Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 107 Blocking the road outside the city, repaying the debt!

Chapter 107 Blocking the road outside the city, repaying the debt!
Time passed, and another five days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past five days, several people who were at the helm of the Giant Whale Gang frequently sought out Chen Xuan for secret talks.

At first, their hearts were full of pressure. On the one hand, they were worried about their own lives, and on the other hand, they were also worried about whether the mysterious person would destroy the Dragon King's sacrifice.

But as time passed for five days, their thoughts gradually fell into their stomachs.

The other party hasn't done anything to them these days. Could it be that the other party has let them go? This is very likely.

After all, their status in the giant whale gang is really not high, and with the opponent's strength, killing them is no more difficult than crushing an ant.

Since they are not dead now, the other party really ignored them.

Thinking of this result, they couldn't help crying with joy.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.

Although they were opposing enemies, they sincerely thanked Li Ye for letting them go.

At the same time, Chen Xuan seemed to be frightened by Li Ye. In the past five days, she stayed in the room except to deal with the few people who were talking. pass on any message.

She has already narrowly escaped death once, and she hasn't avenged the Chen family yet, so she doesn't want to die quietly like this.

On the other hand, after confirming that Chen Xuan was completely honest, on the morning of the fifth day, Li Ye left the county with a pair of hammers and a jug of wine hanging on his waist.


On the way from the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang to this small county, Li Ye sat alone on a hillside, looking into the distance.

With the double hammers beside him, the astonishing weight pushed down the hillside into two shallow potholes.

On weekdays, Li Ye carried the pair of hammers with him, but he couldn't see the horror of the pair of hammers. In fact, they weighed several thousand catties!

At this time, Li Ye picked up the wine gourd, raised his head and took a sip into his mouth, then closed his eyes and felt the slight burning sensation from his taste buds.

With his current physical strength, it is impossible for alcohol to anesthetize his body and nerves without drinking a large amount of alcohol at once.

He doesn't drink because he likes to drink, but he feels that this appearance fits his impression of the world.

Now that he is in the Jianghu, he naturally has to behave like a Jianghu.

The point is handsome!
While drinking, waiting for people.

Soon the morning passed, and the person he was waiting for also came.

In the distance, figures approached rapidly. Li Ye narrowed his eyes, and the figure of the other party clearly appeared in his pupils.

A group of ten people, each one is a martial artist of Wulei level.

The leader should be no more than 30 years old, with a white face and no beard, and luxurious clothes. It seems that he has been in a high position for a long time.

Behind him, the other nine people were men and women, all wearing the unique dark blue costumes of the giant whale gang, with stern faces and indifferent eyes, obviously they were the first-class elites of the giant whale gang.

In the open field, there was no cover at all. When Li Ye saw the other party, the other party's people also saw Li Ye's figure.

When the leader saw Li Ye, he paused and waved lightly, "Go and see what's going on with the other party? If it doesn't matter, just kill him."

"Yes." The two behind them sped up instantly, rushed out, and headed straight for Li Ye.

At the same time, Li Ye's voice suddenly rang out, "Is the third son of the Giant Whale Gang ahead? Li has been waiting here for a long time."

"Boom!" Before the words fell, the hillside shook, the ground collapsed, and there was a figure in front of the two people who were rushing forward.

At the same time, the two hammers crossed the sky, causing ripples in the air, and appeared above their heads.

"Ah!" Facing the sudden appearance of the hammer, the eyes of the two were about to burst, and they wanted to dodge sideways on conditioned reflex, and at the same time, the sword in their hands stabbed at each other instantly.

However, to their surprise, the two hammers were simply too terrifying. The force of the vibration caused by them distorted the air around them, imprisoning their movements.

"Who are you?" Just as the voice of the third son sounded behind him, a figure quickly passed through the two people in front, heading straight for the rest of the Giant Whale Gang.

And behind this figure, suddenly there were two clouds of blood mist, and two weapons that were broken at every step.

Seeing the two masters who turned into blood mist in the blink of an eye, the third son's eyes turned red instantly. These people are all his teammates.

At the same time, his heart was frantically warning that the opponent was too strong!
However, seeing the two clouds of blood mist behind Li Ye, he still took a step forward to meet them.

He is the third disciple of the leader of the giant whale gang, and a strong contender for the next leader of the giant whale gang.

