Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 700 concert tickets are on sale! Hot searches occupy!

Chapter 700 concert tickets are on sale! Hot searches occupy!

This grand occasion attracted more people.

In just one morning, this small restaurant was already overcrowded.

This grand occasion was also photographed by netizens and posted online.

"I can only say that everyone is very fast. I really didn't expect that the restaurant downstairs where I go most often would be so crowded that I couldn't even see the door when I went there!!"

"I was lucky enough to squeeze in. When I heard the sound, I felt like the spatula in the kitchen was about to burst into flames."

"With so many people crowded here, when will you be able to eat? If you ask me, this is a kind of herd behavior. It's better to wait for a while before you come back. Let me eat first today!"

"Okay, your abacus from upstairs is going to hit my face."

"Actually speaking, strictly speaking, the taste of their food is not particularly amazing. It just feels like home. I just can't stop eating it!"

"Ah, if that's what you say, can you let me jump in and have a taste first?"

"There were so many people passing by. At first, I thought it was some big attraction or some celebrity. But it turned out to be just a small restaurant. I was really shocked."

"Most of the people here probably came here after reading Teacher Jiang Yi's Weibo post yesterday!"

"Okay, after eating the food that Teacher Jiang Yi has eaten and walking through the streets that Teacher Jiang Yi has walked, this can be regarded as a reunion in a different sense!"

"Okay, you are the one upstairs who can talk. I'm going to walk twice more right now. Maybe I can actually see Teacher Jiang Yi again."

This incident also became a hot topic.

The local leadership team immediately arranged for people to come here to maintain order after learning about this incident, and at the same time communicated with the owner of the small restaurant, Uncle Wu.

Although the scene was still a bit chaotic, order was finally restored.

Jiang Yi naturally saw the news on the Internet.

After Jiang Yi saw it, he was a little surprised by the amount of people coming. He really didn't expect so many netizens to come after hearing the news.

However, after seeing the results and reacting quickly, Jiang Yi did not pay too much attention to this matter.

It's just a little bit of a pity that I won't be able to go to this restaurant to eat in the short term.

These days in Yuncheng.

The construction of the live stage has also been completed.

Jiang Yi finally opened the ticket sales channel.

It was announced that the ticket sales channel had just opened, but within a few seconds, the first batch of tickets had been sold out.

Those who got tickets were naturally rejoicing, while those who didn’t get tickets were wailing online.

"Who on earth got the tickets, just one second! Just one second! I was stuck, and all was gone in just one second!"

"I was really convinced. I also opened three mobile phones at the same time to grab them, but I couldn't grab them!"

"Fortunately, the tickets are issued in three batches, and there will be another one at noon. I will definitely get it this time!"

"Who grabbed the first batch of tickets, and even though it was in the front row! It turned out to be me. Alas, luck came, and I couldn't stop it!"

"If this matter makes you feel so embarrassed, then you might as well give this ticket to me. I am willing to bear this pain for you!"

"Let Teacher Jiang Yi grab the tickets himself, can he grab it?"

"I don't think he can get it."

"I have to start preparations half an hour in advance. I can't get Teacher Jiang Yi's tickets this time. Who knows when Teacher Jiang Yi will hold a concert next time, so I definitely can't miss this opportunity!"

He thought that he was fine, and many netizens had the same idea as him, so everyone showed off their special skills and worked hard to get tickets. In fact, Jiang Yi also saw the complaints and jokes, asking him to grab the tickets himself to see if he could get them.

Jiang Yi probably wasn't interested in this, but after seeing it several times, he suddenly came up with this idea.

The second ticket issuance time is 2pm.

Jiang Yi prepared his mobile phone in advance, made sure that his Internet speed was no problem, and then sat back and waited for the time to pass.

In addition to Jiang Yi, there are also many people who are also waiting with bated breath for the time to come.

The second he saw the time jump to 2 o'clock, Jiang Yi quickly clicked into the ticket grabbing channel software.

But after the page turned around, it showed that the page crashed.

Helpless, Jiang Yi could only exit quickly and re-enter again.

But when he entered the page again, he found that all the tickets had been snatched up.

Jiang Yi's eyes widened in disbelief.

To be honest, I didn’t expect the votes to disappear so quickly.

Being treated like this, Jiang Yi became more competitive, so he patiently waited until night again.

The evening is the last for all tickets.

If you haven't grabbed it this time, there's really nothing you can do.

Seeing the time getting closer and closer, Jiang Yi became surprisingly nervous.

It's really weird. I'm so nervous about grabbing my own concert tickets.

After a few seconds.

Jiang Yi looked at the page that once again showed that the tickets were sold out and sighed deeply.

It seems that grabbing tickets does require a bit of luck and strength.

He logged out of the ticketing website and logged into Weibo.

Weibo’s hot searches have basically been wiped out by Jiang Yi’s concert ticket sales.

Each one is related to Jiang Yi.

The content on Weibo is either about celebrating in excitement for winning tickets, or about wailing or asking for votes at high prices.

"Three times! I couldn't grab the three opportunities. I'm really convinced!"

"Who on earth got it, and how did you get it? What happened to your hands!"

"It's nothing, just a mediocre money making ability. After all, I directly found 100 purchasing agents, but don't worry, I only bought one ticket!"

"How many! 100!? Well, you deserve this ticket!"

"Otherwise, it must be the luck of the human cubs. My sister and I got the tickets for my friend and I, and she really got them in one go!"

"When I talk about this, I get angry. I've obviously already grabbed it, but when I was about to pay, my brother snatched my phone away. He made sure to play his crappy game! Then he waited until I got the phone back. Time has passed..."

"If it were me, my brother would most likely have a bad day today, and he might not have a good day in the next month."

"I've been taught a lesson, but what's the use of education? I still lost this opportunity!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, do you really not consider holding two more concerts?!"

(End of this chapter)

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