Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 753 Intimate contact? Another paparazzi killed!

Chapter 753 Intimate contact? Kill another paparazzi who turned around!
Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he was sure that Jiang Yi didn't really care about this matter.

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang Yi."

While saying this, Jing Tian was also quietly sizing up Jiang Yi.

Although they had met at several parties before, they had not spoken much to each other. To be more precise, this was the first time Jing Tian had spoken to Jiang Yi in private.

I have heard my manager whisper about Jiang Yi in my ears many times before.

Jing Tian also knew that many of the little sisters around her were fans and crushes of Jiang Yi.

He even asked several times if he could ask Jiang Yi for his autograph for them.

It's not that Jing Tian doesn't want to help them, but it's just that she really doesn't have the opportunity.

After noticing Jing Tian's gaze, Jiang Yi lowered his head and looked at her. Seeing her looking at him in a daze, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Why, is there anything else?"

Jing Tian was already thinking about something, but before she could react when she heard Jiang Yi speak, she nodded subconsciously.

"I was wondering if I could get some autographs from Teacher Jiang Yi..."

By the time she got here, Jing Tian had already reacted and wanted to cut off her words urgently, but she was already a step too late and almost bit her own tongue.

When she saw Jiang Yi's surprised expression, Jing Tian's face instantly turned red.

It's all my fault for those guys, they keep whispering in my ears, which makes me actually say it now!

In fact, it is not uncommon to ask someone for an autograph or photo on behalf of your friends in a group.

But for Jing Tian, ​​she felt very embarrassed to say such a sentence suddenly at this moment.

Feeling that Jiang Yi's eyes were always fixed on her, Jing Tian wished that there was a crack in the ground for her to get through.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Jiang Yi, that's not what I meant..."

But to his surprise, Jiang Yi just smiled softly.

"Do you want my signature? Of course, no problem."

After receiving Jiang Yi's answer, Jing Tian suddenly raised her head and bumped into Jiang Yi's eyes.

And Jiang Yi couldn't help but feel that Jing Tian was a little cute when she saw her face reddened and looking a little dazed.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Jing Tian finally came to his senses.

"If you find it troublesome, Teacher Jiang Yi... you can also treat it as something I didn't say just now..."

"Since I have agreed, it means that I don't think what you just said is something that will bother me. It's just that I don't have paper and pen with me now..."

When he said the last sentence, Jiang Yi showed a bit of hesitation on his face.

After all, I came out today just to discuss things with the director and the others. I never expected that such an incident would happen, so naturally I couldn't bring paper and pen with me.

After hearing Jiang Yi's answer, Jing Tian knew that he should sign it if he had the chance next time, but at this time his mouth was faster than his brain again.

"It's okay, Teacher Jiang Yi. When I ran over just now, I saw a stationery store in front of me..."

After realizing what she had said, Jing Tian was already a little disappointed.

She wanted to sew her mouth shut now.

After hearing Jing Tian's answer, Jiang Yi's eyes flashed with amusement.

Especially after seeing Jing Tian's current reaction. "Okay, then you can lead the way!"

When speaking, Jiang Yi's voice still contained a smile that could not be concealed.

Naturally, Jing Tian could hear it. She lowered her head and looked at the ground. She felt that her cheeks were so hot that she could fry an egg.

However, Jing Tian also felt a little incredible that Jiang Yi's attitude could be so easy-going.

How much of the image shown by celebrities in the industry is a deliberately created persona? It's one thing in front of fans, but it's another thing on the other side.

This kind of thing happens all the time.

Someone like Jiang Yi is indeed rare.

Having said this, Jing Tian could only bite the bullet and lead Jiang Yi in the direction he just ran from.

But they had just walked a short distance when they suddenly heard other footsteps behind them.

Jing Tian subconsciously wanted to turn around to check the situation, but Jiang Yi calmly stopped her movement.

"You'd better not look back now, it's those paparazzi just now."

After hearing Jiang Yi's movements, Jing Tian's body instantly became a little stiff, and there was an unnatural feeling all over her body.

At this moment, Jiang Yi was a little helpless. He didn't expect that these guys would actually come back with a fight.

But fortunately, Jiang Yi was very well covered up when he went out today. In addition, the weather is a bit cold now, so there are many people dressed up like this, so it is not particularly conspicuous.

But Jing Tian next to her was different. Even though she was wearing a mask, anyone who was familiar with her could recognize her.

But the paparazzi didn't notice anything strange about them now.

"It's strange, can a living person disappear out of thin air?"

"I thought I would be able to take some photos, but I didn't expect that the celebrities nowadays are more thieves than the others!"

Several paparazzi walked over here while talking.

And listening to the sound of them getting closer and closer, Jing Tian already didn't know what to do.

Jiang Yi next to him sighed silently.

Now it is no longer a matter of one person today. If these paparazzi recognize their identities, he can think of tomorrow... No, tonight, this news will probably spread throughout the entire Internet!
Thinking of this, Jiang Yi lowered his head and glanced at Jing Tian.

"Sorry for the offense!"

Before Jing Tian could react, Jiang Yi in front of him suddenly took a step forward. Jing Tian subconsciously stepped back and pressed his back against the wall.

Jiang Yi also suddenly shortened the distance between them. Although they were not really in contact with each other, from the perspective of others, they looked like an intimate couple.

The paparazzi also noticed the situation on their side. Although they felt that the two of them looked familiar, they also felt that if they were really the two people they were thinking of, it would be impossible for them to be together in broad daylight. Just intimacy.

And there was no contact between them.

Therefore, these paparazzi only glanced at him and then looked away.

Listening to their footsteps, and because Jiang Yi was so close, Jing Tian felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest at this moment.

The hand on his side couldn't help but grab his clothes, feeling like he was about to stop breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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