109 Three Months Later
The terrifying sound of weapons colliding sounded.

A moment later, a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth of the man with the hammer, and at the same time, a roar spread far away.

"The Giant Whale Knife of the Giant Whale Gang, who are you and why did you attack me! In Xia Luwu, you are a guest invited by your gang leader. Is there any misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" There seemed to be a flame burning in the eyes of the old man, but he still retained a trace of reason.

"You will be arrested now, and the old man will take you to the guild master to confront him face to face. If you dare to resist, you will be shot dead on the spot!"

"Catch it without a fight? It's impossible! But I can go with you to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang, just in case you don't dare!"

The man sneered, and if he can't be caught without his hands, it means that his life is in the opponent's hands. If the opponent has any malicious intentions, he doesn't even have room to resist, so how could he agree.

"Huh?" The old man narrowed his eyes, and a ray of coldness loomed in his pupils, but he finally endured it. "Then follow me back to headquarters."

On the other side, Li Ye was walking in the wilderness.

Suddenly he stopped, looked up to the distance ahead, and a roar sounded far into his ears.

After thinking about it, Li Ye turned around and walked in another direction.


In the mountain stream, the water flows rushingly, slowly descending, and merges into a green pool.

This place is located in the northern part of Qionghai County, far away from the villages and inaccessible, and it has long been out of the control of the giant whale gang.

At this time, a figure was sitting on the ground facing the water pool, his eyes were closed, and his breath was long. It was Li Ye who lived here in seclusion.

At this time, ten days had passed since the sacrifice of the Dragon King. After that day, Li Ye had been staying here to meditate. The practice of the idea of ​​​​Danxia Mountain View is now about to enter a new stage.

At a certain moment, a new prompt suddenly appeared on the panel.

[Effective practice 1 time, Danxia Mountain View thought proficiency +1]

[Effective practice 1000 times, the soul charm will be solidified by 10%]

【Danxia Mountain View Thoughts (1000/10000)】

However, Li Ye never opened his eyes, his brows were tightly frowned, and it took a long time before he slowly relaxed.

At this time, in his mind, a rune that seemed real and illusory suddenly appeared.

The rune was gray and translucent, extremely blurry, as if it would suddenly disappear in the next second.

However, Li Ye watched the rune quietly for a long time, but he didn't see it dissipate.

After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Ye's mouth, and he could guess without looking at the panel that his conception should have broken through.

He opened his eyes and looked at the panel, sure enough.

The practice of this conception is indeed based on 1000 as a node.

And when he reached the node of 1000, he didn't improve his attributes, but a soul talisman that was about to solidify appeared in his mind.

According to the current situation, Li Ye soon realized that after his visualization method was completed, the soul talisman could be completely solidified.

At that time, it is estimated that he will be able to step into the Tao, and from then on, he can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, omnipotent.

There was a breakthrough in practice, but Li Ye was not satisfied with it. After practicing for a while, he devoted himself to the practice of observing thoughts again.


On the other side, at the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang, the leader is persuading the third son's grandfather.

"Great Elder, you have offended many people during this time, and even the distinguished guests I invited were detained by you. In the end, I will apologize to them."

"In fact, you still haven't found the murderer, or you should take a rest next time."

It's polite to take a break, but what the leader of the Giant Whale actually meant is, don't worry about it, everyone has run away, and it's useless for you to go crazy now.

But with the temper of the old man, how could he agree to the other party, "That is my only grandson, the only seedling of our family!"

'Let your son have another one. 'The gang leader complained in his heart, but his appearance was still pleasant.

"I'm not trying to stop you from taking revenge, but with such a big fanfare now, the other party has long been frightened and ran away. Next, we should loosen the outside and tighten the inside, and so on..."

"Also, next time you find a target, you still have to ask clearly before you start. Although our Giant Whale Gang is not afraid of anyone, it is not a good thing to make too many enemies."

"I see, I will pay attention." The old man replied stiffly, and the old man turned and left.

After walking out of the living room, the old man looked up at the sky and muttered to himself, "My dear grandson, grandpa will definitely avenge you. No matter where the other party is, grandpa will definitely find him!"


Time passed, and another three months passed in a flash.

At this moment, a shrill scream resounded incessantly in the prison of the Giant Whale Gang headquarters.

"Tell me why the rebels fled. And create the illusion that you have been murdered."

A gang member indifferently interrogated the gang member on the cross, while the third son's grandfather sat not far away and stared straight at this person.

"Don't fight. I've said it many times. If you don't believe me, you can ask them. There is really a mysterious person who killed all the people sent from the headquarters to the sub-helm. We ran away in fear of death. I swear everything I said it is true."

"How dare you argue! The others have already recruited you, and you have joined forces with outsiders to kill the third son, and now you still refuse to admit it! Quickly tell me who the other party is?"

"I didn't! I really didn't. By the way, Master Chen, if this is the case, it must be Master Chen."

"Who is Master Chen?"

"The third son's confidant, Chen Yuanyuan."


After a while, the interrogator came to the side and stood respectfully, without saying a word.

The third son's grandfather heard all the conversations clearly, and he didn't need to say more about how to do it.

"Old Liang, bring Chen Yuanyuan back to me within a month."

"Yes." A voice sounded behind him, and in the blink of an eye, the person who spoke left the prison.


At the same time, on the other side, in the northern mountain stream, the practice of Li Yeguan's thought was finally approaching completion.

At this time, the soul talisman in his mind had already solidified, turning from translucent to dark gray, and the proficiency on the panel also reached [9999/10000]

With just one step at the door, he will be able to complete the practice of this concept.

Although his yin force points were only over 5000 points at that time, he did not fully deduce this exercise.

But in fact, he already has a practice method in hand, and the reason for deducing it is just because his practice is too slow.

So even though he didn't fully deduce this technique, relying on the practice experience gained after the deduction at that time, Li Ye spent about a hundred days practicing this technique to the point where it was about to be perfected.

At this time, looking at the proficiency on the panel, Li Ye took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and sank into the state of practice again.

Time passes without any bottlenecks appearing.

Five minutes later, a new prompt popped up on the panel again.

[Effective practice 1 time, Danxia Mountain View thought proficiency +1]

(End of this chapter)

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