Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 685 I don’t know if I think too highly of them or if I look down on them!

Chapter 685 I don’t know if I think too highly of them or if I look down on them!

After this road show is over.


Jiang Yi and others were chatting, but Zhang Yimou suddenly came to Jiang Yi.

"Jiang Yi, come here, there is someone I want to introduce you to."

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi subconsciously looked at the person behind Zhang Yimou.

It was an old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies.

Although his hair is a little gray, he is still very well groomed. He is wearing a black suit and holding a cane. He looks like the kind of gentleman and old aristocrat who came out of the Middle Ages.

But Jiang Yi always felt that this face looked a bit familiar.

He stood up and followed Zhang Yimou to the old man's side.

The old man looked Jiang Yi up and down first, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello young man."

The old man's Chinese is unexpectedly fluent.

Although Jiang Yi didn't quite know the identity of the old man in front of him, he could guess a little from Zhang Yimou's attitude.


"It may be a bit presumptuous to come here rashly. I want to invite you to participate in one of my movies. Oh, of course you don't need to answer me right away. You just need to think carefully and I will give you plenty of time."

The old man did not beat around the bush, but stated his intention directly.

After hearing this, Jiang Yi frowned slightly.

Seeing Jiang Yi like this, the old man just smiled, and an assistant immediately handed over a business card.

"I'm sorry, but I may not have this intention..."

Jiang Yi didn't mean to expose it, but the old man didn't seem surprised by Jiang Yi's answer.

"No matter what, I hope you can think about it."

Zhang Yimou, who was standing next to him, calmly handed Jiang Yi a look and signaled him to take the business card.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Jiang Yi finally took the business card over.

After seeing Jiang Yi accept the business card, Zhang Yimou smiled, then walked to the old man's side and started talking to him in a low voice.

Before Jiang Yi had time to take a good look at the content on the business card, a hand suddenly reached his shoulder.

Jiang Yi turned around and saw Zhen Zaidan.

"Brother Dan."

"Every time Jiang Yi calls me that, I feel a little weird."

Hearing Jiang Yi address him, Zhen Zaidan made an exaggerated grin.

As soon as he interrupted him, Jiang Yi put the business card into his pocket and forgot to take a closer look.

"What? What's wrong with the title?"

After getting along with each other during filming and road shows, Jiang Yi has a very good relationship with the people in the crew.

And because Donnie Yen is a martial arts actor, he has a very cheerful personality.

I still admire Jiang Yi very much.

"No need to be so polite!"

The two of them walked in another direction while talking, but Jiang Yi always felt as if someone was looking at him, so he followed his intuition and looked in another direction, but saw nothing.

"Is there anything?" Zhen Zaidan subconsciously glanced in the direction Jiang Yi was looking at.


Jiang Yi withdrew his gaze.

While Jiang Yi's road show abroad was progressing smoothly, the domestic Internet was always paying attention to their situation.

"When will Teacher Jiang Yi's concert be held? I look forward to officially confirming the time every day."

"Who isn't! But judging from the current situation, it will take at least a few months!"

"Didn't someone take a photo of meeting Teacher Jiang Yi on the road before? Isn't there any other content?"

"Speaking of which, it wasn't that Teacher Jiang Yi and I met by chance, but Reba was filming a commercial before. During the filming of the blockbuster, I seemed to have seen Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"It sounds like Teacher Jiang Yi and the others were at the same place as Reba at their first stop, but are you sure it's Teacher Jiang Yi?"

"To be honest, I have been watching the commercial that Teacher Jiang Yi and Reba shot before. I really think they match each other very well!"

"Can you go somewhere else to do CP? Don't come here!"

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the industry.

After all, it is indeed a normal method to use the popularity to stir up CP.

Just when everyone was looking forward to Jiang Yi's concert.

Mei Rou first released a video for Jiang Yi

Launched suddenly without any notice.

But it still became a hot search within a short period of time.

Even though it was late at night, this video had already exceeded 10 views within a few minutes of being online!
This video is a mv of a song.

The song is exactly the sea of ​​flowers before.

This MV had already been filmed, but Jiang Yi did not release it when the song was released.

The Mei Roujiao in the MV in the video is also Reba.

The Internet is abuzz because of the CP between Jiang Yi and Reba. With this. As soon as the MV came out, the situation seemed to be getting more and more heated!

In the MV, Jiang Yi is wearing a white shirt, playing the guitar and looking up at the camera. His eyes are like the sea, seeming to immerse people in it.

"Help, Jiang Yi just looked at me like that, I feel like I really want to fall in love!"

"I really admire Jiang Yi for being able to sing those difficult songs, and also being able to sing such a fresh love song!"

"What a fresh love song. To be honest, I sang it along with Teacher Jiang Yi. My mother thought I was crying and howling in the room, so she almost came in and beat me!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi's singing of this kind of song is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, right? Among those slobbery songs now, which ones can compare with Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"Then compared with Teacher Jiang Yi, I don't know whether you think highly of them or look down on them!"

"The atmosphere of this MV is really good. I really feel like I'm watching a love movie, not a MV! This atmosphere is infinitely better than many of the bloody youth movies nowadays!"

"It seems that Jiang Yi and Reba have never been in the same frame together. The only thing they share is one hand!"

"But this feeling is even sadder, what should I do! Especially with Jiang Yi's singing voice and the lyrics of this song!"

"Okay, stop talking. It's really hard to get over the breakup. I saw this MV and cried like a dog in the middle of the night after hearing this song!"

"It's really hard not to knock them both! Now I even wonder if Teacher Jiang Yi and Reba have fallen in love privately!"

"Besides this MV, there must be many others. I advise you to release them all so that we can have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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