If the reputation of fleeing without a fight is passed back to the gang, he doesn't know how many people he will make a joke of!

"Kill!" A loud shout awakened everyone behind him from their sluggishness, the third young master drew out his saber and slashed at the rushing man, "Giant whale tactics!"

The rest of the people also reacted one after another. While throwing hidden weapons, they picked up weapons and greeted them.

The other party has already killed them. At this time, there is no need to ask who the other party is and why they are intercepted and killed.

What to do now is to kill the other party, or they will die!
On the other side, facing all kinds of hidden weapons rushing towards his face, Li Ye laughed, swung the hammer, and hit the air in front of him heavily.

"Boom!" There was a sharp air explosion, and shock waves rushed in all directions.

A group of flying knives and hidden weapons were affected by the strong airflow in front of them before they approached Li Ye, and they scattered crookedly towards the ground.

At the same time, Li Ye appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Another hammer!
Li Ye's hammer collided with the saber in the hands of the third son, and the saber flew out of his hand in the blink of an eye, flying to the side, and the jaws of the third master's hands were instantly torn, blood flowing.

Seeing that the hammer continued to fall towards his forehead, the third young master quickly rolled back and hid behind the other seven people in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a handful of weapons in the hands of the others also struck at Li Ye.

In the face of the crowd's siege, Li Ye didn't care at all. For these ordinary seamless warriors, he just stomped his feet hard, and at the same time smashed the hammer hard into the air in front of him.

"Boom!" A sound of heaven and earth shattered in everyone's ears, and blood flowed down the temples.

The air is distorting, the vision is blurring, and the ground is shaking. At this moment, they even feel that they are not standing on the ground, but standing on the deck amidst the waves.

In the next second, their eyes blurred, and the figures in front of them turned into seven, and a figure appeared in front of each of them, and a hammer was swung towards them.

Just at this moment, Li Ye swung the seven hammers with astonishing speed.

And these seven hammers, each hammer is a terrifying Yanyan triple stack hammer!
"Clang, clang, clang~"

There was a sound of weapons colliding, and strong winds shot in all directions. They felt that their hands were lightened, and the weapons were directly blown away by the hammer. At the same time, the hammer also fell on the heads of several people.


It was too fast. Not only was the strength of the hammer unparalleled, but its speed also exceeded the limit of their reaction!
Among the seven people, only a middle-aged man with a resolute face and a plump woman in her 30s abandoned their troops and dodged immediately, avoiding the fatal blow.

When the other five people faced the oncoming hammer, none of them dodged, and instantly turned into a puddle of flesh.

Terrified, the two who escaped by chance looked at each other, their faces full of palpitations, this person who appeared suddenly was really terrifying.

When did their giant whale gang provoke such a terrifying enemy!

If they hadn't been able to see the sanctified boss of the gang from time to time, they would have even thought that the other party had already become a saint.

How could there be such a powerful Wushu warrior, ten warriors of the same level, only three of them were left in the blink of an eye...

Facing Li Ye who was rushing head-on again, the minds of the two had sunk to the bottom.

In this battle, they are afraid that they will confess here, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"Third Young Master, run away!" But despite this, the middle-aged man still didn't turn his head back, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, then went up to him with bare hands.

On the other side, at this moment, the woman threw out waves of hidden weapons and poisonous powder, covering the entire void towards Li Ye.

The next moment, she fled towards the side wilderness.

Unlike that middle-aged man, she didn't want to be buried with the third son.

At this time, the third son, who had fled ten miles away, couldn't help but his eyes turned red when he heard the middle-aged man's voice, blood suddenly overflowed from his seven orifices, "Uncle De!"

That middle-aged man was the strongest guard his grandfather had arranged for him, and he had watched him grow up since childhood.

At this time, Uncle De wailed in despair, which was enough to prove the terror of the other party, and they had no power to parry at all.

Even if Uncle De tried his best, he probably wouldn't stop him for long.

In fact, as early as the first time the two fought, he had already started to escape. Only after the real fight did he know how terrifying this person was.

He felt that even Bei He, the chief instructor of the Flying Fish Martial Arts School, who was known as the most flawless in Qionghai County, was no match for this person.

"Ah! You can't kill me, I'm..."


A sharp female voice reached his ears, and he knew that he was the only one left among the ten people traveling together this time.

