Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 698 Arriving at Cloud City! Preparations for the concert are underway! !

Chapter 698 Arriving at Cloud City! Preparations for the concert are underway! !

But plans can't keep up with changes.

Jiang Yi hasn't gone to Lu Yiyi yet, but Lu Yiyi has come to Jiang Yi first.

The main thing is to confirm with Jiang Yi the time for the official start of filming.

After all, Jiang Yi can now be said to be the largest investor in the entire crew.

Starring again.

Originally, he had not found suitable actors for several other roles, but with Jiang Yi's investment, he had more choices.

Therefore, all other characters have been confirmed in just a few days.

Just as he was here, Jiang Yi told Lu Yiyi what he had said to Commander Ye before.

What Jiang Yi said made Lu Yiyi feel a little worried.

After hearing what Jiang Yi said, Lu Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed a bit of joy.

"is that true?"

"Director Lu, there is no need for me to lie to you about these things."

Jiang Yi was a little funny.

Lu Yiyi also knew this truth, but he just asked it subconsciously.

"Yes, then I know about this matter, and I will arrange other things as well."

In fact, this matter was also a big stone weighing on Lu Yiyi's heart. Now that the stone fell to the ground, he felt a lot more relaxed.

After confirming the matter with Jiang Yi, Lu Yiyi left.

Now that there are no more official obstacles, Lu Yiyi has become more and more comfortable in handling some things.

Jiang Yi arrived at Yuncheng after making arrangements like this.

After arriving, Mei Rou had made arrangements for him such as the hotel here.

As soon as they landed, they were taken to the hotel.

There were many people at the airport and hotel, and they happened to meet Jiang Yi.

This incident was quickly posted online and became a hot topic.

The fact that Jiang Yi was going to hold a concert in Yuncheng has been known to everyone on the Internet for a long time. Therefore, after it was confirmed that Jiang Yi had arrived in Yuncheng, many netizens were happy.

"Looking forward to the stars and the moon, you have finally arrived at this moment!"

"Now that Teacher Jiang Yi has arrived in Yuncheng, does it mean that the concert time is coming soon!"

"I'm fully prepared. As soon as the tickets for Teacher Jiang Yi's concert come out, I guarantee that I can grab them as soon as possible!"

"Are you able to grab it as soon as possible? I think it's better not to speak too highly of yourself!"

"I have been preparing every day! There will definitely be no problems!!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi and I are actually in the same hotel, and we just happened to meet each other when we were checking in downstairs!"

"What kind of bullshit luck is this?!"

"Not to mention anything else, Yuncheng seems to have caught this sweet potato that fell from the sky. Not to mention anything else, the infrastructure is now countless times better than before!"

"Not only that, in addition to infrastructure, there is also local security and environment, which are now highly valued!" "If this is the case, then I think I can come for vacation in advance. After all, my vacation lasts for several days. Months, by then Teacher Jiang Yi’s concert should be almost ready!”

"No, whose vacation lasts for several months? Even summer vacation only lasts two months!"

The comments quickly turned to envy and jealousy for this guy who was so arrogant.

As for Jiang Yi, he arrived at the concert venue after waking up on the second day.

This is a giant local gym in Yuncheng.

According to the venue staff, this stadium can accommodate up to more than 5 people.

Of course, renting it is a big expense, but because of the news that Jiang Yi was coming to hold a concert, Yuncheng's attention was greatly increased, so the person in charge of the relevant unit gave Jiang Yi the price after the meeting. Extraordinary offer.

On the one hand, it is to be a smooth favor, on the other hand, it is to increase their goodwill.

At this time, the construction of the stage inside the stadium was almost completed.

Because Yuncheng's geographical location is somewhat special, it is not as relatively safe as other cities, so the security around the venue is also very good.

There are even several mobile security posts.

The policemen standing guard were holding real things.

Whenever any suspicious person approaches, they will be controlled by them immediately.

"Jiang Yi, don't worry. There is absolutely no problem with security here. Our local area also attaches great importance to your activities this time, so if there is anything you need our help with, just ask!"

The person who said these words to Jiang Yi was Zhou Ziyi, a staff member of the local government team.

In fact, when celebrities come to the local area for concerts or other activities, they usually do not alert the local government. However, the situation in Yuncheng is special, and Jiang Yi's situation is also special.

Therefore, someone was specially sent to accompany Jiang Yi today and explain some precautions to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi naturally knew this too.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not make things difficult for you."

Seeing Jiang Yi talk so easily, Zhou Ziyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He has never interacted with other celebrities, but he only knows a little bit of information from the Internet, but he also roughly knows that most of these celebrities are not easy to get close to.

Although the evaluation of Jiang Yi on the Internet seems to be very good, Zhou Ziyi also knows it.

These celebrities will definitely maintain a perfect image in front of the camera, but no one knows what they are like in private.

So when he first knew that he was coming to receive Jiang Yi, Zhou Ziyi was still a little bit embarrassed, but this feeling disappeared after seeing Jiang Yi and having a brief conversation with Jiang Yi.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yi's appearance in front of him was disguised or true, it had to be said that Jiang Yi's attitude made it difficult for people to have any ill feelings, and even made him feel like a spring breeze.

Therefore, Zhou Ziyi's tone of voice when talking to Jiang Yi unknowingly became softer, and his posture and actions were not as restrained as before.

"Okay, do you have any other questions? If not, it's time to have lunch. There is a small restaurant nearby, and it tastes pretty good."

Jiang Yi also saw almost what he wanted to see and had some idea in his mind. After hearing what Zhou Ziyi said, he thought for a few seconds and nodded.

"Of course that's fine! Then I'll trouble you."

"What's the trouble? It's just an ordinary small restaurant!"

Zhou Ziyi waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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