Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 666: Apart from money, there is nothing in this world that everyone can like!

Chapter 666: Apart from money, there is nothing in this world that everyone likes!

The video of the reporter interviewing Chen Yuan quickly spread on the Internet, quickly attracting a large number of netizens to come and have fun.

"To be honest, I didn't really watch the previous clips, but when the boy in the back said that the reporter was preventing him from going to the next movie. And when the reporter looked confused but still gave in, I was really impressed. It’s hilarious!”

"I think this action alone is worth a thousand words!"

"I'm really curious, what on earth were they doing when they stayed in there for nearly half an hour? Isn't there anyone who can tell us?"

"It doesn't matter if I can't get a movie ticket, but now I'm still trying to make trouble with us. I'm really good at making trouble."

"I couldn't get a bus ticket when I went home during the Chinese New Year, and now I can't even get a movie ticket. I really feel like I'm so useless!"

"Hahahaha, let me tell you what we were doing for half an hour. In fact, we were all taking photos with Teacher Jiang Yi and the other starring teachers!"

After someone came out and posted such a sentence, he also attached a photo.

There is a large group of people in the photo, but Teacher Jiang Yi and others can still be seen clearly.

This photo seems to have been taken in a chaotic manner. The netizen stood in the front and looked at the big-toothed man, smiling so hard at the camera that his teeth could not be seen.

Behind him, Teacher Jiang Yi happened to look at the camera. After realizing that the netizen was taking a photo, he made the same pose.

Netizens only discovered this when they were looking at the photos after taking them, and they couldn't be more excited.

After netizens saw this photo, they all turned into lemon spirits.

"I'm really crying. Teacher Jiang Yi actually cooperated with you in taking photos. Haha, I'm going to your house to assassinate you right now."

"So you're just sneaking around without taking us with you, right?"

"Ha, this not only reminds me of a certain so-called big star. When the same thing happened, he actually asked his staff to drive him away, but in fact he was not photographed at all. He just stood there. Just taking pictures of flowers."

"I really think I am loved by everyone!"

"I'll fight you guys! Why can't such good luck resonate with me?"

After this netizen, one after another others posted their photos.

There were howls online.

And this movie quickly became a hot search topic.

In addition to ordinary viewers who were lucky enough to grab tickets, most of the premiere attendees were professionals in the industry and major film critics.

When they were interviewed by reporters, they no longer spoke words like Chen Yuan's.

One of the film critics with tens of millions of fans on Douyin even rushed out a video after returning home.

The video was released that night.

His fans also gathered as quickly as possible.

"This is the first time I've seen the old ghost's speed be so amazing! It was even harder to get him to update the video before!"

"I went to watch the movie in the morning, and the video was released in the evening. Good, good, good. I hope you can continue to keep up this speed!"

"To be honest, I'm still looking forward to the movie, and I also want to know what the old ghost will say about it!"

Looking at such comments, the old ghost, the blogger, thought about the movie he watched today, with a slightly complicated look on his face.

In fact, there are some parts of the movie that the old ghost himself did not understand, but this does not hinder the integrity of the movie.

Even if it weren't for the fact that he had to come back to prepare the video, he would have wanted to watch it again.

Exhaling a breath, he also turned his attention to the video.

The video begins.

He used Jiang Yi's picture.

"Six countries are nothing!" "I want to lead the cavalry of Great Qin to conquer a huge empire!!"

As Jiang Yi finished speaking, the screen began to flash rapidly.

From the battlefield, Qin's cavalry army was invincible. The battlefield was filled with blood and smoke.

There is a shot of the battlefield after the war.

There were broken military flags on the ground, corpses were piled up, and crows flew over to eat the corpses on the ground.

War is accompanied by bloodshed and death.

As the screen turned, the camera returned to the confrontation between King Qin and Wuming in the main hall.

It fell on the calligraphy hanging behind King Qin again.

It fell on the word "tianxia".

What is ringing here is the conversation between Wuming and Canjian in the past.

The accompanying scene was the previous confrontation between Can Jian and King Qin.

On that occasion, Can Jian could kill King Qin as long as he had this intention.

But he didn't do that.

The old ghost's voice sounded.

"Can Jian didn't attack King Qin. He really hated King Qin for causing the destruction of their country and family, but he also knew very well why King Qin did this."

"At that time, the seven kingdoms were in a stage of constant war, and the people were suffering from wars and disputes all year round. At that time, what they faced was actually no better than the situation when King Qin used force to conquer the other six kingdoms."

"Whether to kill King Qin and let something like this happen again, or to endure these personal grudges, Can Jian was probably the first among them to make the decision."

But not everyone can make such a decision.

Because of this broken sword and Feixue.

In the end both of them died.

After Wuming told King Qin everything, he went to die calmly.

In the end, King Qin may not have wanted to save Wu Ming, but he couldn't.

Nameless must die.

"It is undeniable that director Zhang Yimou has indeed achieved unparalleled achievements in these aspects."

"The movie Hero is almost perfect in terms of script selection and every aspect, even in the details."

"Someone said before that the only and biggest failure of this movie is Jiang Yi, but after watching the whole movie, I just want to say that if someone still thinks this way after watching this movie , then I think either you just don’t understand it at all, or you’re telling lies with your eyes open!”

When he said this, everyone could clearly hear the old ghost sighing.

"It's just that from my perspective after watching so many movies, different people may have different opinions on this movie. I can only say that Teacher Jiang Yi has absolutely no problems in this movie. "

After all, everyone has different views and opinions on things.

Apart from money, there is probably nothing in this world that everyone likes.


This movie may actually be quite controversial in some aspects.

But none of this prevents this movie from being a once-in-a-lifetime good movie!

(End of this chapter)

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