Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 686 I hope to release new songs in concert and act in a movie at the same time!

Chapter 686 I hope to release new songs in concert and act in a movie at the same time!

Mei Rou did not expect that Jiang Yi and Reba's CP would be hyped by netizens at this time.

After learning about this matter, she first took a look at the attitude of most netizens on the Internet towards this matter.

However, the situation seems to be better than expected.

Most netizens just have a happy-go-lucky mentality towards this matter.

It didn't really come to the fore because of this incident.

But it is true that some fans went to their accounts to ask if such a thing really happened.

"Sister Mei Rou, how are we going to deal with this matter? There seems to be further cooperation between Teacher Jiang Yi and Reba in the future, right? If we deny it too absolutely, it will be difficult to publicize the subsequent cooperation. ?”

The staff next to her looked at Mei Rou's expression at this moment and asked with a hint of subtlety.

And Mei Rou also came to her senses.

"It's okay, I will contact you to handle this matter."

After hearing Mei Rou's words, the staff nodded.

But after they left, Mei Rou did not contact Jiang Yi immediately. Instead, she stared at a video posted by a netizen for a long time.

The video is blurry.

But relying on her understanding of Jiang Yi, Mei Rou could tell at a glance that the man standing in the distance, covered up tightly, was indeed Jiang Yi.

Although she knew there was nothing between Jiang Yi and Reba, Mei Rou still felt a little sour in her heart at the moment.

After a while, she let out a long breath, and then she calmed down.

Then he called Jiang Yi.

When the call was connected, Jiang Yi was sitting by the window imagining a song for Michael.

After receiving Mei Rou's call, Jiang Yi's frown immediately relaxed.

"what happened?"

"Have you watched the domestic news? The popularity between you and Reba is relatively high on the Internet now. Do you think I should clarify it according to the previous practice, or should I let it go first as usual?"

When Mei Rou said these words, there was nothing unusual about her face, and Jiang Yi didn't notice anything wrong.

After listening to what Mei Rou said, he frowned again, and he even looked like he didn't believe his ears.

"Me and Reba's CP?"

Jiang Yi took out another mobile phone and then checked on Weibo.

He really didn't pay attention to these domestic events these days, so he really didn't expect such a thing.

But after looking at it for a while, Jiang Yi's frown relaxed.

After all, most of these were just rumors, and apart from that one commercial shoot, there actually wasn't much contact between him and Reba.

Counting the number of times they have met, you can count them clearly on two hands.

"Don't worry about it. The more clarification is provided at this time, the more they may pay attention to the cold treatment."

After saying this, Jiang Yi felt slightly inappropriate.

"You should contact Reba and see what their attitude is like."

After all, he is not the only one involved in this scandal.

When Jiang Yi said these words, he was honest from beginning to end.

Mei Rou also nodded.

"Okay, I understand, I will contact them."

Knowing that Jiang Yi had something serious to do, Mei Rou didn't bother Jiang Yi much. After talking about the matter, she told Jiang Yi to take care of her body and then hung up the phone. After contacting Reba, the answer given by Reba was basically the same as Jiang Yi's.

Netizens were originally very interested in this kind of thing for three minutes.

In a sense, cold treatment is indeed the best way to deal with it.

After all, there is indeed no relationship between them. Even if netizens dig down, they can only find some insignificant things.

Under normal circumstances, if the reaction to this kind of scandal is relatively large, it will attract more attention from netizens.

And the reality is exactly what they thought.

Soon the trend online began to change again.

"At first glance, this kind of thing is just a blind match. There is no need to be serious!"

"I said you people are really enough. Aren't we just ordinary colleagues? You are so crazy!"

"It should be said that they do match up well, but it seems that they don't do anything else in private!"

"Don't do this kind of thing. I don't want to see them cooperating in the future. After all, this kind of example of no longer cooperating because of avoiding suspicion has not happened before."

"Now I'm just waiting for Teacher Jiang Yi to prepare for his concert after he returns to China!"

"It's best to release a few new songs while preparing for the concert!"

"It's best to act in a movie or TV show or something while preparing for the concert and releasing a few new songs!"

"The donkeys in the production team didn't do this!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi can't help it. In this world, those who are able work harder. Please work hard for us, Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"You really made clear arrangements for Teacher Jiang Yi!"

Jiang Yi became a little more concerned after Mei Rou told him about it that day.

After I guessed that the matter had calmed down, I took another look online, and happened to see relevant comments.

Seeing all these netizens talking shamelessly, Jiang Yi felt a little funny and a little angry for a moment.

He chose the netizen who asked him to have a concert, release a new song, and act in a movie and responded separately.

The content of the reply is also very spiritual.

There’s just a single “Huh??”

Originally, this netizen was just looking for fun and making jokes, but he didn't expect that Jiang Yi would see it and be singled out to reply.

When I saw this new reply, I wanted to stand up from my chair with excitement, but unexpectedly my feet slipped and my butt fell to the ground.


But even so, he was holding the phone and looking excited.

The roommate next to him couldn't help but turn his head and look over when he saw him like this.

"What? Could it be that the goddess you licked returned your favor?"

"Fuck you! It was Teacher Jiang Yi who overturned my comments!"

After hearing the boy's answer, the roommate next to him immediately became uneasy and came over.

"I'll go, what's your fate, kid!"

After seeing the boy's comment and Jiang Yi's reply, the originally excited roommate's expression gradually became a little subtle, and then he patted the boy's shoulder.

"You...should say it or not, you did a great job!!"

(End of this chapter)

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