Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 736: Eat melon at close range! No one can refuse the joy of eating melon!

Chapter 736: Eat melon at close range! No one can refuse the joy of eating melon!

When they heard this sentence, everyone who was originally surprised because the caller was Jiang Yi was even more shocked.

The live broadcast room has already exploded.

"I just said they two are real!!"

"Okay, the latest contact is Teacher Jiang Yi. Teacher Jiang Yi asked if there is no time to meet in the past two days. What does this mean? It means that the two of them had a date in the past two days!!"

"You actually went behind our backs in private! I take back what I said before. If it's Teacher Jiang Yi, then I have nothing to do with it."

"I've always felt that the relationship between three people is too crowded, but I don't mind joining you!"

"Cop Warning!"

"No wonder Reba looked like that when she made that phone call before. It turns out that's why!"

"Is this a disguised admission of the previous scandal?"

"I told you not to go too far. Maybe it's because we have some work-related matters that we need to meet and talk about!"

"That's it!"

Reba could feel the fiery eyes of the audience on her.

But now he couldn't be too emotional in this situation, so he could only try his best to keep his tone calm.

"No, I have work matters, so I must have time at any time. This is why I made this call today."

When the word work was mentioned, Reba calmly amplified her voice, as if she wanted to tell everyone that he and Jiang Yi would meet in the next two days, not for some random reason, but Because of work.

When they heard Reba's words, those in the live broadcast room who had doubts about this matter immediately began to speak.

"Look, just say it's because of work!"

"I thought that since there were so many scandals before, they would avoid suspicion, but I didn't expect that they didn't have any such thoughts at all."

"It's all innocent in the first place. There's nothing to avoid suspicion. Only those who have evil intentions in their hearts need to avoid suspicion. I say you guys, don't go too far!"

"Although I say that, it is indeed rare to be able to get along with each other as well as before after such an incident..."

The topic in the live broadcast room was brought back. Although many people still felt that there was something between Jiang Yi and Reba, but after Reba said so and it was still live broadcast, they just Nothing more was said.

When Jiang Yi felt the heroine's deliberately aggravated voice, he felt something was wrong.

But I didn’t think much about it.

"Okay, tell me then. If there is any problem, I can still make modifications now."

"Actually, it's not a big problem. I trust you, Teacher Jiang Yi. Well, I just suddenly remembered that at the last party, there seemed to be many people present."

After saying this, Reba patted her head with some annoyance. Her change of topic was really too abrupt.

Jiang Yi also noticed this, but he still followed Reba's topic.

"There are indeed many people present. Why are you suddenly talking about this matter?"

We have already talked about this matter, and it seems more blunt to talk about it now, so it is better to just go on talking about it forcefully.

After thinking of this, Reba became calmer. She glanced at the guest next to her who had the word "eating melon" written on her and then looked at the audience calmly before continuing to speak. "Teacher Jiang Yi, do you still remember who was there at that time?"

When they heard this, someone at the scene immediately widened their eyes.

Because several of the guests present today were indeed at that party at that time.

"I don't remember very clearly. I remember Lao Xue, you, and..."

He didn't remember very clearly what he said, but Jiang Yi said many names in one breath, including of course the two people present.

When Jiang Yi actually called out their names accurately, the two of them looked at each other in surprise, because they didn't actually have much interaction with Jiang Yi that day, and they didn't expect that Jiang Yi would actually Still remember their names.

When Jiang Yi said these names, cheers and applause erupted from the scene.

These sounds naturally reached Jiang Yi's ears through the mobile phone. When he heard these sounds, Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment and then quickly reacted.

"So you are participating in the show now. I think it was the task of the show just now. I think you should not remind me, and then let me say someone's name. It seems that I have already said it."

Jiang Yi had already figured everything out without him having to explain himself, and Reba touched her ears in embarrassment.

"That's indeed the case. Then Teacher Jiang Yi will disturb you."

"do not bother."

Jiang Yi's words were not polite. He really didn't think it was disturbing.

Because they were recording the program, they didn't say anything more and quickly hung up the phone. After the phone was hung up, Reba quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he looked to the side. female host.

"The mission should have been completed!"

The female host next to her glanced at the timer in her hand, and then nodded.

Not only was it completed, but it took much less time than they estimated.

"However, I didn't expect that everyone's personal relationship with Teacher Jiang Yi would be so good. It seems that this task has been picked at the right place."

The host joked a few words while talking.

Jiang Yi was not present, so everyone just laughed at this sentence and didn't say much.

This little episode seemed to have passed away, and similar things did not happen again in the subsequent process. Reba's mental arithmetic was completely at a loss.

As for hot searches, Reba believes that her agent will handle it and will not let this matter spread further.

And the fact is just like what Reba thought.

Originally, this matter was indeed going to be a hot topic, but after the agent noticed it, he immediately arranged cooperation with multiple parties and suppressed the matter.

However, this was not negative news in the first place, and it was not difficult to suppress it.

After the recording of the show, Reba immediately opened her phone and took a look. After making sure that Jiang Yi and herself were not on any hot searches, she finally felt relieved.

Although some people are still discussing this matter, as long as it is not a hot search, it does not require much attention.

(End of this chapter)

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