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Chapter 751 The plan was disrupted! ? Request Jiang Yi Dojo by name? !

Chapter 751 The plan was disrupted! ? Request Jiang Yi Dojo by name? !

This time Jiang Yi goes abroad, Mei Rou will not go with him, mainly because he has work at home that needs to be dealt with for the time being.

However, we have discussed with Jiang Yi that if there is any unexpected situation, Mei Rou will come over.

However, Jiang Yi felt that such an unexpected situation would not happen.

During the last two days in China, Jiang Yi originally planned to take a short vacation for himself.

After all, after going abroad, you have to devote yourself to work non-stop.

However, his idea of ​​giving himself a holiday was quickly and ruthlessly exposed.

The ones who exposed Jiang Yi's ideas were Captain Ye and the director.

The movie "Not the God of Medicine" had actually been sent for review and there were no problems. Unexpectedly, the Film Association would hold an impromptu meeting, during which Jiang Yi was also asked to attend.

The people who told Jiang Yi the news were Captain Ye and the director. He received messages from the two people almost immediately.

Before he could respond to the news, Captain Ye's phone number came through.

"Jiang Yi, have you seen the message I sent you?"

As soon as the call came, Captain Ye got straight to the point.

Jiang Yi nodded helplessly, but then remembered that this was not a video call, and Captain Ye could not see his movements, so he continued to speak.

"I've seen it. Why is there a meeting suddenly? I haven't heard of such a thing before?"

Jiang Yi was also very confused when he said this.

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Captain Ye showed a bit of helplessness on his face, "It was also a sudden decision made by the people above."

After a pause, Captain Ye lowered his voice a little.

"But I guess this matter shouldn't be as simple as just holding a meeting. In fact, even if there is a meeting for the movie itself, usually the directors, producers or screenwriters will be present. Under normal circumstances, not The actors will be asked to go, but on your side..."

At this point, Captain Ye did not continue speaking, but Jiang Yi already understood what Captain Ye meant.

"Okay, I understand, I will arrange this matter."

The time of the meeting, as Captain Ye had just said in the message, was four days later. Jiang Yi's original flight ticket was three days later, so it seemed like it would be postponed for another two days.

Fortunately, Jiang Yi had set aside some time before to prevent any unexpected situation from happening, otherwise he would have been caught off guard by this sudden change.

"Okay, you're here to look at the arrangements. I'll hang up now if I have some other things to do. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

The phone was hung up, and before Jiang Yi could breathe a sigh of relief, another call came from the director.

As soon as the video call was connected, Jiang Yi saw the director's shaking background. It took a few seconds for the director's face to appear in the camera.

The director also looked like he had just learned about this matter.

"Jiang Yi, what were you doing just now? I didn't even get through my phone calls. Did you see the message I sent you? This is really unexpected..."

While saying this, the director touched his head. He did not expect that such a situation would suddenly occur.

"I've seen it. I was communicating with Commander Ye just now. I will arrange this matter. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you when the time comes." Jiang Yi finished these words in one breath.

And he also saw that the director was obviously relieved after he said these words. After all, if Jiang Yi did not show up at such an occasion, it would indeed be a bit bad.

If there was no request by name, it would be fine, but if Jiang Yi was asked to participate by name, it would be difficult to escape.

"I hope this sudden meeting is not a bad thing, otherwise..."

Compared with other directors, he is more worried about this, so after he knew about the meeting, he still feels a little restless.

After Jiang Yi saw the director like this, he thought for a while and gave him a reassurance.

"Don't worry, the director probably won't do anything bad. After all, the movie has been reviewed. If there are really any problems, you should call back."

Although the truth is this, it is indeed easy for people to feel psychologically burdened by such sudden events.

However, after Jiang Yi said this, the director felt a little better.

"That's what you said. By the way, you can come over tomorrow. It just so happens that we can also discuss the reasons. It also happens that we can have another discussion with each other about the script, just in case something happens. , we might as well have a response.”

Hearing what the director said, Jiang Yi thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yi sat down on the sofa. The comfortable mood he felt just now was gone.

Mei Rou, who was next to him, didn't come over until this moment. She was already here when Jiang Yi answered the phone.

Although she didn't know what happened, from the state Jiang Yi showed in the two phone calls just now, Mei Rou had some vague suspicions in her heart.

"Is there something wrong with the movie because I'm not the God of Medicine?"

Mei Rou said as she walked to Jiang Yi's side.

After Jiang Yi heard Mei Rou's voice, he didn't have the strength to look up and just nodded.

Then he briefly explained the whole story to Mei Rou. Mei Rou did not expect that such an accident would happen now.

I was a little stunned for a moment, especially after hearing Jiang Yi say the time of the meeting.

"Then I'll change the ticket for you. Don't worry, um, I'll help you arrange other things, so there shouldn't be any big problems. After all, I've set aside enough time before."

After being stunned for a short time, Mei Rou quickly prepared and reacted.

As he spoke, he picked up the phone and did not forget to talk to Jiang Yi.

"I haven't heard any other negative news from the movie side. It should be fine. Don't worry."

Of course Jiang Yi knew this, but the fact that his plan was suddenly disrupted made him feel a little unhappy.

He let out a long breath and looked at Mei Rou, who was already engaged in work. After staring at Mei Rou for a while, Jiang Yi's mood slowly calmed down.

However, his mood was calm, but Mei Rou felt a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Yi couldn't bear to look up and glared at him, but Jiang Yi just smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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