Chapter 123 Healed, the incident happened

The darkness recedes and the day dawns.

At this time, a ray of light shone into the mountain stream, illuminating the dark canyon, and revealed a figure who was concentrating on cooking medicine.

This figure is two meters long, with a strong figure, and its skin is glowing with a light purple-gold luster, like a bronze statue of purple gold.

But his agile eyes, non-stop, stirring the liquid casserole prove that this is actually a human being.

The figure was Li Ye who had been cultivating in this mountain stream for more than a month.

After leaving Nanyang County, he has been staying in this mountain while recuperating his injuries while practicing alone.

After more than a month of cultivation, plus regular intake of soul-nourishing herbs such as soul-nourishing grass and soul-reviving flower, his soul injuries have been greatly relieved and he is slowly recovering.

At this time, he was cooking the soul nourishing grass according to the recipe.

Soon, the liquid medicine in the casserole was on fire. Li Ye put out the fire under the pot with sand, picked up the casserole with both hands, and swallowed it with a "gudong gudong".

The scalding medicinal liquid slid down his throat and into his stomach, giving him the same feeling as warm water. After all, his body was already different from ordinary people, and it had a strong tolerance no matter it was cold or hot.

The medicinal liquid rose in Li Ye's stomach, and wisps of hot air slowly seeped into his brain from his stomach, and Li Ye suddenly felt a little drunk.

Fortunately, he had experienced this feeling many times, so he was not surprised. He just closed his eyes, shook his upper body slightly, and enjoyed this moment of tranquility.

After a while, the feeling of being slightly drunk disappeared, and Li Ye suddenly felt a sense of completeness rising from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, a sense of ease and joy arises spontaneously.

"It's done!" Li Yemeng opened his eyes, full of surprise.

He thought it would take some time for the wound on his soul to heal, but he didn't expect to be healed today.

That's right, healed!
Although he didn't have any reference or experience, at that moment just now, the ease from the inside out made him understand that his soul injury was completely healed.

The surprise came so suddenly, but Li Ye was only happy for a moment before regaining his composure.

Although his injuries have recovered, he doesn't plan to leave here, but is going to continue his subterranean cultivation, and he will go out of the mountain after practicing the two martial arts skills to perfection.

In the following time, Li Ye devoted all his energy to the practice of the bronze man pile.

At the same time, in the south of Qionghai County, the area under the jurisdiction of the Giant Whale Gang was setting off a huge wave.

This wave started when the body of the great elder of the Giant Whale Gang was accidentally discovered by a mountain dweller.


Time passed, and five days later, a mountain man suddenly appeared in front of a pawn shop in a small county town, and took out a jade pendant to pawn it off.

The jade pendant was extremely exquisite, and more importantly, the pattern on it was a narwhal.

Although the shopkeeper of the pawn shop didn't know the meaning of this jade pendant, but just by the exquisiteness of this jade pendant, he knew that it was not something that ordinary mountain people could get out, so he quoted an extremely low price.

But even though the price was very low compared to the real value of this jade pendant, it was still a huge sum for that mountain man.

The mountain people immediately pawned the jade pendant without any hesitation, and returned home with the money.

On the other side, after accepting the jade pendant at a very low price, the pawnshop shopkeeper went directly to the giant whale sub-helm in this county.

Everyone in the sub-helm recognized at a glance that this jade pendant must be worn by a certain important person in the gang, and quickly began to ask where the pawnshop shopkeeper got the jade pendant.

Next, the mountain man was exposed to the sight of this group of people, and after being found, he honestly told what he found in the mountain.

He picked it up in a mountain forest, where a great battle seemed to have taken place, but the corpses had disappeared, leaving only a few objects.

Everyone at the rudder was shocked when they heard this, and hurried to the forest to confirm the situation.

Although the corpses in that mountain forest had been eaten by various beasts, the remaining blue cloth and weapons buried in the soil all proved that many disciples of the Giant Whale Gang really died here.

Following the traces left by the beast, they found more clues. After confirming the authenticity of the matter, the people at the helm rushed back to the headquarters overnight to report the situation.

The sub-rudder didn't know each other, but many people in the headquarters knew that the jade pendant belonged to the great elder of the gang.

Seeing that Yupei was nowhere to be seen, and the elder hadn't returned to the headquarters for more than a month, the person in charge secretly said "no", and sent the news to the leader of the giant whale that night.

Next, under the search of a large number of people digging three feet into the ground, more and more clues were discovered.

At the same time, the news that the Grand Elder of the Giant Whale Gang was killed was also confirmed, and it was quickly spread to all parties in Qionghai County, including Flying Fish Martial Arts and several other forces.

At first, these people thought it was a farce of rumors, but when they saw the disciples of the Giant Whale Gang wandering around the land like mad dogs, searching for suspicious things, they realized that the Giant Whale Gang was too powerful. The elder is really dead.

After learning the result, everyone couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

You must know that it was a holy warrior who died quietly in a mountain forest like this. If this happened to their forces, they would also go crazy.

Under the mobilization of the huge forces of the entire Giant Whale Gang, more and more clues were discovered, and gradually, a name suddenly began to spread on this land.

Real name Chen Xuan, pseudonym Chen Yuanyuan, daughter of the extinct Chen family in Nanyang!

The great elder of the Giant Whale Gang died in that forest just to track down this man's whereabouts.

Soon, what Chen Xuan and Li Ye did in Nanyang County was also discovered.

A man and a woman, two young people, pushed the entire Nanyang county.

Li Ye's existence was discovered by the Giant Whale Gang!

At the same time, a large number of giant whale gang disciples also began to search in all directions with Nanyang County as the center...


On the other hand, Li Ye had no idea how much impact the sudden death of a holy warrior would have.

He didn't hear anything out of the window, and devoted himself to cultivating. The practice of the bronze man pile has been making rapid progress.

Soon, another month passed, and Li Ye finally raised his head from his latent cultivation.

At this time, he has practiced the bronze man pile to the point of perfection, and the proficiency on the panel has reached [4999/5000]

Only the last step is needed to complete the practice of this technique that has been practiced since the beginning of time travel.

(End of this chapter)

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