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Chapter 738 Encounter with the university choir! Members boldly asked Jiang Yi for advice! !

Chapter 738 Encounter with the university choir! Members boldly asked Jiang Yi for advice! !

"It was just a meeting. Actually, it wasn't there originally. It's just that a leader's schedule has changed, so I can only cooperate with his schedule."

After hearing this, Jiang Yi nodded and didn't ask any more details.

In the car going to Hua University of Science and Technology together, Jiang Yi also told Captain Ye about his purpose of coming.

Captain Ye did not show any objection to Jiang Yi's plan.

Although it is true that they are members of the group, Jiang Yi's current status is a bit special after all, and due to the nature of his work, as long as they do not do anything that endangers the country, there will generally not be too many obstacles.

"Okay, I know about this. Don't worry, there won't be any problem. By the way, your movie seems to be finished, right? Have you already finished filming or has the movie already been finished?"

Captain Ye suddenly turned the topic to the movie I Am Not the God of Medicine.

He was a little surprised at how quickly Captain Ye changed the topic, but Jiang Yi quickly reacted and nodded.

"Yeah, the filming should be finished by now, but it's just a movie that I've finished filming, and it seems that there are still a few scenes that haven't been shot yet."

Hearing this, Commander Ye continued to speak, "Then you guys can speed up the progress a little bit. As far as I know, well, it seems that the higher-ups have already come to a conclusion on this matter. If it is to be announced, it may be in the near future. So the progress of your movie can be a little faster.”

Captain Ye had originally planned to talk to Jiang Yi about these things sometime. Since Jiang Yi came to see him today, he didn't have to make a special trip.

Remembering this matter, Jiang Yi's smile became even brighter.

"Then thank you, Captain."

As they were talking, they had already arrived at Hua University of Science and Technology.

Jiang Yi originally wanted to leave, but after Captain Ye took a few steps, he suddenly turned back.

"Jiang Yi, please wait a moment. Well, find a place to wait for me. I have something to talk to you about after the meeting."

After speaking, without waiting for Jiang Yi to continue asking, Captain Ye walked away to the other side. There was no other way, Jiang Yi had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​going back now.

However, today is not the weekend, and it is class time now, so there are not many people in the school. Jiang Yi didn't meet many people along the way.

Jiang Yi wandered aimlessly.

Huake University of Science and Technology covers a large area, and the greening is also very good. In addition, the weather is very good today, and the scenery is still very good in the sunshine.

"Just think of it as coming out to relax."

Jiang Yi's mood slowly relaxed.

After walking around another corner, Jiang Yi vaguely heard the sound of singing.

It seemed like someone was singing a chorus in front.

However, because the distance was a bit far away, it was a bit unclear intermittently.

After standing there and listening for a while, Jiang Yi raised his feet and walked towards the side where the sound came from.

After walking forward for a while, the sound finally became louder.

It’s the chorus of boys.

It's a pity that it stopped before singing two sentences.

What came next was a girl's somewhat dissatisfied voice.

"What's going on? Today is not going well at all. I'm either stuck in that place or in this place. Finally, the girls have no problem, but you guys have an inexplicable problem in this section!"

They are from the school choir of Hua University of Science and Technology. Today's chorus program was to be performed on the anniversary of Hua University of Science and Technology, but after rehearsing for so many days, there was no progress at all.

That’s not to say there’s no progress, but I still feel like it’s still a little bit interesting.

And Jiang Yi also heard the problem from the few lines of the boy's chorus.

This is not a problem with their singing, but the song is almost meaningless.

"To be honest, I really think this song is a bit off. How about we change it?"

Some of them at the scene also noticed this problem, so someone spoke up on the spot.

"But we have been queuing up this song for half a month, and there is still so much time before the school anniversary. If we change it at this time, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

"But to be honest, this song sounds good, but I really feel that it is not suitable for singing together, and it is not suitable for school celebrations. I should have considered it carefully when I chose this song."

"Then what's the point of talking about this now? We've already reached this point. Besides continuing, do we have to look back!"

The discussion gradually became more intense at the beginning, and by the end it even had a vague smell of gunpowder.

There are also people who are working hard to calm down the smell of gunpowder, but it is obvious that their comfort has not had much effect when everyone is emotionally heightened.

After Chen Yuanliang couldn't persuade them to leave, he sighed helplessly and looked away. He accidentally glanced back and saw Jiang Yi standing at the corner not far away.

When he first saw Jiang Yi, he thought he was dazzled and even rubbed his eyes before looking again.

"Hey, look, see if that person is Jiang Yi. Why do I think he looks so similar? Or is there something wrong with my eyes?"

Chen Yuanliang was sure that it wasn't his own eyesight, but he still couldn't believe it, so he pushed his friend next to him.

The friend subconsciously looked in the direction he said.

"How could it be Jiang Yi... Damn it, it's really Teacher Jiang Yi!?"

The sound was a bit loud. After hearing this, the people arguing next to him subconsciously looked over.

Otherwise, Jiang Yi would feel a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many pairs of eyes, and besides, he was indeed standing here uninvited and eavesdropping on the quarrel.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just happened to be passing by."

Jiang Yi coughed and opened his mouth to break the strange atmosphere.

After Jiang Yi finished speaking, the other people immediately forgot about their quarrel just now, and everyone's eyes lit up.

He ran to Jiang Yi's side almost immediately and surrounded him.

"It's okay, Teacher Jiang Yi, why did you come to our school suddenly, Teacher Jiang Yi? Are you coming to our school to film some program? Or are you here to record the MV!?"

"No, it's just something else. Well, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm leaving now!"

Jiang Yi wanted to leave.

"No need to disturb Teacher Jiang Yi!"

After someone stared at Jiang Yi for a few seconds, he suddenly had the courage to speak again.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, did you hear us singing just now? What do you think of our singing? We have been preparing this song for half a month. It was prepared for the school anniversary. Do you think we can continue to rehearse? ?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes froze, and Jiang Yi was also slightly startled.

(End of this chapter)

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