film investors have the greatest say.

Although Jiang Yi was already very famous at that time, he had never filmed a movie before.

Every other line is like a mountain, so most people don't think highly of it.

It was Zhang Yimou who overcame all opinions and saved Jiang Yi.

And as far as they know, if this movie is going to hit the streets, there will be a big price to pay for the film.

While the reporters were whispering, netizens could no longer hold back.

"Aren't you people so strict with your mouth? It's been three or four hours, why is there no movement at all?"

"Not to mention the reporters who were waiting outside the cinema, waiting for first-hand news. They didn't seem to get any news." "Is there anything you can't tell us? Whether it's good or bad, it has to be. There must be some movement!"

"My friend got a ticket. Before he entered the cinema today, he swore to me that he would never be affected by my previous public opinions and would definitely take a good look at what this movie is about."

"So, has your friend told you what's going on?"

"That's bullshit, that kid just stopped hearing from him soon after the movie started. He doesn't reply to any messages!"

"Okay. Judging from this reaction, I feel relieved. I guess your friend has been slapped in the face."

"Hahahahaha, what a coincidence, I feel the same way."

"But can you please stop making us guess here? I looked at the time. It has been almost 20 minutes since they entered the venue, and it will be half an hour soon!"

"I remember the interview was not after the movie? Did they conduct the interview live immediately after the movie was released!?"

Amid the speculations of netizens, there is finally something happening in the cinema.

Audiences walked out of the cinema one after another.

Reporters who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately swarmed in.

In the face of their inquiries, although the audience's reactions were mixed, their evaluations of the movie were surprisingly unanimous.

"Hello, can I do an interview? After watching the movie, what kind of evaluation can you give to this movie now?"

A reporter stood in front of Chen Yuan.

After looking at the camera and the reporter's somewhat curious expression, Chen Yuan let out a long breath.

"Well, to be honest, before watching this movie, I actually didn't have much hope for Teacher Jiang Yi. I even watched the movie with a critical eye. At the beginning of the movie, I had this thought Nothing has changed.”

"But it turns out that there is a reason why Director Zhang Yimou has become a famous director in the industry. At least his vision is 18 blocks ahead of people like us!"

When he said this, Chen Yuan's expression became much more serious.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I did misunderstand you before. Although you may not care, I still have to apologize to you, and this movie will definitely not disappoint you!"

After saying this, Chen Yuan planned to leave, but the reporter was a little unwilling to give up, so he stood in front of Chen Yuan.

"Besides these, is there anything else you want to tell us?"

Faced with the relentless pursuit of reporters, Chen Yuan stopped for a moment.

"I think it's useless no matter what I say. You still have to watch it yourself to know. And please don't get in my way. I won't be able to catch up with the second movie."

That's right, Chen Yuan had already bought the next movie ticket on his mobile phone just now. The theater was a little far away from them, so he had to rush there as soon as possible!

After hearing what Chen Yuan said, the reporter obviously didn't react, with a look of confusion on his face.

It wasn't until he subconsciously stepped aside a little, and after the person left, that the reporter realized what he was doing. He turned his head and looked at the colleague in charge of filming next to him, and the two looked at each other in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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