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Chapter 790 I don’t want to die, I want to live, okay?

Chapter 790 I don’t want to die, I want to live, okay?
It wasn't just Lu Yong on the screen who couldn't stand it. Although the audience knew that this was all staged, they all felt numb when they heard the sound.

Some people even covered their eyes and ears, unable to bear or dare to listen to such sounds.

The subtle sobs in the theater became louder.

Especially when they saw Lu Yiyi's mental state after the debridement, many viewers couldn't bear it and averted their eyes.

Although the appearance of Lu Youyi in the early stages of the movie is not much different from that of Lu Shouyi who is now lying in the hospital bed, his spirit and state are completely different.

Although Lu Yiyi was also tortured by illness before and his face was still haggard, there was hope in his eyes. I want to live.

But what he saw now, there was only numb pain in his eyes.

It's like there was a burning fire, but now there's only ashes left.

Such an impact is very uncomfortable.

When people are sick, they become particularly helpless and vulnerable.

This torture not only comes from the physical level, but also from the mental level.

When I saw the people in front of me who were trying so hard to survive, they finally chose to commit suicide in the toilet.

Everyone found it incredible, but it seemed to be expected.

I find it incredible because before, Lu Yiyi really tried his best to survive. His wish was to wait for his son to call him daddy.

It was expected because when he finally got up from the hospital bed and saw his son lying on the small bed next to him huddled with his wife, he had a painful and suppressed smile on his face.

Lu Yiyi's death not only made Lu Yong take another path, but also made the audience feel a little unacceptable.

None of them thought that Jiang Yi's character would be offline so soon.

But they also remembered that in the behind-the-scenes footage released by the show, Jiang Yi clearly appeared in the final clip.

But no matter what they think in their hearts, the plot is still going on.

Today's medicine-selling team gathered together again, but this time they were permanently missing one person.

The police quickly noticed this, but compared to Lu Yong and the others, the police found the previous counterfeit drug dealer first.

But when being chased by the police, he chose to go find Lu Yong.

In a dark room.

The lights were dimly on, Zhang Changlin was sitting on the sofa, and he looked at Lu Yong standing by the window.

He opened the bag next to him and found a bag full of money inside.

"I have been selling medicines for so many years, and I have discovered that there is only one disease in the world, the disease of poverty! You have no cure for this disease, and you can't cure it, so forget it."

When Zhang Changlin said these words to Lu Yong, the look on his face was extremely serious.

But Lu Yong just stood there and was not shaken by what the other party said.

Maybe he still felt guilty in his heart.

Perhaps he was also thinking that if he had not reached cooperation with Zhang Changlin back then, would Lu Yiyi be still alive and well now?

It's just that he didn't say this, and he didn't know who he could tell it to after he said it.

In the end, Zhang Changlin was indeed arrested by the police.

When the police asked him why he had harmed so many people by selling counterfeit medicines, his face was a little obscured by the light.

"Who have I harmed? I haven't saved 1000 leukemia patients in the past two years, so there must be 500! I can be considered a good deed, don't you think?"

While saying these words, he squeezed himself hard. His wrinkled face seemed to be trying to make himself smile. The smile appeared in the end, but it was full of bitterness, making it difficult to tell whether he was crying or smiling.

At this moment, there is no other sound in the cinema except the voices of the characters on the screen.

How can people not get sick if they eat whole grains?
There are always some people who have the same patient at home.

Whether it was the sky-high price of genuine medicine or being overwhelmed by life, they all resonated uncontrollably at the moment.

In the corner of the theater, Xiaohua's mother was sitting with red eyes, and sitting next to her was Xiaohua.

It's just that the child doesn't understand so many things. She only knows that her mother took her out to play today, and her face is full of smiles at the moment.

After Xiaohua's mother glanced at Xiaohua, tears almost burst out of her eyes.

for them.

Little flowers are everything in their lives.

In fact, it is not that no one has told them over the years to let the couple have another child. After all, they are not very old now.

But when they think of their daughter's cute look when she was just born, and how her daughter usually smiles coquettishly at them, they really can't give up on the child in front of them.


The story continues.

All the patients who bought counterfeit medicines were taken back to the police station.

The police wanted to know about the drug dealers from their mouths.

But surprisingly, none of these people cooperated with the police.

Just when the police were a little annoyed, an old man with gray hair walked over shakily from the side, his face covered with wrinkles.

Looking at the police in front of him, the old man's eyes were filled with tears.

"Stop chasing Indian medicine, okay?"

"I have been ill for three years, and I have taken 4 yuan for a bottle of genuine medicine. For three years, I have lost my house and food, and my family has been ruined by me..."

"Now we finally have cheap medicines, but you guys insist that they are fake. How can we not know whether the medicine is fake or not?"

"Who can avoid encountering a sick person? Can you guarantee that you will never get sick in your life?"

"If you catch him, we will all have to wait to die!"

"I don't want to die, I want to live, okay?"

The old man's lips were trembling as he said these words.

His eyes were cloudy, filled with pleading.

Begging the people in front of them not to take away their only hope of survival.

After the police officer heard what the old man said and met his eyes, the anger on his face gradually disappeared. He did not dare to look at him, and slowly lowered his head and put his hands beside him, tightly Clenched into a fist.

The camera at this moment swept across other patients.

The room was dimly lit, and everyone wore masks. No one spoke except the old man, but the despair emanating from them was like a swamp, making people feel suffocated.

They just want to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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