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Chapter 789 is like a person who has fallen into hell and lost the last life-saving straw!

Chapter 789 is like a person who has fallen into hell and lost the last life-saving straw!
Premiere day.

Countless people come for the movie.

And those who didn't get tickets for the premiere are waiting eagerly.

Sitting at the front is the film's creative team, with Jiang Yi sitting in the middle, surrounded by Xu Shanzheng, the director and others.

Sitting in a row behind them were major investors, invited film critics, and some invited media.

Before the theater went dark, people could still hear excited chatter behind them.

Until the movie officially started, those rustling sounds disappeared in an instant, and everyone's attention was focused on the movie itself.

Less than two minutes after the movie opens, the image of the character played by Xu Shanzheng is almost completely different from the image of the protagonist that the public knows.

After all, the character Lu Yong he plays does seem to be just an ordinary citizen, and he even has numerous shortcomings. He has a bad temper, is a philistine, and even engages in domestic violence!

The only thing that can be regarded as an advantage seems to be filial piety and being very good to his son.

In other movies, such a character would, let alone the protagonist, be a cannon fodder character who wouldn't even appear for two minutes.

And it is the attraction brought by this contrast that makes the audience's attention more and more focused.

With the appearance of the character played by Jiang Yi, the story slowly began to go on the right track.

Outside pharmaceutical companies.

A large number of people gathered, and they all came for the same thing, which was to protest against the sky-high price of Lenin.

They all held protest signs in their hands, and their bodies were painted with bright red and exaggerated graffiti. Looking at the person coming out of the company gate, everyone's face was filled with anger, and they wished they could pounce on him and get rid of him. Tear off two pieces of meat.

In stark contrast to the anger of these people, Lu Yiyi was sitting at the back of the crowd, holding a box lunch in his hand. While he was devouring the box lunch in his hand, he glanced over there from time to time, with a smile on his face. With a bit of sarcasm.

In fact, he was one of these people, but he acted as if it had nothing to do with him.

Because he knew very well that such a method would never touch these black-hearted capitalists, and they would not lower the price of drugs because of this.

But the reason why he still appears here today is because after coming up with this method, he has not thought of other methods for the time being.

It's just that although he came, he just came for this lunch box.

Now when everyone is working hard to fight for their rights, he is at the back.

When seeing such a scene, all the audience present had somewhat complicated hearts.

After all, the image shown was indeed different from the role they expected Jiang Yi to play.

The story at this moment is still moving forward.

Lu Yong, after going through various reasons, finally agreed to go to India to buy generic drugs for Lu Yiyi.

After arriving in India, when he learned that it only cost 500 yuan a bottle to get medicine from the factory, he immediately wanted to win the agency.

And the subsequent development seemed to be particularly smooth.

They have found members who will sell medicine together and have successfully started their business. Everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

But it’s been less than an hour since the movie opened.

Obviously there are other plots behind it.

At this moment, all the audience's eyes were fixed on the screen. They watched the patients wearing masks waving the bills in their hands like crazy, trying their best to squeeze to the front, trying to get out of Lu Yong's hands. Buy life-saving medicine.

After taking off the masks, they revealed a pale and haggard face, without any blood on their faces. They are all patients like Lu Yiyi.

The only way to maintain their lives is this bottle of medicine. If they want to survive, they can only keep taking medicine.

Before the emergence of this batch of generic drugs in Lu Yong's hands, they could only choose those expensive and sky-high drugs, and these drugs made them bankrupt and their families were ruined.

When they saw the patients crying with joy while holding the medicine, the audience was happy for them on the one hand, but on the other hand, their hearts felt as if they were being grabbed by a big hand, and they felt sour and astringent.

At this moment, with the emergence of another new character, the plot of the entire movie began to turn sharply in another direction.

Arriving here has reached one of the climaxes of the entire movie.

That's the end of the rainy night.

After Lu Yong and others confessed that he was no longer selling drugs, they saw that the drug-selling team became fragmented that night.

"You drank too much. Did you drink too much?"


Seeing Lu Yiyi's eyes flashing with tears after being scolded by Lu Yong.

Seeing that he was trying to maintain the dignity on his face, he wanted to smile, but the corners of his mouth just curled up, but they were suppressed subconsciously.

The atmosphere in the entire cinema seemed to become a little dull at this moment.

Just by looking at Jiang Yi's expressions, those present seemed to be able to feel the despair and discomfort he was experiencing at the moment.

It's like a person who has fallen into hell and finally grasped a life-saving straw, but now even this life-saving straw is about to be broken.

Some people's eyes have started to become a little red and their noses are sore.

A small sob came from the darkness.

And this dull atmosphere reached its peak when Lu Yong arrived at the hospital to visit Lu Yiyi.

When they saw Lu Yiyi lying on the hospital bed shown on the screen, the audience suddenly remembered the rumors on the Internet about Jiang Yi taking drugs during this period.

After all, his current image is indeed very similar.

That is to say, they know that this is a movie, otherwise when they see the image shown at this moment, they will think that the person lying on it is really a leukemia patient.

Accompanied by a few lines of dialogue between Lu Yong and Lu Yiyi.

As the camera changed, everyone could clearly see the furnishings in the ward.

The light in the ward is bright, but all are monotonous and pale colors.

The orange placed on the bedside is the only eye-catching thing in this ward.

When Lu Yong watched silently as his former friend turned into what he is now, silently.

Lu Yiyi just turned his head and glanced at the orange next to him, "Would you like an orange?"

Lu Yong was silent, no one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

It wasn't until Lu Yiyi debrided the wound and the almost scalp-numbing wailing came from the ward that Lu Yong finally buried his face in his hands as if he couldn't bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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