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Chapter 842 The rapper in the hot pot restaurant! Unrecognized rap style!

Chapter 842 The rapper in the hot pot restaurant! Unrecognized rap style!

A few days later, Jiang Yi went to the Magic City again.

Originally, Jiang Yi came to the magic city to see Xue Qianqian, but when he saw the person, he was pulled into the car by Xue Qianqian before he could talk about the business.

"What are you going to do?"

Suddenly unable to react, Jiang Yi frowned and looked at Xue Qianqian.

Xue Qianqian's expression didn't change much after seeing Jiang Yi's reaction.

"Waiting for you here, I haven't even eaten yet. Let's go have a hot pot first. A new hot pot restaurant opened here recently and it's quite lively. Don't worry, I won't sell you out, Teacher Jiang Yi. !”

After hearing what Xue Qianqian said, Jiang Yi didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment.

He originally thought that Xue Qianqian pulled him over so eagerly because he had something serious to do, but he didn't expect that it was just for a hot pot.

"You don't know, didn't I stay in Suzhou and Hangzhou some time ago for work reasons? I even wonder if the people there have no sense of taste!"

When it comes to this, Xue Qianqian has a lot to say.

"As for their famous vinegar fish, I was honestly looking forward to it before I went there. After taking a bite, I wanted to throw the fish plate into the lake next to it!"

"I feel like they cooked the fish with the mud from the lake! And that Longjing hot pot, who in the right mind would like to eat something like this!"

"He's like a ghost in Suhang. The food that usually tastes good here just tastes bad!"

"Those who can still stay in Suzhou and Hangzhou are really warriors. They really don't have such a thing as taste!"

Xue Qianqian kept talking.

It seemed that those days in Suzhou and Hangzhou really drove him crazy.

After listening to Jiang Yi murmuring for a long time, looking at Xue Qianqian's appearance, he became somewhat clear.

If he had stayed in such a place for so long, his mental state might not be stable.

It's not very far from the hot pot restaurant here. I arrived at the restaurant quickly and smelled an extremely strong and overbearing aroma of hot pot before I even entered the door.

"Ah, that's the smell!"

Xue Qianqian burst into tears. Compared with the Longjing tea hot pot, this is the authentic hot pot!

The current hot pot market is quite saturated. In fact, as long as the small hot pots do not go down the wrong path, there is not much difference in taste. Therefore, in order to attract more customers, now there are all kinds of hot pot restaurants. Started other marketing.

Among them, the most successful company in marketing should be Dilao, which stands out for its thoughtful service.

The hot pot restaurant they came to today also belongs to this new type of hot pot restaurant.

This hot pot restaurant covers a large area and even has a stage in the center of the lobby, where performers are performing at the moment.

To be honest, the decoration doesn't look like a hot pot restaurant, but more like a nightclub.

Jiang Yi and Xue Qianqian came in dressed low-key, and celebrities often came around here, so the service staff didn't recognize their identities at the first time, and Jiang Yi was relieved.

It was just a meal, and he didn't want to attract too many onlookers.

And soon their orders were served. Hot pot has a special magic that makes people never get tired of it.

Probably because of their throat problems, what they ordered was not particularly spicy, but they still screamed with joy after eating it. Xue Qianqian felt like he was swallowing the whole world after eating it. The business of the hot pot restaurant is pretty good, and the performance on the stage has ended at this moment.

There were two other young boys who walked up to the stage. One of them was wearing a black peaked cap and the other was wearing pigtails.

As soon as the music started playing, Jiang Yi turned around and looked over, not for any other reason, but because these two people were singing rap.

And it’s still very pure underground rap.

Since rap appeared in the public eye, it has been divided into two genres.

One is rap, which has been active underground in the past. Its characteristic is that it is very offensive, somewhat similar to the feeling of gangsters in the American Empire.

The other type is the academic. Compared with the former, they pay more attention to the melody and rhythm of the songs in their works.

It can only be said that these two schools have their own strengths. Although there are always debates on the Internet about which of the two schools is more powerful, for Jiang Yi, he does not have any special preference.

After all, in his opinion, you can't directly deny others just because of the different forms of music.

The two boys on the stage actually didn't look very old, and they obviously sounded like wild men without any special training, but to be honest, their performances were no better than what Jiang Yi had seen or heard before. Some famous raps are worse.

But this kind of rap is not acceptable to everyone.

A large number of people will only find it noisy and incomprehensible.

"Why are you howling! Can you shut up! It's so noisy!"

Someone with a bad temper stood up and yelled at them, and at the same time threw a bowl and plate for mixing ingredients towards them.

The dishes fell to pieces and fell into pieces.

The people on the stage stopped their movements almost instantly. At this moment, everyone else in the store basically focused their attention on them.

Although the two boys on the stage did not look very old, they did not appear panicked when they encountered this incident. It seemed that this was not the first time they had dealt with it.

"Thank you for the dish fragments sent by this big brother! But it's a pity that we don't have any activities to collect as many fragments as possible for a lottery."

After the boy in the peaked cap said this, the atmosphere at the scene relaxed, and everyone else was amused by his words.

The elder brother who threw the dishes over responded to what they said and looked slightly better.

"Hey, why would I want to draw a lottery from you two boys?"

"It's quite interesting, but what the hell is that thing you just sang? Can you sing something good?"

The elder brother walked up to them, took out his wallet from his pocket, and shook it.

"Can you accept some singing here? Give me a song of forgetfulness!"

As he spoke, he took out a few big bills from his pocket and slapped them on the stage.

After hearing what the eldest brother said, the two boys looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

"of course!"

(End of this chapter)

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