It's too fast, the speed of the opponent's killing is really too fast, they are like unarmed civilians in front of the opponent, they are killed in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, he was full of worry.Even though he had fled ten miles away, he still didn't feel safe enough.

"Shushua~" A gust of wind sounded in my ears, and the third young master walked quickly through the wilderness.

The blood in the seven orifices was still dripping, and his face gradually turned pale, which was the sequelae of his secret technique.

But he didn't dare to stop at all, he just rushed forward with all his heart.

"Run, run, run! Don't look back, don't stop! As long as you stick to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang, you will be safe..."

"Chen Yuanyuan! It's you, it must be you and the other party who set up a scheme to lure me out and kill me! Otherwise, I wouldn't leave the headquarters at all on weekdays!"

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of his obedient and sensible lover who was pleasing to him in every possible way.

"What a vicious woman, she tried so hard to get close to me, but her real purpose was to murder me! If I don't die, you will be unable to live or die!"

Countless vicious curses were muttering in his heart, but his speed did not slow down at all, on the contrary, it became a little faster.

But even so, a few seconds later, when he saw that lonely figure suddenly appearing in front of him, the third young master finally despaired and collapsed.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you targeting me?"

"Let me go, please let me go, I have a lot of money, my grandfather is the Supreme Elder of the Giant Whale Gang, a master of the holy level, no matter what you want, I will help you get it..."

"Third Young Master thought too much, I didn't target you at all." At this moment, a smile appeared on Li Ye's face, and his voice was faint, "I targeted your entire Giant Whale Gang."

Hearing Li Ye's words, the third young master couldn't help being taken aback, and he wanted to say something reflexively, "It's up to you?"

But at this time, he still didn't completely lose his mind, knowing that his own life was still in the hands of the other party.

"I know a lot of secrets in the gang. As long as you let me go, I will tell you everything! From now on, I will be your spy in the gang. You can poison me, and I will fully cooperate."

In order to survive, the third son completely let go of his dignity. At this moment, he had already made up his mind, no matter what conditions the other party said, he would agree to it without hesitation.

As long as he can return to the headquarters, he is willing to agree to any conditions.

As long as he returned to the headquarters alive, no matter what kind of poison it was, he would have a chance to undo it.

The Giant Whale Gang has dominated the Misty Seaside for so many years, and there are countless treasures in the sea. He has seen more than a dozen treasures just for detoxification.

"I'm just a debt collector. If I owe a debt, I have to pay it back. This is the principle that any world needs to follow... Don't worry, you are just the first person on the road. You giant whale gangs are up and down. Everyone will come to accompany you, including your grandpa..."

Li Ye's answer made the third son's eyes tear open, this man never thought of letting him survive at all!
"Ah! My grandfather won't let you go, and the Giant Whale Gang won't let you go!" With a roar, the third young master didn't rush forward to fight for his life, but turned around and fled.

Li Ye let out a laugh, and followed him one step at a time.


The third son's face was full of unwillingness, and his death was very uneasy.

He is in a good age, with a noble status, and the future is full of countless possibilities, but it is a pity that all of these are far away from him at this time.

After easily killing the third son, Li Ye stood still for a long time.

The heart is happy and the spirit is also bursting.

"It's not so close. My journey is really smooth, and I lack the pressure of finishing the goal."

After pondering for a moment, Li Ye turned his head and glanced in the direction of the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang, then fled away.

However, he did not go back to the county seat, but found a cave in the forest not far away and lay dormant. While waiting, he concentrated on practicing meditation.

Time passed, and another two days passed.

At this time, seven days had passed since Chen Xuan sent the information back to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang.

In the county town, it was discovered that the people from the headquarters still hadn't arrived, and Chen Xuan also realized the problem.

'Will that group of people in the back die too? 'With the manner of the mysterious man, this situation is very likely to happen. "If the third son really came here in person, then..."

You must know that she sent someone to the third son to send these letters for help, so there is no way to justify them.

If something really went wrong with the third son, no matter what purpose she sent the letter for, she would definitely be angered by the other party's elders.

With the dominance of the giant whale gang, she didn't know what kind of torture she would suffer.

'We can't stay here. '

Suddenly thinking in my heart, Chen Xuan quietly left the residence after making a simple appearance...

(End of this chapter)

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