Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 719 I believe you! You never let me down!

Chapter 719 I believe you! You never let me down!
A few days later, Jiang Yi came to the crew to take photos of the makeup photos he had taken before.

When the director saw Jiang Yi's image, he was also very surprised.

Because Jiang Yi has lost a little weight now and looks even more haggard than before.

But this state is closer to the character.

Seeing Jiang Yi like this, the director looked a little complicated for a moment.

Although it was certainly good to be able to get closer to the character, he was indeed a little worried about Jiang Yi's condition.

Fearing that something would happen to Jiang Yi's body, the director walked to Jiang Yi's side.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, it is enough for you to stay the way you are now. There is no need to lose any additional weight. The body is your own. You are just acting. There is no need to really damage your body. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, You must speak up in time, and you must not hold back!”

The main reason is that Jiang Yi's current state does make people feel a little unsafe.

After the previous photos were taken, it was said that Jiang Yi was taking drugs. The reason why everyone did not immediately think it was impossible was also because Jiang Yi's current condition looked really bad.

He was so thin that he seemed to have only a handful of bones, almost all the muscles on his body were lost, and his face was haggard and pale.

After hearing the director's words, Jiang Yi nodded.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on, director, nothing will happen."

This was not a perfunctory comment by the director. Although Jiang Yi was indeed determined to perform this role well, he did not intend to sacrifice his life for this role.

Seeing Jiang Yi's serious expression, the director nodded.

"As long as you know what's going on, well, I'll just say hello to the other main creators after taking the makeup photos. After the opening ceremony in two days, we can officially start filming!"

Jiang Yi changed into clothes in the dressing room.

The makeup artist put some more makeup on Jiang Yi, making Jiang Yi's already pale and haggard face look closer to that of a patient.

It didn't take much time to take the makeup photos. After Jiang Yi took the photos, he turned around and saw the other leading actors.

Among these people, Jiang Yi and Xu Zheng had met several times at some dinner parties before.

Xu Zheng was a familiar person, and he was the first to come over to talk to Jiang Yi due to his friendship with Jiang Yi that he had greeted several times before.

He also has the most scenes opposite Jiang Yi in the movie, but after just chatting for a few words, the two of them have already become familiar with each other.

Several other leading actors nearby were also introduced.

Zhang Yu plays Huang Mao, Yang Xin plays the priest, and Li Xiaoyuan plays Si Hui.

Except for Xu Zheng, the other three people are not very famous actors.

They were also a little cautious when talking to Jiang Yi. Although they were no strangers to Jiang Yi, this was also the first time they talked to Jiang Yi face to face.

Especially Li Xiaoyuan.

When talking to Jiang Yi, her neck inevitably turned red.

Because he is also a fan of Jiang Yi, when he took on this drama, he never expected that he would be able to have close contact with Jiang Yi.

And they have quite a few rivalries.

Jiang Yi's makeup photos were quickly posted online, and immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens. Because Jiang Yi's image is indeed too haggard and weak, and he looks no different from those who have been sick for a long time.

"If it hadn't been for the filming of some movie, I would have thought that Teacher Jiang Yi was sick!"

"This photo looks really impressive at first glance..."

"Leukemia is really a disease... I had an uncle who passed away from this disease last year. It was really tormenting. I remember that he was very tall and strong when he was not sick. When he was about to die, his whole body was... He is so skinny that he only has a handful of bones left. He is 1 meters tall but weighs less than 8 pounds..."

"Although I don't know the specific story, I really feel that this kind of subject is a bit suspenseful..."

"Not to mention other things, I think Teacher Jiang Yi should know some inside information. Since he is confident about participating in the show, I think there shouldn't be a big problem."

“I’m really looking forward to Teacher Jiang Yi’s performance in this movie!!”

"It seems that Teacher Jiang Yi is not the protagonist of this movie. I don't know what I think..."

"So what if it's not the protagonist? In addition to the protagonist, other important supporting roles are also indispensable in a movie, okay!"

Jiang Yi's makeup photo has caused some waves again, and people on the Internet have been talking about it and it has also become a hot search topic.

When Jiang Yi returned home after taking the makeup photos, he saw Mei Rou as soon as he walked in.

There was a thermos box on the table next to her. After seeing Jiang Yi come back, Mei Rou opened the thermos box and the aroma of fish soup spread in the living room.

Seeing Jiang Yi's appearance at this moment, Mei Rou's eyes flashed with a bit of complexity.

To be honest, Mei Rou was not worried about Jiang Yi and thought about stopping Jiang Yi, but she also knew Jiang Yi's temperament and knew that Jiang Yi had made a decision. No matter what other people said, he would Yes will not change.

Therefore, he didn't really stop Jiang Yi, but he really couldn't do anything to Jiang Yi regardless of his behavior. Therefore, he could only give Jiang Yi some body supplements every now and then, so as not to let his body really collapse because of this movie. Come down.

"I went to the vegetable market specially to choose fresh crucian carp. This soup should be very fresh."

Mei Rou looked away and spoke.

Jiang Yi showed a smile after hearing Mei Rou's words.

"Then it looks like I'm in a good mood today!"

Jiang Yi walked to the sofa next to him and sat down. Mei Rou looked at Jiang Yi's thin appearance and couldn't help but feel a little sore in her nose.

As an agent, it was actually not the first time he had seen this in the industry about losing weight for a role, but when it came to Jiang Yi, he just felt very uncomfortable.

Not wanting Jiang Yi to catch any clues, Mei Rou poured the soup into a bowl, went to the kitchen to get a spoon and took a few deep breaths before suppressing the emotions in her heart.

After making sure there was nothing wrong, Mei Rou walked out of the kitchen.

"Drink. The crew should be joining the cast soon. I will arrange anything else for you."

Passing the spoon to Jiang Yi, Mei Rou said as she sat down opposite, her eyes falling on Jiang Yi's face.

Jiang Yi really didn't notice any clues and just nodded.

"I know, I believe in you, you will never let me down."

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou's lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she swallowed it silently.

(End of this chapter)

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