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Chapter 674 The concert venue is confirmed! The pressure is on the Yuncheng government! !

Chapter 674 The concert venue is confirmed! The pressure is on the Yuncheng government! !

Without any further pretense, Jiang Yi announced the list on the spot after everyone was selected.

Anyone who hears his name is naturally overjoyed.

Those who don't have their own names are wilted, which looks like it makes them more uncomfortable than failing the exam.

On this day, many students of Yangyin High School found that their classmates or friends had left for several hours inexplicably. When they came back, they either looked crazy with joy or lost their minds. It's like losing millions.

But when asked, they said nothing.

However, there was no special cover-up about Jiang Yizhi's coming to Yangyin High School, so some people quickly noticed it.

At first, someone nearby accidentally took the photo when Jiang Yi left. He was a little unsure, so he posted the photo online for everyone to confirm.

After seeing the photo taken by this person, countless netizens immediately appeared under this post.

"I dare to swear that this is definitely Teacher Jiang Yi. It's strange, why did Teacher Jiang Yi suddenly go to Yangyin High School?"

"Damn it, my home is near Yangyin High School, but I actually ran out to watch a movie with my boyfriend today. Why should I go out to watch a movie with him? Maybe I can still see Teacher Jiang Yi when I stay at home Woolen cloth!"

"Why did Teacher Jiang Yi come to Yangyin Affiliated High School? He shouldn't have come to Yangyin Affiliated High School to be a teacher!"

"I think this is unlikely. I am more inclined to think that there may be some activities in the future and I will come to the Central High School Affiliated to the Yangyin High School because of the needs of this activity."

"My brother is also from Yangyin High School. He was dumped from a car after he came back from school today. Could it be related to Teacher Jiang Yi? No, let me ask again!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone was a little curious about what Jiang Yi was going to do when he came to Yangyin High School.

And Jiang Yi did not deliberately hide the news. Not only was he worried about what might happen to the Central High School, but now that everyone has confirmed it, there is nothing to hide.

After contacting CCTV and confirming it, Jiang Yi released the matter.

CCTV also announced this matter immediately.

I just learned that Jiang Yi went to the High School Affiliated to the Central Academy of Music to select chorus candidates for the May 4th Youth Day CCTV event.

Netizens who were originally enjoying the melon suddenly lost their composure.

"What a chance to have close contact with Jiang Yi! I can't wait for my soul to pass through me!"

"What's the use of your soul passing through? Yang Yin is originally a music student, and only 20 people jumped out from so many people. If you soul pass through, are you sure you can still be among these 20 people? "

"Am I the only one who wants to know what songs Teacher Jiang Yi can sing!?"

"No wonder my brother is so devastated when he comes back. He is a loyal fan of Teacher Jiang Yi. I originally wanted to say a few words to him, but looking at his pitiful look, I didn't dare to say anything more."

"It's so pitiful. I was not chosen by my idol and then I have to be criticized by my parents again. If I were your brother and I was criticized twice more, I feel like I want to die."

"How long is the May Fourth Movement? Why is there still more than a month? Why does time go by so slowly? Can't it go by faster!" "I'm fully prepared! I must do it by then. See it for the first time.”

Everyone on the Internet is talking about this matter a lot, and they are all very enthusiastic about it.

While everyone was discussing this matter, Jiang Yi had already started rehearsing with the 20 students.

The song Jiang Yi brought them to sing this time is called "Young Chinese Story".

This song is very suitable for the May 4th Youth Day in terms of lyrics and artistic conception. It is also very suitable for this group of students who are now in their prime and full of youth.

Although they are just a group of teenagers, their basic skills are very good and they are all very talented. Except for a small problem with the running-in at the beginning, after the running-in period, everyone quickly got into the state.

The progress is truly amazing.

During this period, the location of the concert has also been determined.

Mei Rou has already agreed on the venue for the concert.

The Yuncheng people were very happy when they found out that Teacher Jiang Yi was coming to their place to hold a concert.

Not only did they cooperate with Jiang Yi and the others, but they also gave Jiang Yi and the others a lot of convenience.

Jiang Yi was not secretive about her preparations for the concert, and all the filing information could be found online.

It's just that no one expected Jiang Yi to do this so soon, so no one paid attention to it before. It wasn't until a certain occasion, and the Yuncheng government jointly publicized it with Jiang Yi, that everyone really paid attention. Knowing this, countless people were shocked.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I read that right. Teacher Jiang Yi is going to hold a concert, and the venue has been decided so far. Why didn't anyone say anything before!?"

"It's not like no one said it. I remember saying it, but no one seemed to believe it. Didn't everyone say they thought it was a rumor?"

"I didn't expect Teacher Jiang Yi to come to Yuncheng to hold a concert. I must grab this ticket!"

"I really cried to death. I always go to other places to watch concerts. I never thought that one day my idol would hold a concert in front of my house, and it was the first stop. I feel like I have never seen a concert in other places. Won’t all luck be used on this matter?”

"Teacher Jiang Yi didn't seem to say that this was a concert tour or something like that. Could it be just this one time?"

"I can predict how many people there will be in Yuncheng next, but I don't have any regional discrimination in Yuncheng. I feel that the construction in various aspects is not very good at keeping up..."

"Okay, the locals in Yuncheng are going to speak out. Yes, what you said is indeed correct. This is indeed the case here in Yuncheng... But the road near my home that has been delayed for several years is not built. Construction started this morning!”

"There is so much pressure on the Yuncheng government. Such a big pie has landed on you from the sky. If you still can't seize this opportunity, there is nothing you can do!"

"I can't imagine how much economic mobilization Teacher Jiang Yi's concert can bring to the clouds. The economic KPIs in the next few years should be completed, right!?"

"I hope you can give me some help! By the way, when will Teacher Jiang Yi start selling tickets!!"

(End of this chapter)

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