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Chapter 843 Real-name appreciation! Can you let me see your complete lyrics? ?

Chapter 843 Real-name appreciation! Can I see your complete lyrics? ?

These two young people do have two skills.

When they finished singing the song "Bang Qing Shui", they immediately won the applause of the whole house.

And the eldest brother was obviously very satisfied, and the dissatisfaction he felt just now had already been thrown out of the window.

"Wouldn't it be better if I sang this earlier! That thing you sang before was really torturing my ears! But it's true that I was impulsive when I threw the bowl here. I'll make amends to you two boys!"

Afterwards, people came one after another to request songs from them.

But they are basically ordinary music that is acceptable to the public, such as love songs or pop songs.

Both of them are welcome to come and sing very well.

Jiang Yi was also paying attention to their movements with a slightly subtle look on his face.

Xue Qianqian noticed that Jiang Yi kept looking over there, and then followed Jiang Yi's line of sight.

"Why, do you think these two people can sing pretty well?"

After hearing Xue Qianqian's words, Jiang Yi looked away, "I think the singing is indeed pretty good, much better than some people in the industry."

After hearing what Jiang Yi said, Xue Qianqian also agreed very much and nodded. He also had the same idea as Jiang Yi.

After about 10 minutes, the people performing on the stage had changed. From the two young men before, they were replaced by a middle-aged uncle holding a guitar.

"You sit down first, I have something to take care of."

Xue Qianqian was a little strange. When he looked up, Jiang Yi had already left his seat. Although he didn't know what medicine Jiang Yi was selling in his gourd, Xue Qianqian did not choose to follow him after thinking for a few seconds.

Backstage at the moment.

The two people who had just come off the stage were standing in front of a middle-aged man.

He is the manager of a hot pot restaurant.

"Xiao Zhao, you turned around and forgot about what you promised me before, right?"

"Look at what happened just now. If you had reacted slower, something would have happened in the store today!"

"Aren't you pretty good at singing other songs? Why do you have to sing that kind of rap?"

"If something happens in the store, let alone you, I will be implicated!"

As the manager said these words, helplessness was written on his face, and there was a bit of hatred in his eyes.

The man wearing the peaked cap is Xiao Zhao in the manager's mouth.

"I'm sorry, manager, that brother was written recently by our brothers, so I thought of giving it a try. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!"

Seeing Xiao Zhao's sincere attitude in admitting his mistake, and the manager's usual relationship with them is indeed pretty good.

After sighing, the manager's attitude softened slightly.

"I don't mean anything else, but you have to understand my difficulties!"

"If something like this happens again in the future, then I will really have to deal with business!"

"Don't you think it's great to sing those love songs? You can also earn some tips. Don't you both need to save money? Why would you miss such a good opportunity to make money?"

After saying these words, there happened to be other people next to Manager Han, so the manager did not continue to say more, but turned and left.

After the manager left, Xiao Zhao and his friends looked at each other and then sat down on the stool.

Zhao Qiao took off the hat on his head and leaned his head against the wall. He and his friends all came from the mountain city.

The two of them grew up together. When they were young, they played in the mud together in the village, and when they grew up, they went out to explore together.

The two people have almost the same family environment.

Both of them have neither father nor mother, and neither of them have read much books, so they just started to struggle in society. Although they are only in their twenties this year, they have been involved in society for more than ten years. .

In fact, when they first came out of society, like other young people who came into contact with society too early, they felt confused and the road ahead was dark.

I just hang around with a bunch of social youths all day long.

But after being exposed to rap accidentally, the two of them hit it off almost immediately.

It's just that when they are full of confidence and take their works to various stages, the feedback they receive is almost always negative.

They even participated in those famous talent shows before, but due to lack of background, and in the past few years, rap was not as popular as it is now. Therefore, let alone being famous, even the scenes of their performances were She was cut straight away during the show.

"Brother, I recently saw on the Internet that there is a new rap program that is going to audition. How about we give it a try again!"

When he heard the words of the people around him, Zhao Qiao sighed.

"Those rap shows say they are auditions, but you haven't understood what the actual process is like?"

"You can't get in without some background, okay?"

"People always ask for background and some impressive historical achievements. The two of us have been here to accompany them!"

It's not that he is pessimistic, but that this situation has happened too many times before.

Just when the two of them were dejected, a cough suddenly appeared from the side.

When they heard the sound, they thought it was the manager coming back.

"What's wrong, manager? The guest just now had some dissatisfaction..."

Zhao Qiao reflexively raised his head with a flattering smile, but when he saw the person in front of him, the next words were instantly stuck in his throat.

The people around him felt a little strange, and raised their heads in the same way, basically having the same dumbfounded reaction.

"Hello everyone, I just heard the rap you sang. I think it's pretty good, but you didn't finish singing it just now. I wonder if you can let me see the complete lyrics of your song?"

At this moment, Jiang Yi was just wearing a hat, and his whole face was exposed to the light.

It can be said that his face is now unknown to everyone.

Zhao Qiao couldn't believe for a moment that Jiang Yi was actually talking to him.

"Did you hear me? If it's inconvenient, just pretend that I didn't say what I just said."

After hearing this, Zhao Qiao was excited.

"Teacher Jiang Yi! Are you Teacher Jiang Yi!?"

"Of course, there's nothing inconvenient! But..."

When Zhao Qiao said this, his face turned slightly red, "But this song is what my brother and I usually write by ourselves...it's all done with a hammer here and there. Teacher Jiang Yi, if you like it, I can sing it to you in its entirety!”

Jiang Yi nodded after hearing this.

"Then trouble you."

(End of this chapter)

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