Chapter 750 I like 36D beauties! !
Although the development of the situation was a bit beyond my expectation, fortunately, the final result was still as I imagined.

Deliberately not clarifying the reason for his health, this matter can be regarded as a small thought of Jiang Yi.

In this way, even if he doesn't show up for a long time, he will still be able to say something.

And this statement is not a lie. Jiang Yi's physical condition is indeed not very good, but it's just not that bad.

Things on the domestic side have basically been dealt with.

After making sure that he had not omitted anything, Jiang Yi finally booked a ticket to go abroad.

But before leaving, Jiang Yi still planned to get together with a few people with whom he usually had good relationships.

In the private room.

When Jiang Yi arrived, several other people had already arrived.

In addition to Xue Qianqian, there were also Reba, Director Tian and others present.

After seeing Jiang Yi coming, Xue Qianqian walked to Jiang Yi and raised his hand to put his shoulder.

"Ah, your body, which was so sick that it was half-retired, suddenly got better today?"

Hearing Xue Qianqian's words, Jiang Yi couldn't help but slap him on the shoulder.

"Shut up, you!"

"Isn't what I said right? It's been on the hot search for so long. Isn't it abnormal that I can't see it?"

Xue Qianqian dodged Jiang Yi extremely quickly, and said while hiding with a smile.

Hearing what Xue Qianqian said, Jiang Yi simply ignored him.

Seeing Jiang Yi like this, Xue Qianqian became more honest.

"Okay, okay, I won't joke with you anymore. Today is your farewell party, so I won't talk about this anymore!"

While the two of them were muttering to each other, Reba was sitting on the sofa next to her and watching.

Reba knew before that Jiang Yi was leaving during this period, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

She wanted to have a few words with Jiang Yi alone, but she glanced at Xue Qianqian next to her, then looked at so many people present, thinking about the news they had uploaded online, and finally sat silently without moving.

Some were drinking drinks from cups.

Before she could react, someone suddenly appeared beside her. Reba subconsciously raised her head and saw Jiang Yi looking at her with a smile.

"What are you doing sitting here, all alone?"

Jiang Yi actually didn't notice Reba's side at first. He only glanced here after talking to Xue Qianqian.

The other people were sitting together and talking, but Reba was the only one sitting in this corner. In addition, the light in the private room was not very bright, which made her look particularly pitiful.

The moment Jiang Yi saw it, he felt as if he saw a little duck that got separated from the large army.

Then she couldn't help but walked over to Reba.

After all, he was invited by himself, so he looked so pitiful.

"No, it's just that it's more comfortable to sit here..."

The moment the words came out, Reba simply wanted to cover her mouth.

What are you talking about!

What does it mean to sit comfortably here? !

Aren’t the sofas here all made of the same material? !

Reba lowered her head and felt her face getting hot.

But what he didn't expect was that Jiang Yi didn't show any doubts about her words, but instead sat down next to him seriously. After sitting down, he patted the cushions on the sofa.

"You're right. It's indeed more comfortable to sit here. It seems you have good taste."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Reba subconsciously raised her head and looked at Jiang Yi, meeting Jiang Yi's eyes.

Jiang Yi had a smile in his eyes, and his expression was very serious when he said this.

At this moment, Reba felt that the voices of other people had disappeared, as if she and Jiang Yi were the only two people left in the world.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Reba slowly came back to her senses.

He also knew that it was not that the sofa here was really more comfortable. What Jiang Yi said just now was just to cooperate with him.

"Although the sofas here are indeed more comfortable, I didn't invite you here to let you experience the comfortable sofas here. Come and play with everyone!"

It was not the first time that Reba and the other people present met.

I have been sitting here all the time, partly because I can see Jiang Yi coming in as quickly as possible from this place, and partly because I can sneak a few more glances at Jiang Yi.

But since Jiang Yi said so, Reba would naturally not refuse Jiang Yi.

"it is good."

Showing a smile, Reba followed Jiang Yi and stood up.

Reba always had a bright appearance, but now her smile was even more eye-catching. Xue Qianqian next to her couldn't help but take a few more glances at Reba's face.

While Reba was chatting with others, Xue Qianqian sneaked up to Jiang Yi like a thief.

"What's the matter with you? Can you be more upright? You're just a thief all day long, right?"

Seeing Xue Qianqian like this, Jiang Yi said helplessly.

"Why are you a thief! I just want to remind you! What are you thinking?"

Xue Qianqian glanced at Reba as he spoke.

Although Jiang Yiming didn't say it directly, and Reba didn't say it either, Xue Qianqian thought she had a pair of piercing eyes, and she could see the light in Reba's eyes when she looked at Jiang Yi.

But Xue Qianqian really couldn't figure out what Jiang Yi was thinking.

Between Jiang Yi and Mei Rou, he didn't get a clear answer from Jiang Yi.

But the atmosphere between the two of them is something!
Now there is another Reba...

Moreover, Xue Qianqian also knew that many female stars in the industry had a certain fondness for Jiang Yi.

If this were to start a Shura field, it would be an annual drama!

As a passerby, he would certainly be happy to see this happen, but as a friend, he really didn't want to see this happen.

"What am I thinking? Please speak clearly."

Jiang Yi didn't understand what Xue Qianqian was thinking, nor what did he mean by these words?
After Xue Qianqian stared at Jiang Yi for a few seconds and made sure that Jiang Yi was not pretending to be confused, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a few seconds, he patted Jiang Yi on the shoulder.

"Oh, you kid is really... OK, the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is ruthless!"

Hearing Xue Qianqian's words, Jiang Yi frowned, with a bit of uncertainty on his face.

"You shouldn't be..."

"Go away, I like 36D beauties!"

Xue Qianqian let go of his hand, said angrily, and walked towards where everyone gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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