Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 754: It seems that my cabbage is about to be taken away?

Chapter 754: It seems that my cabbage is about to be taken away?
After realizing that the person was completely gone, Jiang Yi took a step back and reopened the distance between himself and Jing Tian.

Because Jing Tian lowered his head, Jiang Yi couldn't see his expression clearly at this time.

"In the situation just now, there is no other place to hide here, so I came up with this last resort. I'm sorry..."

Jiang Yi spoke first.

After Jiang Yi took a few steps back, Jing Tian felt that she could finally breathe normally. When she heard Jiang Yi say this, she shook her head slightly.

"It's okay. I was the one those paparazzi chased after me at the beginning. Strictly speaking, I was the one who implicated you, Teacher Jiang Yi."

The wind blew over at this time, and Jing Tian felt the temperature on her face drop a little, and then she adjusted her mood.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you have helped me twice today. If there is anything I can do to help Teacher Jiang Yi in the future, just ask!"

Jing Tian looked at Jiang Yi as he spoke. Although the blush on his face was still there, his expression was very serious.

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

After passing the corner, we arrived at the stationery store. There were relatively few people in the alley, and the stationery store had little business. The boss was sitting behind the counter, staring at his phone without raising his head.

Even after noticing someone coming in, he didn't look up.

"Welcome, feel free to pick out whatever you need."

He picked up a pen casually, and while picking up the notebook, Jing Tian next to him seemed to have thought of something.

"Wait a moment, Teacher Jiang Yi!"

Jing Tian spoke in a low voice. After looking around, she took a box of postcards from the side.

"You can write it on the postcard later, but don't sign it on the blank paper!"

Although Jing Tian believed that her friends would not use Jiang Yi's signature to do anything illegal, she still wanted to be just in case.

If the signature written in the blank space of their public figure is used by someone to do something bad, the impact will only be greater.

Jiang Yi also thought of this, so he didn't raise any objections to Jing Tian's approach.

The boss didn't look at Jiang Yi and Jing Tian when they were paying. It wasn't until they paid the bill and left the store that the boss accidentally looked up and saw their retreating figures.

As a loyal fan of Jiang Yi, the shop owner instantly recognized Jiang Yi even from his back view and stood up immediately.

"I rely on!"

The shop owner immediately jumped out from the counter, but by the time he ran to the entrance of the alley, the person was already gone.

"Did I see it wrong just now??"

The boss rubbed his eyes and thought carefully.

“It’s absolutely impossible to see it wrong!!”

As a loyal fan of Jiang Yi, the boss has such confidence.

But when he thought of the person following Jiang Yi just now, he couldn't help but frown.

That figure seemed a bit familiar, but I just couldn't remember where I had met the store owner.

Jiang Yi didn't know what the store owner was going through after they left.

They entered a self-service library nearby. There was no one in the library at the moment. Jiang Yi and Jing Tian found a place to sit down.

After writing his name on the postcard, Jiang Yi closed the pen cap.

"See if there are any problems." Jing Tian shook her head quickly and carefully put away the postcards.

"Of course there is no problem. I really want to thank you, Teacher Jiang Yi, for causing you trouble today..."

When she said this, Jing Tian couldn't help but think of what happened in the alley, and her cheeks couldn't help but start to feel a little hot.

Jiang Yi didn't think it was anything.

"It's okay, those paparazzi are indeed very annoying."

Those paparazzi are like flies, they pounce on every crack and there is no place where they won't show up.

Jiang Yi did not stay here longer, and soon left first. Jing Tian was staring at the postcard in his hand in a daze. After an unknown period of time, his cell phone rang. When he opened it, he found that it was from his agent. phone call.

"My little ancestor, where are you now? You sent me messages and you didn't reply. I almost thought you were missing!"

As soon as the call was connected, the agent's voice came over.

After Jing Tian heard what her agent said, she slowly came to her senses.

"It's a long story. I'm in a self-service library on the roadside now. You need to ask Xiaole and the others to pick me up first."

Xiao Le is Jing Tian’s assistant.

"Send me your location and I will take them to pick you up now. Stop running around! There isn't anyone else next to you, right?"

"No one else."

Today is a working day, and there is no one else in the library except myself.

After hanging up the phone, he put the postcard away.

After about half an hour, the agent finally appeared in the library.

The first moment he saw Jing Tian, ​​the manager looked at Jing Tian carefully and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that there was nothing unexpected about him.

"Ancestor, did I tell you before that you can go out for a walk if you want, but at least bring an assistant with you. You just ran out without saying a word. You really scared me to death!"

Especially now that the new drama is on the air, if something happens at this time, there will really be no place to talk about it! !

After saying this, the manager walked up to Jing Tian, ​​and then his eyes fell on the small box he was holding in his hand.

"Why did you buy a box of postcards? When did you become interested in this kind of thing?"

Jing Tian hesitated for a moment and made a choice between concealment and confession.

However, after thinking carefully for a while, Jing Tian finally decided to tell her agent exactly what happened.

This way, if something happens later, they can respond as soon as possible.

"I just met Teacher Jiang Yi, and I was pestered by a few paparazzi just now..."

I told the agent about the matter, and after hearing the whole story, the agent was dumbfounded on the spot.

He never expected that so many things would happen to his artist when he went out for such a lap.

Especially when he saw Jing Tian's shy look when he mentioned Jiang Yi, his expression became even more complicated.

If it had been anyone else, his manager would have started to hammer Jing Tian and ask him to put his career first, but that person happened to be Jiang Yi.

Thinking of Jiang Yi's current popularity and traffic in the circle, those words were swirling around the manager's lips, but he couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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