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Chapter 731 is about to be completed! ! It's just an ordinary woman facing the person she loves

Chapter 731 is about to be completed! ! It's just an ordinary woman facing her beloved!
After a few minutes, Jiang Yi seemed to have completely come to his senses, and his eyes that were originally numb and empty gradually began to focus.

"Okay director, I'm fine."

Jiang Yi said, his voice a little hoarse due to his behavior just now, but apart from his slightly hoarse voice, there didn't seem to be any other problems.

Seeing him like this, the director finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

"It's okay, you almost scared me to death just now!"

Although it is said that Jiang Yi seems to be fine now, the director still feels a little uneasy.

After passing another bottle of water to Jiang Yi, he spoke.

"Okay, after today's scene is finished shooting, you should take a good rest for a while, and then you can add a few more shots to complete the shoot! Jiang Yi, if you feel that something is not right, please tell me immediately Contact me!”

Taking into account the large number of people present, the director did not make his words too clear, but Jiang Yi and he both knew what the so-called something wrong meant.

If Jiang Yizhen makes his own movie...

Then he couldn't imagine what would happen.

Jiang Yi smiled tiredly at this moment, but didn't say anything, because after suddenly experiencing the ups and downs of his emotions just now, after relaxing at this moment, his brain was instantly occupied by fatigue, and he even felt that he couldn't even stand up now. No strength at all.

After sitting on the bed for a while, Jiang Yi finally gained a little strength.

The director called Mei Rou again.

When Mei Rou arrived at the set, she was shocked to see Jiang Yi in this state, but after meeting Jiang Yi's eyes, her heart dropped.

When Mei Rou took her home, the first thing Jiang Yi did was fall asleep.

I slept until the afternoon of the second day.

During this period of time, because he had to maintain his character's condition, in addition to paying attention to his diet, Jiang Yi actually also controlled his sleep, which resulted in his usual look.

Although there are still a few scenes to be touched up now, there is no need to be as harsh as before. In addition, after just experiencing such a big mood swing, I really need to take a good rest now.

Mei Rou was obviously relieved when she saw Jiang Yi walking out of the room. To be honest, Mei Rou had entered Jiang Yi's room several times when he was asleep, but Jiang Yi was asleep every time he entered, and no matter what movement Mei Rou made, Jiang Yi didn't react at all.

If it weren't for the fact that his breathing was still normal, Mei Rou would have thought of calling the emergency call.

It seems that it is no longer needed now.

"You're awake. Your physical condition is indeed a bit bad now. You can drink some of the fish soup I cooked."

As he spoke, he brought the fish soup and put it on the table.

Jiang Yi slept all day, and was indeed hungry now. He drank a bowl of fish soup first, and after feeling that his body had gained some strength, he smiled at Mei Rou.

"Is it supposed to scare you yesterday?" Mei Rou's heart completely dropped when he heard that Jiang Yi was still joking at this moment. He glanced at Jiang Yi's appearance, and the expression on his face was indistinguishable for a moment. Whether he is happy or angry.

"You also know this? I thought you wouldn't notice it at all."

When she said this, Mei Rou's emotions were slightly out of control.

To be honest, Jiang Yi's willingness to do this for a character is indeed based on his experience, but Mei Rou is actually still a little angry in her heart.

I'm angry at Jiang Yi for not caring about his body so much.

But he also knew Jiang Yi's character. He knew that even if he persuaded Jiang Yi on such matters, Jiang Yi would never give in. Moreover, he was also worried that it would affect Jiang Yi's condition, so he kept suppressing these matters. In the heart.

Now that the film is finally about to be finalized, Mei Rou finally can't hold it in any longer.

After seeing Mei Rou's expression at this moment, she was stunned for a moment, and then put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands.

"That was not what I meant."

"You don't mean that, then what do you mean? Jiang Yi, I know you are willing to do this for this movie, but have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? Have you ever thought about us? Are these people worried about your health?"

Now that everything has been said, Mei Rou simply vomited out everything she had been worried about during this period.

"How did you promise me before? Yes, I know that this character is indeed very good, and this script is indeed very good. I even know that even if I find other faults, you can convince me, but I just know how to do it. worry about you!"

She saw that Jiang Yi's breathing became a little rapid because of his intense emotions.

As an agent, he knows that what he is saying now is actually very unprofessional behavior, but when he says this now, he is not speaking from the perspective of an agent, but from the perspective of an ordinary woman facing her beloved. A man's perspective.

She felt sorry for Jiang Yi, but she knew Jiang Yi's choice, so she chose not to say anything.

"You should really take a good look at you like this. Every time I see you like this, I really want you to take good care of yourself, but I know that you only tell me not to worry every time, but I How can you really not worry?"

When he heard this, Jiang Yi stood up. He walked to Mei Rou and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just waited silently for Mei Rou to finish all the words. Say it first.

"Jiang Yi, I know that your achievements will never be matched by anyone in the future, but I hope that when you achieve those achievements, you will be well and your body will be in good health."

After letting out a long breath, when Mei Rou said this, he saw Jiang Yi's eyes were slightly red, as if there were tears in them.

Jiang Yi paused and walked to Mei Rou's side, hugging Mei Rou's shoulders.

"I really know what you said, and I know what happened this time... But after I promise you, even if there is a situation that is necessary for the role, I will control it. Besides, you Look at me, isn’t this good?”

Jiang Yi looked at Mei Rou with an extremely serious look, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I actually knew it in my heart before and wouldn't let anything happen to me. Although I do want to make this movie a big hit, it won't happen." To the point where I want to give my life.”

(End of this chapter)

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