Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 844 Fight for your dream? Bow to life! ?

Chapter 844 Fight for your dream? Bow to life! ?
Under Jiang Yi's gaze, Zhao Qiao and his companions started to perform a complete performance with their faces flushed.

Because I am too excited. Because he was so excited, part of him almost yelled out.

But this is no wonder to them, after all, no matter who is stared at so directly in front of Jiang Yi, they will feel a little scared.

However, although there were slight flaws, Jiang Yi already had his own conclusion in his mind.

Zhao Qiao and his companions are really born to eat music.

This is a naturally good voice. Although it is a little hoarse, it is still very steady when it opens.

For such a talented person, Jiang Yi really didn't want him to spend his whole life singing in such a hot pot restaurant.

So after thinking for a while, Jiang Yi continued to speak.

"When you were talking just now, I happened to be right next to you and heard you talking. You also want to participate in some rap shows like this, right?"

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhao Qiao and his friend Li Ming looked at each other.

Then he nodded.

"I do have this idea, but..."

A wry smile appeared on Zhao Qiao's face, "This is not the first time we want to participate in these programs, but we have always gone there to accompany them."

Jiang Yi actually knew a little about this situation.

To be honest, Jiang Yi is more or less aware of the current state of domestic entertainment, but the current environment is just like this.

But for Jiang Yi, although he didn't want to change the entire environment on his own, he still couldn't stand idly by when he saw it.

"I'm going to record a rap show soon, and I'm going to serve as a mentor. If you're interested, you can join. I can introduce you to it."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhao Qiao was stunned for a moment, "Teacher Jiang Yi, are you going to participate in the fifth season of New Rap?"

As far as he knows, the only rap program that has become famous recently is New Rap.

It seems that there are indeed others, and they are said to be still in preparation, but given Teacher Jiang Yi’s status, he should probably go to New Rap.

Jiang Yi, on the other hand, had no intention of hiding it and shook his head slightly.

"It's not a new rap show, but a rap program that is still under preparation at Station B called Rap New Era, and I will be one of its mentors."

When he said this, Jiang Yi paused slightly.

"Of course, the introduction I am referring to is indeed just an introduction."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhao Qiao's expression became a little unpredictable for a moment. He lowered his head and seemed to be deep in thought.

He didn't agree immediately.

Li Ming next to him became a little anxious after seeing Zhao Qiao's reaction.

"Brother Zhao, what's going on with you! Haven't we been waiting for this opportunity for a long time? Why are you still hesitating now?"

After taking a look at Jiang Yi, Li Ming lowered his voice and spoke in Zhao Qiao's ear, with some anxiety in his voice.

They had agreed to use their rap works to make a name for themselves and make a big splash, but now that the opportunity had come, he was hesitant!
He didn't dare to say these words loudly, for fear that they would miss this hard-won opportunity. After Zhao Qiao heard Li Ming's words, he stopped talking.

Jiang Yi witnessed all this and his eyes fell on the two of them.

"Why do you think there is anything stubborn? If so, you can just say it directly."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhao Qiao seemed to have mustered up the courage. He raised his head and looked at Jiang Yi.

"To be honest, Teacher Jiang Yi, I do have some scruples in my heart. We have hit the wall too many times on this matter."

"Actually, I'm a little doubtful now whether I really don't have enough strength."

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I am very happy to receive your evaluation today, but if Teacher Jiang Yi is recommended by you, I am worried that my strength will not be enough by then..."

After people fail too many times, they will really start to doubt themselves uncontrollably.

Although Zhao Qiao had not expressed this publicly before, in fact this did not mean that he did not have such concerns in his heart.

What's more important is that if he really fails to perform as expected by then, it may even affect Jiang Yi.

When the time comes, let everyone say that Teacher Jiang Yi doesn’t understand people well.

If it had been a few years ago, he would have been extremely happy to have had such an opportunity, and he would never have had such scruples, but it is really no longer possible now.

After Jiang Yi heard these words from Zhao Qiao, he didn't. He was about to give his own answer now.

After all, he wasn't here to make things difficult. He just couldn't bear to see such a talented young man being buried, but he couldn't do anything more wrong.

"It's okay. You can think about it for yourself. I just hope you can give it a try. If nothing else, at least I can guarantee basic fairness on this stage."

"Of course, if you really come to participate in this rap show, there is no way I can guarantee that you will become famous and become famous. After all, your work still has to speak for itself."

"You still have a few days to think about it carefully. The choice always remains in your own hands."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yi took out his business card from his pocket and placed it on the table next to him.

"This has my phone number on it. If you think about it, you can contact me."

"Of course no matter what your final choice is, I will respect you."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhao Qiao thought for a few seconds before solemnly accepting the business card and looking at Jiang Yi with unconcealed gratitude in his eyes.

"I understand, thank you, Teacher Jiang Yi!"

He bowed deeply to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi didn't say anything more, then turned around and left from the other side. As he was leaving, he heard an obviously uncontrollable excited voice coming from behind.

But he didn't stop. After all, just like what he said just now, no matter what choice they make later, it is their own destiny.

I can only provide them with an opportunity and an environment that allows them to have a slightly fairer chance of competition.

But in the end whether they can seize this opportunity depends on themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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