Chapter 108 The Vanishing Dragon King

Li Ye's departure did not cause any disturbance, but Chen Xuan's departure made the staff of the Giant Whale Gang completely nervous.

Of course, they didn't suspect that Chen Xuan had escaped, but thought that Chen Xuan was robbed and killed by that mysterious man.

The giant whale gang split the helm, and the five were arguing loudly.

"Let's escape! The other party has obviously started to attack us. If we don't escape, why don't we wait here to die?"

"Escape? Where can we escape? If we don't escape, we may not die, but if we escape, the gang will definitely not let us go!"

"If you don't escape, you will die! If you escape far away, how could the gang find us!"

"We escaped, what about the family members who stayed at the headquarters? Are you planning to escape alone?"

"I can't control so much at this time, they will understand me!"

"Yeah, if I stay here again, I'm going to go crazy."


Five people hold different opinions and have been arguing endlessly.

Some people want to escape, some have concerns, and some are determined not to leave.

Suddenly, a big bald man said loudly, "I won't leave. If you want to leave, you can go. My parents, wife and children are all in the headquarters. I can't leave them alone."

The big man's words caused the other four people to suddenly fall silent, and the expression of one of the short and stocky men gradually loosened.

On the other side, the other three looked at each other, with a flash of determination in their eyes.

The next second, a sharp knife suddenly pierced the bald man's chest.

"Brother Qiang!" The short and stout man exclaimed.

"You..." Turning around, the bald man looked at his companion with difficulty in confidence, "Why?"

"Why?" The murderer's face was grim. "You still ask why? If you went to the headquarters to inform us as soon as we escaped, how could we escape!"

" know I'm not this kind of person." The bald man responded with difficulty, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Just in case, brother, I'm sorry."

Swish!Pulling out the dagger, the murderer looked at the short and strong man and asked, "Are you coming with us?"

Seeing that the back road was blocked by two other companions, the short and stout man couldn't help laughing wryly, "Why is this so, let's go together."

Seeing that the short and strong man compromised, the three of them showed a smile on their faces. They chose to escape by themselves, and of course they didn't want anyone to stay here.

If they all left, they could still design an illusion of being attacked, so that the family members would not be enforced by the gang, but if someone stayed, this situation would of course not be possible.

"It's not too late, let's go tonight."

"it is good."

A consensus was reached, and several people began to arrange it.

In order to create the illusion that they were plundered and killed, they quietly left the county without even taking much of the money they had saved at home.


Time passed, and after another five days, the day of the Dragon King's sacrifice finally arrived.

When the sacrifices from other cities were sent to the seaside, only this county was silent, which attracted the attention of the Giant Whale Gang.

At the same time, the headquarters also received new information from the county. One of the speakers died in the sub-helm, and the other four disappeared.

Master Chen, the special envoy sent by the headquarters, also disappeared mysteriously.

This result can't help but make the headquarters of the giant whale gang turn pale with shock. Many people in the gang know that the third son has brought people to this sub-helm.

As a result, the people who came to report had never seen the figure of the third young master. It was self-evident what this meant.

A large number of people were sent out to investigate, and the giant whale gang finally found the broken body of the third son and the traces left by others in the wilderness near the official road.

Fortunately, during this period of time, the Giant Whale Gang was frantically capturing all kinds of animals in the wild, otherwise the body of the third son would have been eaten up by wild animals.

When the body of the third son was brought back to the gang, everyone could feel that the air pressure in the gang suddenly dropped.

At the same time, a vicious voice full of hatred also rose from the gang resident, resounding through the sky.

"Kill my grandson, no matter who you are, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

"Old Liang, go and check for me, check all the connections around my grandson, check the whereabouts of those people at the helm, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies!"

"Yes, my lord!"


On the foggy seashore, figures in dark blue dresses stood, looking towards the direction of the sea.

The driven domestic animals and the tied wild animals gathered around.

"Let's start." A figure close to three meters high said suddenly.

"The auspicious time has come, the sacrifice begins!" The voice spread far away, and a long horn sounded suddenly.


The sound spread far into the depths of the sea, the sea was rough, and the waves rolled and crashed towards the shore.

The horn sounded non-stop, and people were waiting for the arrival of the Sea Dragon King.

The Giant Whale Gang has worshiped the Sea Dragon King for hundreds of years.

Since the discovery and sacrifice to the Sea Dragon King, the Giant Whale Gang has never been attacked by sea beasts in the sea.

In this sea area, the Sea Dragon King is a well-deserved king.

Time passed, and soon after an hour passed, there was still no sign of the Sea Dragon King in the sea, and there was a commotion on the shore.

Usually, after they sounded the horn, the Sea Dragon King would emerge from the sea soon.

But this time, an hour has passed, and the Sea Dragon King still hasn't arrived.

"Guangzhu, is there something wrong..." Beside the three-meter-high figure, an old man with a height of two meters and five meters asked hesitantly.

"How could something go wrong when the Sea Dragon King travels across the sea of ​​mist?" The leader retorted without hesitation, "Wait a little longer."

"Yes." The old man replied respectfully, beckoning to the people beside him, "Keep blowing, the Sea Dragon King will appear soon."


The horn sounded melodiously, but until the sky darkened, there was still no sign of the Sea Dragon King in the sea.

On a mountain about ten miles away from the sea, Li Ye was also paying attention to the movements of the Dragon King sacrifice.

However, he saw the sound of the seaside horn sounding, but there was no other change, which made him feel puzzled.

The dragon king priest of the giant whale gang, won't the sea dragon king appear?What is the use of the prepared livestock, throwing them into the sea later?

Li Ye didn't think about it at all. It wasn't that there was a problem with the sacrificial process, but that there was something wrong with Sea Dragon King.

Time has passed for most of the day, and the waves are constantly churning, but there is still no sign of the Sea Dragon King.

At this time, everyone at the beach seemed to have realized the problem, and gradually there were commotions. Li Ye observed again for a while and then quietly left.


On the other side, an old man with a height of [-] meters walked quickly in the wilderness.

The old man has white beard and hair, but he does not look old. His body is full of muscles, and he holds a two-meter-long sword in his hand. Looking from a distance, he can feel a majestic aura coming from him.

At a certain moment, the old man saw a figure on the road, looked at the sledgehammer in the other's hand, and a strong hatred appeared in the old man's eyes.

"Death!" With a loud shout, the old man rushed towards the opponent like a bulldozer!
(End of this chapter)

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