Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 681 The first stop of the beautiful country road show! Sudden danger! !

Chapter 681 The first stop of the beautiful country road show! Sudden danger! !

While the news was spreading on the Internet, Jiang Yi and the others had already settled in the hotel where they were staying.

And Jiang Yi also saw the news on the Internet.

Zhang Xiaoxiao next to him was also watching this.

After reading it, she turned to look at Jiang Yi, with a bit of pleading on her face.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, when you are going to do something like this in the future, can you give me a look in advance? You know I saw you suddenly run away at the airport before, and then there was..."

When he said this, Zhang Xiaoxiao's face showed a bit of hopelessness.

For a moment, he was thinking about how he would explain to Mei Rou if something happened to Jiang Yi.

He even thought about dying to apologize and where he would be buried after his death.

Fortunately, the situation did not go in this bad direction.

Jiang Yi not only successfully rescued the person, but also was not injured himself. The Internet now also has positive comments about Jiang Yi.

But when he thought of the situation at that time, Zhang Xiaoxiao still felt that his heart was beating rapidly, as if it could jump out of his throat immediately.

Jiang Yi also acted subconsciously at the time. Before he could react, his body had already taken action. After all, if he had not passed by at that time, the girl would indeed be in danger.

But looking at Zhang Xiaoxiao's pitiful appearance, Jiang Yi nodded.

"Don't worry, I will definitely tell you in advance if something like this happens in the future. You don't have to worry about Mei Rou, he won't blame you for this little thing."

Listening to what Jiang Yi said, Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly felt more uneasy in his heart.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, please stop talking about the lag. If this happens again, I will really be scared to death. Okay, teacher, I have packed everything for you. I will get up early and knock on the door tomorrow morning."

After all, they had been running around all day, so Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't stay long.

After Zhang Xiaoxiao left.

Jiang Yi breathed a long sigh of relief.

The next day.

He was woken up by Zhang Xiaoxiao's knock on the door.

Jiang Yi got up, had breakfast, and then had a meeting with Zhang Yimou and the others.

Then it was time to go to the road show.

All these have been arranged in advance, Jiang Yi and the others just need to be there.

Originally I thought there wouldn't be too many people at the scene, but after arriving at the place, Jiang Yi realized that he was really overly worried.

Let’s not talk about the situation inside the venue, but there were four or five circles of people surrounding the venue.

Especially after Jiang Yi and others appeared, the scene immediately erupted with cheers and flashes of lights.

In addition to Chinese people, there were many foreign faces at the scene.

"Director Zhang seems that this movie is more successful than we imagined!"

After seeing this scene, Jiang Yi turned to look at Zhang Yimou next to him.

Zhang Yimou seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and his expression remained unchanged at this moment.

And because of the special security situation in the beautiful country, there were even a lot of police on site.

After entering the venue, the venue was full of people.

In the front row were reporters from major media.

Their flashes haven't stopped since Jiang Yi and the others came in.

Just when Jiang Yi and the others were about to step onto the stage, something else suddenly happened!
A man in a black coat suddenly jumped out from the corner next to him!
The man's hand holds a small red button.

Madness written all over his face.

After seeing this scene, screams immediately erupted from the scene. The man came towards Jiang Yi and the others, just at the moment when he was about to press the button in his hand.

Like a black panther ready to strike, Jiang Yi arrived at the man's side with lightning speed.

He reached out and grabbed the man's hand, and those who were close could even clearly hear the sound of the man's bones breaking.

And the man also let out a painful cry.

After the button in his hand fell to the ground, Jiang Yi kicked it up with quick eyes and hands, and then threw it to Zhen Zaidan.

"Hold it, don't press it!"

After getting the button, Zhen Zidan was a little stiff, but he reacted quickly.

All this happened in just two minutes.

By the time other people at the scene reacted, the man who rushed out had already been pinned to the ground by Jiang Yi.

One of his arms was twisted in an abnormal posture, and the other one was pressed on his back by Jiang Yi. At the same time, Jiang Yi knelt down on the man's body.

"be honest!"

Seeing that the man was still struggling, Jiang Yi twisted his arm unceremoniously.

Unbearable pain came, and the man calmed down.

After seeing him calm down, Jiang Yi let out a breath.

Fortunately, he had exchanged martial arts proficiency with the system before, otherwise today's situation would have ended badly.

Judging from the situation in the beautiful country, Jiang Yi had no doubt that if the bomb tied to this man's body really exploded successfully, more than half of them would be killed or injured.

After other people at the scene saw that the person had been controlled by Jiang Yi, their original panic gradually calmed down, and they all looked at Jiang Yi with gleaming eyes.

After a few minutes.

Only then did the police arrive in a hurry.

The leader wiped the cold sweat from his face.

Today's matter is big or small.

Speaking on a larger scale, but when it comes to the national level, they definitely want to reduce big things to small things, and it is best to reduce small things to small things.

They urgently defused the bomb tied to the man and escorted him away.

The person in charge of today's venue, Cole, an old man with some gray hair, came in a hurry with a cane.

After confirming that there were no other casualties at the scene, he kept crossing himself on his chest.

"God! Zhang! Are you all okay? Why would such a person appear here today! Didn't I ask you to upgrade your security measures to the highest level!!"

Cole turned to look at the security chief beside him.

The person in charge of security knew that he was in the wrong, and he didn't dare to speak with his pale face at this moment.

There is also some friendship between Cole and Zhang Yimou.

But in today's situation, let's not talk about friendship or lack of friendship.

After all, if Jiang Yi hadn't gone up and controlled the person, he might not have survived to speak here now.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou's face darkened at this moment.

"What the hell is going on Cole? Is this how you treat guests!"

Cole wiped the sweat from his head, "Of course not! Zhang! Don't worry, I will definitely give you a proper answer to this matter!"

After saying these words, he turned his attention to Jiang Yi next to him.

On the way here, he already knew things from the people around him.

Knowing that Jiang Yi controlled people did not make things worse!
(End of this chapter)

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