Chapter 104
Time passed, and another seven days passed in a flash.

During these seven days, Li Ye didn't have any other actions, but just stayed quietly in the small courtyard to practice meditation.

The powerful physical body nourished his spirit, and his spirit became more and more condensed, and the outline of the soul talisman gradually took shape.

In my mind, I imagined that I was holding a paintbrush in my hand and drawing the soul talisman stroke by stroke.

After trying again and again, Li Yezhen gradually drew a picture scroll in the shape of a soul talisman in his mind.

In the early morning, the sun shines into the small courtyard, the morning dew gradually evaporates, and the fog gradually dissipates.

After another night of persistent practice, Li Ye became more and more aware of how to outline the soul talisman.

He had a strong gut feeling that he was on the verge of success.

A line was drawn from the starting point, and moved slowly along the complex and mysterious path. After half an hour, the lines were connected at the end.


Suddenly there was a sound in my mind, as if something was vibrating in my brain.

At a certain moment, the vibration disappeared, Li Ye closed his eyes intently, and an extremely dark but real light and shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, a new prompt also appeared on the panel.

[Li Ye (Yin Qi enters the body)——Yin Power Point: 5430; Skill: Thought of Danxia Mountain View (1/10000)]

This concept of conception, entry!
Without any hesitation, Li Yedang focused his attention on the panel.

It is so difficult to even take the first step by himself, he does not believe that the speed of practice will be faster and faster.

The mind is concentrated, and the idea of ​​Danxia Mountain view on the panel exudes a strange luster.


The figure reappeared and suddenly grew larger in front of Li Ye.

Two meters high, five meters high, one hundred meters high...

Li Ye felt that the figure was expanding and magnifying infinitely.And I became smaller and smaller, turning into a speck of dust.

When Li Ye came back to his senses again, he realized that he had appeared in a starry sky.

The figure sits cross-legged, surrounded by celestial bodies similar in size to him.

It's not that Li Ye has become smaller, but that the other party is too big.

Facing a figure as big as a planet, my two-meter-high body is of course as small as a speck of dust in the eyes of the other party.

In the starry sky, the figure began to practice meditation.

A mysterious light appeared in front of the other party's eyes, and slowly began to pass along a fixed route.

Li Ye understood that this route was the standard route for outlining the soul talisman, and he had successfully outlined this route himself when he started to visualize the method.

However, unlike him, the light outlined by the figure is not only very clear, but also very fast.

It only takes a quarter of an hour to sketch over and over again.

Moreover, as the figure was drawn repeatedly, the time for the line to form became shorter and shorter, and in the end it took only 5 minutes to complete a success.

More importantly, as the figure continued to practice, a soul talisman appeared in the starry sky out of thin air.

The soul talisman was very vague at first, like a dream bubble.

But as time passed, under the persistence of the figure, the soul talisman gradually became clear.

After a long time, the soul talisman seemed to gradually turn from an illusion to a real existence.

Just when the figure began to outline the soul talisman again.

Swish!The next second, the figure suddenly disappeared, and Li Yemeng woke up with a start.


Li Ye felt lost.

This time the deduction has not been completely successful, but it ended suddenly.

Looking at the panel, as expected, the yin energy value has been cleared to zero, and more than 5000 yin energy points are not enough to complete this deduction.

But even if the deduction was not completely successful, the gains this time were huge for Li Ye.

Closing his eyes, memories of soul talismans outlined by silhouettes emerged in his mind.

At this moment, he seems to be very familiar with how to outline the soul talisman. He is confident that as long as he is given some time, he can also visualize the soul talisman in his mind.

The heart moved at will, as if a figure suddenly appeared in the mind and began to outline the soul talisman.

In 5 minutes, the soul talisman was completely outlined and then slowly disappeared.

[Effective practice 1 time, Danxia Mountain View thought proficiency +1]

The result of this practice also appeared on the panel in due course.

Compared with the half an hour required for the first successful sketch before, the time required this time has been directly reduced to one fourteenth of the previous one.

The efficiency has increased by a full fourteen times, which is the effect of this deduction.

It has to be said that although Li Ye is allowed to practice on his own, his efficiency will gradually increase in the end, and one day he will be able to reach his full proficiency level.

But compared with the deduction of the value of yin force, the time required is vastly different.

Standing up and slowly stretching his body, he took another deep breath.

inhale, exhale...

After feeling that his heart had calmed down again, Li Ye began to practice meditation again.

At this time, he seemed to have forgotten his plan a few days ago, and also forgot that Chen Xuan, who had been restless during this time, kept sketching the soul talisman in his mind.

Time passed, and the morning passed in a flash.

With Li Ye's success again and again, the proficiency of the Danxia Mountain View idea on the panel is also constantly increasing.

At the same time, in a high-end restaurant in the county, several sub-heads of the Giant Whale Gang in the county were also entertaining Chen Xuan.

"Master Chen, at present we have collected all the sacrifices. There are a total of 30 domesticated pigs, [-] bantam sheep, [-] tigers, [-] black bears, [-] long-horned reindeer, and green wolves... The ten days we promised you, we did not break our promise."

"Yeah." On the other side of the huge round table, Chen Xuan didn't seem to have had a good rest recently, with obvious dark circles on her face, and she was listless mentally, but after hearing what the other party said, she forced herself to cheer up.

"You have done a good job. For this matter, I will express your hard work and efforts to the headquarters. And you can rest assured that when I return to the headquarters, I will definitely speak well to the third son."

Hearing Chen Xuan's assurance, the faces of the people beside them couldn't help but let out a long breath.

During this period of time, their nerves were tense, and they tried their best to collect all kinds of animals in this area. The purpose was to wait for Chen Xuan's words.

Now the hard work has finally paid off, and their tense spirits have finally relaxed.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was not in good condition, they stopped bothering her. After greeting her respectfully, they got up and left together.

Facing the table full of delicious food and wine, Chen Xuan didn't even take a few bites before returning to the courtyard where she lived.

During this period of time, she kept thinking about the figure that suddenly appeared, and her spirit became much weaker.

As a result, ten days had passed, and the other party had never appeared again. She even suspected that the other party had left, which made her even more annoyed.

She sent out all the letters, and if someone from the headquarters finds that the other party is nowhere to be found, how should she explain it.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

On the way from the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang to this county seat, more than a dozen figures were walking quickly on the official road, heading towards the county seat.

(End of this chapter)

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