Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 737 Meeting again! Another thing to solve!

Chapter 737 Meeting again! Another matter to be solved!

The next day.

Jiang Yi and Reba met at the time and place they agreed on before.

The manager also knows Reba very well. He understands Reba's thoughts. To be honest, although he does think Jiang Yi is good.

But now if there is some scandal between Reba and Jiang Yi, it will definitely not have much impact on Jiang Yi, but it will have a big impact on Reba.

"Yeah, I've said some of these things several times. I know you may think I say too much, but the truth is this and I still hope you can understand it."

When getting out of the car, the agent still couldn't hold it back and spoke again, his tone was very serious.

After hearing what her agent said, Reba's expression didn't seem to change, and she just nodded quietly.

"I know, don't worry."

She wanted to say something more, but the manager swallowed her words as soon as they reached her lips. He didn't say anything more, but just let Reba go.

"Then I'll leave with Sister Reba first."

The assistant next to him said something cautiously.

The assistant had been following Reba for a long time, and the manager was not worried that the assistant would spill the beans or something. He cast his eyes on the assistant and let out a long breath.

"You help me keep an eye on it, and if you... you, just tell me."

The assistant nodded, then quickened his pace to follow Reba.

In the box.

Jiang Yi had already been there for several minutes when Reba arrived. When she saw Jiang Yi, Reba thought of what her manager had just said, and calmly shook her head, clearing up the mess. All thoughts were driven out of my mind.

"Did Teacher Jiang Yi keep you waiting for a long time?"

Reba asked.

"No, I just arrived for a while. Please sit down first. I don't know if you have any dietary restrictions, so I haven't ordered yet. Please take a look."

Next to her, Reba also sat down. The original purpose of coming today was not to eat, so Reba just ordered a little casually.

Then he turned his attention to Jiang Yi.

Originally she wanted to talk about what happened yesterday, but when she saw Jiang Yi's eyes, Reba swallowed all those words and turned directly to the main purpose of their meeting this time.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you have already written the song, right? Can you let me take a look?"

Nodding, Jiang Yi pushed the prepared things in front of Reba.

Reba has also done some homework during this period. Although he still doesn't understand it very well, he can at least see the value of the thing Jiang Yi gave him.

Her eyes were slightly bright, and her eyes seemed to be shining when she looked at Jiang Yi.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, thank you so much! Don't worry, I will definitely give you the copyright fee at the highest price, Teacher Jiang Yi."

When he heard Reba say this, Jiang Yi had no other reaction and just nodded.

Reba wanted to say something else, but she didn't know what to say every time the words came to her lips.

The atmosphere in the private room was a little quiet for a while.

Fortunately, the food arrived soon, and the meal ended in such a quiet and slightly eerie atmosphere. It wasn't until they were about to separate after eating that Reba finally stopped and turned to look at Jiang Yi, who was about to walk to the other side.

"What happened to Teacher Jiang Yi yesterday was indeed an accident. I'm sorry if it caused you any trouble!"

When he said these words, his eyes fell firmly on Jiang Yi, as if he was afraid that Jiang Yi would have other opinions about him because of yesterday's incident.

Jiang Yi was slightly startled when he heard Reba say this, and then smiled and waved his hand. He didn't take what happened yesterday to heart at all. If the heroine hadn't suddenly mentioned it like this, he would I won’t think too much about it at all.

"You said it was an accident, and I'm not that petty. Besides, if something like this happens next time, you can call me. I think it's quite interesting. What's wrong with this among friends? "

When hearing Jiang Yi's words, Reba's mood was complicated, a little happy, but at the same time slightly sour.

There were quite a few assistants here. They glanced at Jiang Yi a few times and then at Reba next to him, looking a bit hesitant to speak.

Jiang Yi didn't notice this. After saying this, he left the elevator on the other side.

After Reba's matter was dealt with, another stone in Jiang Yi's heart fell to the ground.

After the heroine comes back, he estimates that he will go abroad again soon.

Then these domestic matters must be properly arranged.

As for that variety show...

Jiang Yi hasn't thought about it yet. If he has time then, it doesn't matter if he goes there.

But before that, he had to talk to Commander Ye about this matter. After all, he was still a member of the regiment, so it was better to talk about these things.

So after separating from Reba, Jiang Yi went directly.

In the group.

Moreover, the documentary on the director's side has almost been filmed, so everyone no longer has to run over there. Apart from sometimes going over to help, they are basically still rehearsing here in the group.

Everyone smiled when they saw Jiang Yi coming. After getting along for a while, their relationship became closer.

When Jiang Yi was still in the group, although they got along day and night, the relationship at that time was much stranger than now.

"Did Teacher Jiang Yi come here to see the group leader today? It's just the right time for you to come because the group leader is upstairs. If you come a little late, he seems to be leaving soon."

Someone next to me said.

Jiang Yi was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then nodded.

"okay, I get it."

When he walked upstairs, he happened to meet Commander Ye who was coming down from the stairs. Commander Ye paused when he saw Jiang Yi.

"Ouch, Jiang Yi, why did you come to see me again today? Do you have something to tell me?"

Hearing what Commander Ye said, Jiang Yi nodded, "Yes, Commander, are you going out now?"

"I do need to go out for something, and I need to go to Hua University of Science and Technology for something. How about this, you go with me, and if anything happens, just tell me in the car."

University of Science and Technology of China?
Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly.

But he was also a little curious as to why Captain Ye suddenly wanted to go to Hua University of Science and Technology, so he asked.

(End of this chapter)

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