Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 680: There is nothing we can do, why do we have to ask for help! !

Chapter 680: There is nothing we can do, why do we have to ask for help! !
After this incident, Jiang Yi modified his original itinerary and met Director Zhang one day earlier.

In addition to Jiang Yi, there were also several other main creators of the movie who went abroad with them this time.

Going abroad for movie promotion is a common thing for them.

While chatting, the topic turned to Jiang Yi again.

Zhang Yimou spoke first.

"Jiang Yi, did you read what I gave you last time? How do you feel about it?"

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi, who had been lost in thought, finally brought his thoughts back.

Jiang Yi simply flipped through the script after he went back, but he didn't have time to read it carefully. He originally planned to talk about it after this period of time passed.

Now when he suddenly heard Zhang Yimou say this, Jiang Yi didn't know how to speak.

Looking at Jiang Yi like this, Zhang Yimou probably guessed something.

For a moment, he sighed helplessly.

"If it had been any other actor under me who had done this, I would have turned against you a long time ago, but in the end it was just you, Jiang Yi..."

The other actors were all happy after hearing Zhang Yimou's words.

"I remember when I was filming director Zhang's scene for the first time, I was scolded and cried. There were so many people on the crew at that time, and it was really embarrassing to cry in public!"

"Who isn't? When I usually keep a straight face, I don't even dare to say anything. When my eyes glance over, I'm afraid that I didn't do something right just now!"

"Who would have thought that Director Zhang's nemesis is actually Teacher Jiang Yi!"

Everyone made fun of the conspiracy with each other.

They wouldn't have done such a thing before, but during this period because of Jiang Yi, they gradually discovered that Zhang Yimou was not as unapproachable as he seemed on the surface, and he was quite a kind person in private. people.

"That's because Director Zhang wants something from Jiang Yi, and we want something from Director Zhang. These relationships are different. How can Director Zhang be so kind to us?"

Someone suddenly spoke. Although the words were a bit harsh, they were indeed reality.

Speaking of this matter, Zhang Yimou was also a little helpless.

He wanted Jiang Yi to play the role in his script, but Jiang Yi really didn't have the intention.

He had been searching for a long time before he found such a suitable person, so naturally he would not let him go so easily.

"Okay, everyone, please stop making fun of me."

Jiang Yi smiled helplessly after listening to their words.

Although I only briefly read the script last time, Jiang Yi had a little understanding of the general plot. To be honest, Jiang Yi was really interested in this script.

But he planned to read the entire script carefully when he got back and then give Zhang Yimou an answer.

On the day the crew members went abroad, someone took a picture of them at the airport, and it was immediately posted online.

There are many netizens popping up right now.

"There was news before that Hero will be released abroad, and it seems that the news is true now!"

"I originally thought about finding time to fly back to China to watch this movie, but now it seems that I don't need to! When will it be released overseas!"

"Flying back just to watch a movie!? Oh my god, what will happen if I have one more rich person in the world!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi is also coming with us, but Yixing's concert..."

"No way, isn't the concert postponed for a few days? Didn't Teacher Jiang Yi say there was news before? In fact, he has already gone to the Yixing concert, but it has been postponed. It is impossible to miss the movie promotion for this reason, right? ?”

"Ah, I originally thought I could see Teacher Jiang Yi at Yixing's concert!" "It's not from upstairs. Whose fan are you!?"

"I don't care who is a fan of whose family. The first stop promoted by Teacher Jiang Yi and others is the beautiful country, and I happen to be there! I must be a part of the airport pick-up!"

"Maybe we can even take a photo with Teacher Jiang Yi or something like that!"

While netizens were talking endlessly, Jiang Yi, the crew and others had already boarded a plane to the beautiful country.

When they landed, just after they came out of the airport, Jiang Yi and the others saw fans waiting outside for a long time.

There are Chinese people all over the world, and this sentence is no joke.

When those fans saw Jiang Yi's people coming out, they immediately burst into earth-shattering cheers, causing other people around them to look over in confusion.

"Teacher Jiang Yi!!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, when are you going to hold a global tour? Can you come to our place once?"

Excited shouts erupted from the crowd.

Zhen Zidan, who was next to Jiang Yi, looked at him with complicated eyes.

“It’s really popular!”

Hearing what Zhen Zaidan said, Jiang Yi coughed.

Although the fans present were excited, no accidents occurred. They stayed at a safe distance from Jiang Yi and the others in their excitement throughout the process. After interacting with each other and saying hello, other members of the crew were also greeted by fans, and the scene was very lively for a while.

But after coming out of the airport, the flow of people suddenly increased.

In addition to Jiang Yi and the others, there seemed to be other celebrities who came here today and cheered. Thinking about it from the other side, the fans there were not much more chaotic than Jiang Yi and the others.

People on both sides collided, and even Jiang Yi and his fans were affected.


A girl was so squeezed that she was about to fall down the stairs.

Beside him, Jiang Yi had quick eyesight and quick hands to pull the person back to a safe zone.

The girls had already closed their eyes, preparing themselves for the pain.

After realizing that he was pulled back by an inexplicable force, he subconsciously opened his eyes, only to see Jiang Yi standing in front of him. For a moment, his nervous heart almost jumped out of his throat. .

"Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"Are you okay?"

Jiang Yi looked at the girl and asked.

The girl shook her head subconsciously.

The chaos at the scene did not last long, and security guards soon came to maintain order at the scene.

In addition, the celebrity came and went in a hurry, and after the chaotic fans left, the originally chaotic airport quickly returned to order and calm.

Jiang Yi and the others did not stay at the airport too long. They had already arranged a car to pick them up and take them to the hotel.

The girl who was saved by Jiang Yi was standing at the back of the crowd in a daze, looking a little lost.

The friends around her also saw with their own eyes the scene where Jiang Yilai pulled her just now, and they saw her getting close to him like this.

"Why did Teacher Jiang Yi pull you so hard that your brain was damaged!?"

(End of this chapter)

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