Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 122 Coercing a City, Dominating Life and Death

Chapter 122 Coercing a City, Dominating Life and Death
The vengeance was avenged, and Chen Xuan couldn't help showing a bit of confusion in her eyes.

Turning his head to look at Li Ye, he couldn't figure out why the other party suddenly attacked Ouyang's family.

But Li Ye didn't bother to explain, walked out of the secret room, came to the warehouse in the backyard, and smashed it with a hammer.

The iron gate on the third floor fell inward from the stone walls on both sides, startling traps one after another. After the inside calmed down, Li Ye walked in immediately.

After approaching, Li Ye clearly sensed the faint medicinal fragrance that attracted him.

Delighted in his heart, without any hesitation, Li Ye went straight to the source of the medicinal fragrance.

In this warehouse, Li Ye found three more soul-nourishing grasses and some medicinal materials needed for martial arts practice.

After ordering Chen Xuan to take it, the two walked out of Ouyang's house.

At this time, what the two of them did in Ouyang's family has already been known by several nearby families.

After going out, Chen Xuan saw a group of people guarding the door of Ouyang's house. The leaders were the elders of the other two families in the city, Du and Shen.

Seeing the two people coming out, the two clan elders stepped forward to apologize to Chen Xuan.

Listening to the next sentence, "They also have difficulties, if they don't do it, they will be excluded, and they can make up for the Chen family", Chen Xuan felt extremely disgusted in her heart.

When the Chen family was destroyed, although the main culprit was the Ouyang family, the other two families just made trouble and took advantage of the situation. If other families suddenly encountered a crisis, the Chen family would do the same.

But even though Chen Xuan could understand this kind of behavior, it didn't mean that Chen Xuan didn't hate the other party, but she knew that the main purpose of Li Ye's coming here was for medicinal materials.

If they took the initiative to attack them like Ouyang's family, Li Ye could make a move by the way, but at this moment, the two families suddenly flattered them so much, she didn't know if Li Ye would make a move.

Turning his head to look at Li Ye habitually, he saw that Li Ye just looked at the two of them quietly without saying a word.

A moment later, the elders of the two families fell crookedly to the ground, bleeding to death from their seven orifices. At this moment, Chen Xuan was completely shocked.

She never imagined that Li Ye killed both of them without any hesitation.

Why?Because of her?

There were ups and downs in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask Li Ye at all.

Maybe outsiders think that Li Ye came here this time to stand out for her, but she still knows it in her heart, and she doesn't have that much weight in Li Ye's heart.

However, Li Ye's next sentence made Chen Xuan understand the reason a little bit.

"Since these two people came here empty-handed, let's go there by ourselves."

Now that he knew that there was such a precious medicine as soul-nourishing grass, Li Ye would not let any one go.

If one plant is missing and his soul injury has not fully recovered, then he will have to make another trip, which is really too troublesome.

"Okay." Nodding excitedly, Chen Xuan ignored the servants of the two families and took Li Ye straight to the houses where the two families lived.

After a while, the two came to the Shen family mansion.

To Chen Xuan's disappointment, even though Li Ye killed a clan elder, the Shen family was not prepared to resist at all. When they saw two people walking in, a servant opened the main door and welcomed them in.

At this time, the big steward also came up to welcome him, and asked Li Ye in a soft voice what he needed here, and the Shen family promised to fully meet it.

Li Ye was of course willing to help when someone offered to help, and immediately told the name and efficacy of the medicinal materials he needed.

A while later, the housekeeper of the Shen family delivered a large box, which not only contained the soul-nourishing grass Li Ye needed, but also contributed a resurrection flower, which is also a great medicine for nourishing the soul.

"My lord, these are all the medicinal materials of our Shen family, and they are all here."


Li Ye was very satisfied with the Shen family's initiative. After confirming that the old housekeeper had not lied, he didn't care that all the core members of the Shen family hid, and he didn't show such impolite behavior again.

Picking up the herbs handed over by the old housekeeper, Li Ye immediately stopped staying and headed towards the last Du's house.

After the two arrived at Du's house, before explaining their purpose, they saw the same old man offer a box and said, "My lord, these are the medicinal materials you need. All the medicinal materials of our Du family are here."

"Huh, huh?" Li Ye suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party, but he was keenly aware of the slight tension in the other party's heart.

The tension was nothing like the fear of facing him, mixed with a shallow sense of superiority.

"You're lying." With a strange arc on the corner of his mouth, Li Ye said playfully, "It seems that there are people who will take their own lives as a joke."

Swish!Li Ye's figure disappeared, and at the same time, the old man's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground without breathing.

Only then did Chen Xuan realize that she wanted to keep up with Li Ye, but she couldn't find anyone at all.

A moment later, Li Ye reappeared on the spot with two men in gorgeous clothes, one old and one middle school.

Chen Xuan rushed up to meet them, and at the same time looked at the two people who were thrown on the ground by Li Ye at will.

The head of the Du family!

And the eldest son of the head of the Du family!
These two people were actually captured by Li Yequan!

At this time, the two were still alive, and after leaving Li Ye, they kept lying on the ground begging for mercy.

"Go and take out the remaining soul-nourishing medicine." Li Ye said lightly.

Looking at each other, the two realized why Li Ye suddenly attacked them.

A trace of fear and relaxation flashed in my heart, but the head of the Du family replied obediently: "Yes, my lord."

But half a quarter of an hour later, the two emotions of fear and relaxation disappeared, because when he came out again, he saw his eldest son, the future patriarch of the Du family, dead at the gate.

"No!" There was a roar, but the next moment, the head of the Du family fell straight back, also without a sound.


Since then, the big families in Nanyang County have gone out of four, and in the following time, all forces have launched a new round of reshuffle.

At this time, Li Ye had already left Nanyang County, and returned to the wilderness to start his cultivation.

As for Chen Xuan, after leaving Nanyang County, she parted ways with him and went nowhere.

But Li Ye didn't care about Chen Xuan at all.

The reason for helping the other party to avenge is because the other party has given enough.

The appearance of the Soul Cultivation Grass made Li Ye see the hope of solving the injury of the soul. Of course, he didn't mind giving the other party a little more benefit.

But now that the transaction between the two is over, they have nothing to do with each other.

Even if the other party was attacked and killed by the forces of those families, it has nothing to do with him.

Just like the last transaction...

Unless the other party dared to trouble him, he didn't intend to make another move.

With his current strength, it would be nothing more than a dimensionality reduction blow to attack these families again, which is meaningless.

In this way, during Li Ye's non-stop practice, time slipped away, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye...

(End of this chapter)

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