Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 718 is a threat? Don’t ever have the opportunity to look up and see you again!

Chapter 718 is a threat? Don’t ever have the opportunity to look up and see you again!
When Jiang Yi left the police station, the police came to see him specifically.

Knowing the special nature of Jiang Yi's work, they stated that they would make corresponding clarification statements on Jiang Yi's behalf.

Their movements were also very fast. Jiang Yi basically just stepped forward with his front foot and released his back foot. Here he issued a statement to clarify.

This is of course what Jiang Yi wants.

After all, if the official can come forward, it will indeed be more convincing.

And people on the Internet are basically helping with the follow-up of this matter after the police’s clarification statement was issued.

Jiang Yi's fans were basically relieved.

"I knew Teacher Jiang Yi would not do such a thing. Now that the police's clarification statement has come out, I wonder who else is talking nonsense."

"This efficiency is too fast. Generally speaking, shouldn't it take a while?"

"After all, Jiang Yi's identity is here, and the police must also want to get results quickly."

"I think it remains to be discussed whether this matter is true or false. Although the police have indeed clarified it, Jiang Yi doesn't look normal no matter what!"

"I told you that you are here to stay. The police's clarification certificates have been released, and you are still holding on to them!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi had a very busy schedule some time ago. Maybe his body couldn't stand it after relaxing during this period, so he got sick!"

"That's right! Some of you, please don't pretend to be blind and didn't see anything!"

After the police's statement came out, Jiang Yi soon posted a statement on Weibo.

"A person who is clean will be clean. I have never done anything illegal or disciplinary. Regarding Durian Entertainment Studio's reporting of me, I would like to make a response. The current situation is just to lose weight for a new role." , if you continue to talk nonsense, I will definitely hold you accountable!"

But Jiang Yi named him by name for the first time.

Jiang Yi's video also contains the police's test report as well as part of the script and the contract signed by the crew.

After Jiang Yi posted this Weibo, the crew quickly followed suit and retweeted it.

Almost at the same time, many people from the circle came out one after another. The classmates who also forwarded Jiang Yi on Weibo said they all believed in Jiang Yi.

Although it is not a timely help, the icing on the cake is better than nothing.

Only Xue Qianqian firmly believed in this matter from the beginning. He even took the lead when the scandal came out and responded unceremoniously.

When things develop to this point, the dust has basically settled.

Under such circumstances, Durian Entertainment Studio immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

I did this in the beginning to get attention, but I didn’t want to get what I am doing now.

I thought that this matter would be resolved so quickly. If it can be fermented for two days, then...

The impact of clarifying these things one minute late will be estimated at 10 times.

After making sure there were no other mistakes, Jiang Yi let out a long breath and felt his head hurt.

He really hadn't had a good rest these past few days, and wanted to go to bed early yesterday.

As a result, something like this happened again this morning, and only now can I feel truly relieved.

He also knows that there are still some trolls on the Internet, but now that things have reached this point, there will be no serious problems with them. The official CCTV also quickly forwarded Jiang Yi's statement, and they also came out to support him.

Those accounts that are still spreading rumors have been dealt with to varying degrees, and many of them have even been found to be trolls.

"I just said that the matter has obviously been settled, why are there still people holding on to it like a fool? It turns out they have received money!"

"When you talk nonsense, don't you really feel ridiculous?"

"I'm even more curious about who hired these sailors. Although some people in the circle can do such things, I really don't find it strange."

"That Durian Studio has now closed the comment section on their Weibo. I thought they could still be tough!"

Some netizens suddenly said this.

This is because even after being called out by Jiang Yi, Durian Studio was still tough-talking at the beginning and resolutely refused to admit that such a thing happened.

As a result, after the official announcement, everyone became more honest.

Even if they are really reluctant to part with this bonus and really despise Jiang Yifeng, they can't really go against the official line unless they really don't want to be around anymore.

By then, it won't just be a small matter where you get scolded a few times, you might even be invited to tea! !
They want to be famous and make a lot of money, but they don’t want to involve themselves in it!
Even their boss suddenly took the initiative to find Jiang Yi.

At first, when Jiang Yi saw the person in front of him, he didn't react yet, and his tone could even be considered gentle.

Jiang Yi's expression turned cold immediately after he heard the other party announcing his home address.

To be honest, he really didn't know what went wrong. It made people think that he was some kind of good-tempered or easy-to-handle persimmon. After such an incident, he actually had the courage to contact him.

"Boss Wu, why are you planning to report me again? Tell me how much you want."

Jiang Yi's words contained unconcealed sarcasm.

After Wu Chusheng heard Jiang Yi's words, he looked a little worried, but when he thought about the situation they were facing now, and that this matter was indeed at their fault, the look on his face was also very helpless.

"Teacher Jiang Yi is indeed being unkind on our part, but from now on we are all in the same circle. It is inevitable that there will be times when we look up but don't meet when we look down..."

The meaning of this statement is already very clear.

But Jiang Yi didn't like him at all.

"Boss Wu, do you mean to threaten me by saying this? It's so simple. Isn't it just that you are worried that you won't see me when you look up in the future? Then just don't have another chance to meet. This will not make Wu If you find it difficult, boss, you won’t make it difficult for me.”

Jiang Yi's words really stunned Wu Chusheng.

He never expected that things would develop in this direction.

After a few seconds, seeing Jiang Yi about to leave, Wu Chusheng quickly blocked him.

The expression on his face now is indeed more ugly than crying.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, that's not what I meant..."

"Whether that's what you mean or not, that's what I mean. Of course, if you think there's any problem, that's not what I want to consider."

Ignoring him, Jiang Yi left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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