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Chapter 730 Without external force, the pain and numbness experienced will not be discovered! !

Chapter 730 Without external force, the pain and numbness experienced will not be discovered! !
After these few days of vacation, the first scene I filmed when I returned to the crew was the scene where Lu Shouyi was in the hospital bed.

This scene requires a lot of status.

After the director officially started filming, he did not ask Jiang Yi to shoot the scene immediately.

Instead, let other people shoot other clips first, and let Jiang Yi find his own state in the corner first.

Although he had confidence in Jiang Yi, the director still had a whole morning to take precautions. Unexpectedly, less than half an hour later, a staff member came to the director's side.

"Director, I think there seems to be no problem with Teacher Jiang Yi. Would you like to go over and take a look? I don't dare to get close."

When the staff member said this, he cast a few careful glances at Jiang Yi. The director thought it was a little strange, so he walked over and saw Jiang Yi sitting in the corner before he got closer, his whole face was so beautiful. The disgrace revealed.

The director was also a little startled, but soon realized that Jiang Yi had entered that state.

"Get ready now for us to shoot this scene. Get the scenery ready first, and don't let anyone disturb Teacher Jiang Yi first."

The director was also very surprised and excited.

Because it was a sudden preparation, everyone was busy doing it. The other actors were watching not far away, not daring to get too close for fear of disturbing Jiang Yi at the moment.

Shooting officially started after everything was ready.


The director gave the order and everyone was fully prepared!
Jiang Yi was half leaning against the headboard of the hospital bed, his eyes slightly squinted, and his whole person looked like a tree that might wither at any time, without any vitality at all.

There were footsteps approaching from far away until they stopped beside his bed.

Until this moment, Jiang Yi had not reacted at all.

"Lao Lu?"

A familiar voice came from the side.

When he heard this voice, he turned around and saw that Jiang Yi was no longer himself, but had completely transformed into Lu Shouyi.

When Lu Shouyi saw the person appearing in front of him, he weakly raised the corners of his mouth.

Lu Shouyi's eyes were empty, his face was pale, without any blood, his eyelids were loose, his mouth was dry, and there were white dead skin on them. There was no trace of life in his body.

He looked like a patient who was in real pain and on the verge of collapse.

Lu Shouyi's wife next to him gave him a sip of water, and Lu Shouyi smiled. His eyes were a little bright, and a little life seemed to finally appear on his numb and tired face.

After he looked Xu Yong up and down, he spoke.

"You look really good with your haircut!"

The somewhat depressing atmosphere in the ward seemed to be broken after these words were spoken.

Xu Yong, who originally looked solemn, also smiled at this moment.

"You are so brave that you dare to commit suicide."

He said some heavy words in a light tone.

After hearing this, Lu Shouyi's forced smile quickly dissipated.

It seemed that he wanted to smile again, but he just quickly turned his head and looked at the fruit plate placed next to him.

There were a few yellow oranges on it.

This is also the only bright color in this room.

"Eat an orange."

While he was talking, he looked at Xu Yong again. In other words, he was not looking at Xu Yong, but looking at other things through Xu Yong. His eyes were a little dazed.

It seemed that Xu Yong's arrival reminded him of the days when he briefly thought he had hope.

Without comparison, it seems that you won't realize how bad it is at this moment, but once there is a little comparison, you will immediately realize it clearly.

He seemed to want to say something else, but in the end there was no way to liven up the atmosphere as before.

Therefore, after a short silence, he just twitched the corner of his mouth in vain and said a helpless word.

"There is no medicine, that's it..."

The heavy atmosphere was slightly broken, and the room once again became extremely depressing.

Xu Yong seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't.

The director didn't give him a chance to continue speaking, and the nurse came in.

"It's time to debridement, family members should get out."

The wife next to him wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. When Xu Yong went out, he noticed that Lu Shouyi skillfully took the towel from the side and bit it in his mouth. He closed his eyes, as if this could isolate the pain.

As they sat outside the ward.

Soon, scalp-numbing wailing and uncontrollable crying came from the ward.

Under the extreme pain, there was no way to control his physiological reactions, and the little self-esteem he wanted to maintain was completely shattered under such circumstances.

He would never show any tenderness to people about things like illness, and he would not leave any fig leaf for people.

Some of the other crew members had already covered their ears, as if they couldn't face such a scene, even if they knew it was acting.

Some people's eyes are already a little red.

The director watched this scene from behind the camera. Although Jiang Yi did not appear in the last scene and only his voice appeared, Jiang Yi did not slack off at all because of this. He seemed to be still immersed in Lu Shouyi in this role.

Even when the director stopped the staff at the end and went to bring water to Jiang Yi, they discovered that the sheet under him had been scratched by him, and his nails had even been broken due to excessive force.

There was blood seeping out and flowing on the sheets.

The fingers are connected to the heart. Just looking at this level, the staff felt that their hands were hurting.

"Oh my god, teacher Jiang Yi, are you okay?"

The staff quickly asked.

The director also came over and was a little worried when he saw Jiang Yi's current state.

Although entering the role can allow actors to better grasp the role, it will also bring some negative effects.

If you can't perform, it will be very harmful to the actor's mental state.

There have been many tragedies in the industry caused by not being able to come out of the drama after entering the drama.

The director was really worried that Jiang Yi would become like this.

After all, what he just said was so impactful.

But Jiang Yi didn't react at all when the staff spoke, and he didn't even seem to notice the condition of his fingers at all.

Seeing Jiang Yi like this, the director opened the water next to him, grabbed Jiang Yi and forcefully drank two mouthfuls of water.

After the director's move, Jiang Yi blinked slowly, as if he was slowly coming back to his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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