Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 105 Attacking and Killing in the Dark Night

Chapter 105 Attacking and Killing in the Dark Night
In the afternoon, there was a sudden commotion at the gate of this remote small county.

More than a dozen figures came rushing from a distance, facing the people crowded at the gate of the city, they leaped high and rushed into the city, stepping on the heads of a group of merchants and people.

These people are always the core members of the Giant Whale Gang who rushed over from the headquarters because of a letter from Chen Xuan.

Looking at the dark blue costumes on the group of people and the black giant whale logo on their chests, neither the people lining up to enter the city nor the officers and soldiers guarding the city gate dared to say a word of complaint.

People who don't know the logo of the Giant Whale Gang can't survive long ago in order to live on this land. The Giant Whale Gang is the sky here.

Even if the other party is so arrogant, they still can only bear it.

On the other hand, the group at the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang didn't care about the emotions of those people at the gate of the city at all. For them, this was just a matter of routine.

After entering the city, more than a dozen people came directly to the sub-helm of the Giant Whale Gang, and called out the person in charge of the sub-helm.

The few principals were all losers who had failed in the competition in the gang and were sent to other places. At this time, they heard that there was another person from the headquarters, so they dared not delay for a moment, and hurried out from the inner hall again.

At the same time, they couldn't help wondering why the headquarters had come again. It was just a small matter of collecting sacrifices, so they needed to send two groups of people to urge them.

But facing the person from the headquarters, they didn't even dare to ask. They just obeyed the other party's order and sent someone to invite Chen Xuan over.

After a while, Chen Xuan arrived at the scene, and only a few people at the helm knew why the people from the headquarters had come, and they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, in this small county town, there is such a murderous person hiding in the dark and watching.


At night, the moonlight is like yarn.

The people who came from the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang had just finished asking about the contents of Chen Xuan's letter and went back to the room to rest.

At this time, Li Ye, who had practiced meditation during the day, finally opened his eyes.

[Effective practice 1 time, Danxia Mountain View thought proficiency +1]

【Danxia Mountain View Thoughts (108/10000)】

Li Ye stared intently at the new prompt on the panel for a long time before looking away.

This time, after he pushed the proficiency of the idea to 100 points, he didn't add attributes.

This situation can't help but make him guess that it is possible that the practice of meditation will not grow in stages until the proficiency of 1000 points.

After a while, Li Ye raised his head to look at the sky, and pondered in his heart, "If you count the time, the people from the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang should be here."

He stood up, hesitated for a moment, did not pick up the double hammers, and stepped out of the courtyard door empty-handed.

His actions this time were mainly assassinations, and the double hammers were really inconvenient.

All the way to the vicinity of the compound where Chen Xuan lived, his ears flapped slightly, and there were streams of slight sounds from the surroundings, and Li Ye instantly recognized more than a dozen breathing sounds nearby.

"Sure enough." Thinking in his heart, Li Ye stepped into the courtyard next to Chen Xuan.


A certain nameless giant whale gang suddenly woke up suddenly while they were asleep, the air became quiet, and there seemed to be a figure watching him in the room, and an inexplicable sense of fear surfaced in his heart.

what happened?

Before he could wake up, a black shadow appeared in front of him in the next second.

"Hmm..." The mouth was covered, and there was a sharp pain in the neck. The eyes of the gang went dark, and they lost consciousness instantly.

Looking at the lifeless middle-aged man on the bed, Li Ye murmured in his heart, "The first one."

After speaking, he turned and left lightly, went to the next room, and did the same thing again to kill another gang member secretly.

These core gang members who came from the headquarters were just martial arts practitioners who had just entered the metamorphosis, and they had no room to react to Li Ye, so they were killed quietly by him.

Not to mention the transformation, even the ordinary Wulou has no room for struggle in front of Li Ye.

In this way, Li Ye shuttled in the darkness, hunting and killing the members of the Giant Whale Gang.

Time slipped away, and after all the ordinary gang members were killed by Li Ye, it was finally the leader's turn, the Wushu-level warrior Yao Kang.

At this moment, feeling the sudden silence of the surroundings, and the disappearance of the sound of breathing that should have been normal, Yao Kang woke up suddenly, and shouted loudly: "Be alert!"

After a while, there was no sound from around, and Yao Kang's heart sank, knowing that something happened to the rest of the people.

More than a dozen metamorphosis warriors died without a sound. This result made him break out in a cold sweat. When he got up, he wanted to break through the wall of the room and rush out.

As a result, in the next second, he found that the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a black shadow ghostly appeared in front of his eyes, and at the same time, his neck was firmly pinched by a big hand.


A few minutes later, in the courtyard, Li Ye dealt with Yao Kang directly after questioning him about the situation at the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang.

At this moment, he looked in the direction of the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

As a senior core member of the Giant Whale Gang, Yao Kang really knew a lot about the Giant Whale Gang. He heard many secrets from Yao Kang.

For example, in addition to the leader of the Giant Whale Gang who is a saint-level powerhouse, there are also three Supreme Elders and the former leader who are all saint-level fighters.

He knew as many as five holy warriors alone, and Li Ye didn't believe that the Giant Whale Gang had no other hidden backers.

So, what he is thinking now is whether to leave for a while and hide.

Although this time because of the lack of information about Li Ye, the people sent by the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang were nothing more than a group of warriors who had transformed into ordinary and impeccable levels.

But next time, he didn't think that the other party would still do the same thing as the gourd baby saving grandpa.

The mysterious disappearance of Yao Kang and others this time will definitely attract the attention of the holy warriors. If he stays here again, he may be attacked by the holy warriors.

But after leaving here, where else could he go, to try out the Chaos Sword Sect?Li Ye felt that unless his brain was broken, he would do such a stupid thing.

Sighing, Li Ye felt helpless.

After all, he still needs to be strong to strike iron. With his current strength, it is really not enough to face these forces head-on, so he needs to hesitate and entangle here.

If he had entered Taoism through meditation, or practiced martial arts to become holy, then he would not have been so cautious and went directly to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang.


On the other side, after hearing Yao Kang's loud cry, several principals of the Giant Whale sub-helm quickly brought their hands to the gate of the compound where Yao Kang lived, and started calling, but there was no sound at all. out.

After a while, Chen Xuan arrived, and they pushed open the gate of Yao Kang's courtyard together. They searched and found that Yao Kang was missing.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and when they saw that the rest of the headquarters had died tragically in the bedroom, they were so frightened that their legs went limp.

More than a dozen high-level warriors were all killed when they arrived here, and the leader disappeared mysteriously.

For them, this means the sky is falling!
(End of this chapter)

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