Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 675 The matter is confirmed! Fans are paying heavily for votes! !

Chapter 675 The matter is confirmed! Fans are paying heavily for votes! !
Jiang Yi also received a call from Xue Qianqian.

"You're such a capable boy. You didn't tell me before it was decided. I originally thought you would set the concert in Kyoto."

As soon as the call was connected, Xue Qianqian's voice could be heard, and his thoughts were indeed similar to Mei Rou's previous thoughts.

They all thought that Jiang Yi's first concert would be held in Kyoto.

Judging from Jiang Yi's current popularity and traffic, it is not difficult to hold a concert here, and there is no need to worry about the venue.

After Jiang Yi heard Xue Qianqian's words, he just sat down on the sofa next to him.

"We can still stay here in Kyoto later."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Xue Qianqian smiled and said, "Okay, have you set a specific time? I will definitely come over to support you then! Remember to leave a ticket for me!"

Xue Qianqian said this confidently.

"Okay, of course I'll keep it for you."

Jiang Yi couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

But now the concert is probably scheduled to take place in a few months.

After all, Jiang Yi has other things to be busy with now, and it is true that the concert cannot start so soon.

After chatting with Xue Qianqian for a while, Jiang Yi hung up the phone.

After all, he had to meet someone else this afternoon.

That is Zhang Yixing.

Zhang Yixing also invited Jiang Yi to attend his concert before, and Jiang Yi agreed to be the guest. Jiang Yi still remembered this matter, so when Zhang Yixing contacted him, Jiang Yi was very happy , and agreed with them on the time and place to meet.

As for them, they were actually a bit uneasy about Jiang Yi's previous promise that they would come to the concert as guests.

But after Jiang Yi quickly agreed to let them meet and talk in detail, his heart finally fell.

"But isn't Teacher Jiang Yi planning his own concert? Will there not be much time on our side by then?"

The agent next to him glanced at Zhang Yixing worriedly.

But after Zhang Yixing heard what his agent said, his expression was particularly calm.

"What's the point? In short, as long as Teacher Jiang Yi can come, it's enough. Even if he just comes to sing half a song, I don't think it matters much."

Let's not talk about other things, just because of Jiang Yi's current popularity, as long as he can appear at the concert, it will be something that will bring huge popularity and traffic.

Although Zhang Yixing seems to be quite popular now, he has only just come back not long after all, and his fan base in China has not actually reached a large level yet.

If we can go further through this concert, it will indeed be a once-in-a-lifetime good thing.

The manager also nodded after hearing what Zhang Yixing said. He had no other thoughts, he was just a little worried.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Jiang Yi appeared in the restaurant.

After seeing Jiang Yi come in, Zhang Yixing immediately showed a respectful smile on his face, and then stood up directly.

"Teacher Jiang Yi." Seeing Zhang Yixing like this, Jiang Yi paused for a moment. He was almost startled by Zhang Yixing's appearance. After a pause, he waved his hand.

"It's okay, no need to be so polite, just sit down."

Zhang Yixing nodded slightly when he heard Jiang Yi's words, and then sat down again. The manager next to him spoke first.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I think we've pretty much discussed everything before. Now it's time to confirm with Teacher Jiang Yi what we're going to do next..."

If it were an ordinary guest, there would be no need to come specifically to see him in private.

But after all, the identity of a boy is here.

Before the manager finished speaking, Zhang Yixing next to him spoke again.

"I know Teacher Jiang Yi that you want to hold your own concert. If you don't have enough time, I won't make it difficult for you, Teacher Jiang Yi."

Zhang Yixing looked very serious when he said this. Seeing him like this, the manager wanted to speak, but after thinking of something, he finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Jiang Yi was very calm after hearing Zhang Yixing's words, "Since it is something I promised you before, then I will naturally do it. I can do it, you just arrange the time."

Jiang Yi is indeed easy to talk to.

Thinking of the descriptions of Jiang Yi by people in the circle, a hint of subtlety and complexity flashed through Zhang Yixing's eyes at this moment.

The agent next to him didn't expect Jiang Yi to give such an answer, and the look on his face was slightly stiff.

But at least the manager had seen strong winds and waves, and he quickly reacted after a few seconds, smiling at Jiang Yi and nodding.

"Since Teacher Jiang Yi has said so, there must be no problem on our side. Don't worry, Teacher Jiang Yi, we will definitely arrange it as soon as possible."

The talks between the two parties have no other meaning.

It's just to determine the final time, so this meeting can be considered a win-win situation.

As for the meeting between Jiang Yi and Zhang Yixing, because neither of them deliberately concealed it, the media reporters who were also watching it quickly spread it to the Internet.

After confirming Jiang Yi's opinion, Zhang Yixing and the others did not hide the fact that Jiang Yi would come to the concert as a guest guest.

Although generally there is no dedicated person to cover up this kind of thing, but for the sake of a sense of mystery, most other singers still choose to keep in touch privately.

When netizens learned that Jiang Yi would appear at Zhang Yixing's concert, they were originally shocked because Jiang Yi would hold a concert, but there was no news about it before. Netizens began to feel uneasy again.

"Why are you people hiding it so well? There is no news at all. If the matter hadn't been exposed now, we wouldn't have known about it!?"

"No one told us about this! Although I am a fan of Yixing, I really don't know about this!"

"No, how could you even hide this from your own fans! Can I still get the tickets if I grab them now!?"

"I can't get it now and the tickets are sold out. But if you go to scalpers, you might still be able to buy tickets, but I think the price might be sky-high."

"I got a ticket! I can actually see Teacher Jiang Yi again!!"

"We pay a lot of money for tickets, and the price is easy to negotiate!"

(End of this chapter)

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