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Chapter 699: A little shock! This has never happened in the 1 years since the store opened!

Chapter 699 A little shock! This has never happened in the 40 years since the store opened!
About 10 minutes later, Jiang Yi followed Zhou Ziyi to the small restaurant he mentioned.

This little restaurant is right here, and you might not even see it without paying attention.

The shop owner was an old man who looked to be in his 60s. When he saw Zhou Ziyi come in, a smile appeared on his face. He seemed to be very familiar with him.

"Xiao Zhou, you brought your friends over for dinner, so I'll give you a 8% discount on today's meal!"

"Oh, thank you so much, Uncle Wu! Do you have any taboos?"

The latter sentence was said when looking at Jiang Yi.

Although the store is not big, it is very neat and clean inside, and everything is neatly arranged.

After Jiang Yi took a look, he heard what Zhou Ziyi asked him, and then turned his head to look over.

"There is no taboo, I can probably eat it."

After getting Jiang Yi's answer, Zhou Ziyi looked at Mei Rou next to him.

Mei Rou's answer was the same as Jiang Yi's.

Seeing this, Zhou Ziyi skillfully ordered a few dishes, and then took them to sit down next to them.

"Even though this store is not big, Uncle Wu's store has been here for almost 40 years, and the taste is still very good!"

Zhou Ziyi brought three cans of drinks from the side.

What they ordered was some home-cooked food.

Dishes were delivered to them one after another very quickly. Let’s not talk about other things, but from the appearance, they are indeed delicious and delicious.

After taking a bite, it tasted better than they imagined.

While they are eating.

Lu Yiyi encountered a little problem here.

All the actors for the original filming had indeed been decided, but when he went to further confirm with them about signing the contract, two people changed their minds one after another.

One of them had a good attitude, and the agent's excuse was also high-sounding. He just said that he had something to do temporarily and his schedule couldn't be arranged.

Faced with this situation, and the contract had not been signed yet, so it could only be said to be a verbal agreement before, Lu Yiyi had no choice.

As for the other one, when Lu Yiyi arrived, his attitude was much colder.

For him, Lu Yiyi was just a new director, and he didn't have much fame in the circle before. It was indeed normal for him to refuse Lu Yiyi to choose other famous directors.

After all, water flows downwards and people move upwards.

"Director Lu, you really can't blame me for this. Of course, if I have time by then, I won't be able to think about it again."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Lu Yiyi's face looked a little ugly.

Although Lu Yiyi had a good attitude in front of Jiang Yi.

But that's because Jiang Yi has the capital.

Although Lu Yiyi is indeed a new director, he still believes in his talent and has his own arrogance.

It’s not like I would seek out such a person just for a small role.

"If that's the case, then let's forget about it."

After saying this, Lu Yiyi hung up the phone directly.

They didn't expect Lu Yiyi to hang up the phone first, holding the phone in a daze. Next, he sneered and didn't take Lu Yiyi seriously.

Fortunately, the photographer is not in a hurry right now, so he still has plenty of time to find someone else.

It's just that when encountering such a thing, it will still make people feel a little unhappy.

He didn't tell Jiang Yi about this matter.

Lu Yiyi planned to solve this matter by himself.

Cloud City.

After eating, Zhou Ziyi had other things to do, and Jiang Yi didn't let him accompany him anymore. It was really not easy to handle having an outsider next to him.

So after separation, Jiang Yi returned to the gymnasium. The staff are still working on site in an orderly manner.

Jiang Yi walked around the stage and looked around, feeling quite satisfied with the progress.

"Why Jiang Yi, do you think there are any other problems with the stage?"

Mei Rou walked to Jiang Yi and asked.

Jiang Yi shook his head.

"I'm quite satisfied with the lack of progress and other aspects. When will it be completed?"

"It should be soon, and tickets for the show are already being prepared."

Mei Rou answered quickly.

Jiang Yi is naturally relieved to leave these to Mei Rou.

After observing their construction progress in the surrounding area, they determined that there were no other problems. It was already evening when they left. Jiang Yi and Mei Rou went back to the small restaurant where they had dinner.

And the old man also remembered that Jiang Yi and the others came with Zhou Ziyi at noon, and still gave Jiang Yi and the others a discount.

Looking at the delicious dishes in front of him, Jiang Yi took out his mobile phone to take a photo and posted it on Weibo.

Netizens who were originally waiting for the progress of Jiang Yi's concert immediately flocked to Jiang Yi's Weibo account after discovering it was updated.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yi posted photos of vegetables.

Although it does look good.

In the content of this Weibo, Jiang Yi only described the taste of these dishes.

Immediately some locals showed up.

"I didn't expect that Teacher Jiang Yi would also find my treasured little restaurant! The taste of this restaurant is really amazing. Although an old man runs the restaurant, the hygiene and other aspects of the restaurant are really good!!"

"I was planning to go out to eat! I saw it's not far from my place, so I'll just go and have a taste!"

"It looks really appetizing!"

"When I come here, I will eat this as my first meal! Jiang Yi and I always eat the same fish!"

"People who lose weight say that it's okay if they can't hear the news about Teacher Jiang Yi's concert. Now they can't even eat delicious food. Is there anything more painful in life?"

"I live upstairs, and now I'm going downstairs as fast as I can. Although I'm very full, I feel like I can still eat a cow!"

"Do you have any misunderstanding about the concept of eating enough!"

"These dishes look like home-cooked dishes, but they are inexplicably very appetizing!"

"My family's cooking is not like this. My mother is a killer in the kitchen. I don't want to remember what the food he cooks tastes like..."

The comments under this Weibo soon turned into sharing of dishes from various restaurants and accusations against the parents who were killers in their own kitchens.

The next day.

Uncle Wu opened the door as usual.

As soon as I opened the door, I was shocked by the people lining up in front of the store.

He has been running the store for thirty or forty years, and this has never happened before.

"What are you..."

"Grandpa, are you open for business? Can we enter the store now?"

"Grandpa, can you make fish this morning? That braised fish!"

After meeting the person, the people waiting in line immediately started asking questions.

Although he was a little confused about the situation, Uncle Wu nodded and opened the door fully to let everyone in.

The shop suddenly became very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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