Chapter 124 Metamorphosis and Conjecture

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was slightly white.

Li Ye stood quietly on a boulder, closing his eyes and adjusting his state.

The sky was getting brighter, and at a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes were restrained, but exuded a frightening light.

Taking a long breath and letting it out slowly, Li Ye began to move slowly.

At the same time, an invisible will manifested above his head.

Although it is invisible in reality, if someone is watching him practice boxing, he can see the top of his head, the moon rises and sets, the earth churns, the sea waves rise into the sky, and various scenes emerge in turn.

This time, his movements were very slow, very slow, as if an old man was slowly doing health-preserving boxing.

However, following his movements, the surrounding air suddenly began to move.

As his movements unfolded, the air around him sometimes converged towards him, and sometimes spread out, demonstrating the extraordinary nature of his set of slow motion.

In fact, it wasn't that Li Ye didn't want to be fast, but that every movement of this set of boxing brought him tremendous pressure, as if he was carrying a heavy burden on his body.

No, it's not a heavy burden. The weight of a thousand catties does not put any pressure on him at all, but at this moment, as his movements unfold, his back actually begins to ooze sweat.

You must know that Li Ye has long been protected from cold and heat, but at this time he will start to sweat, which shows how much pressure Li Ye is facing at this time.

Time passed, and with his movements, the epidermis of his skin began to wriggle non-stop.

Under the purple shiny epidermis, it seems that a new layer of skin is growing.

But the growth of this new layer of skin is so difficult, it seems that there is an invisible shackle between heaven and earth, and only by breaking the shackle can it transform.

Li Ye's expression was neither sad nor happy. He had gone through the process of breaking through many times.

His long-term success has brought him absolute confidence. He believes that no matter what problems he encounters, he can successfully break through this bottleneck.

As time passed, a set of boxing techniques gradually came to an end, and Li Ye's movements had completely turned into slow motion.

Every movement of his was under tremendous pressure, and Li Ye even felt a "click" sound from his spine.

That's the body's natural response to stress.

"The last move!" With his eyes wide open and his teeth clenched, Li Ye's thoughts burst forth, and the movements of his hands did not stop, and he suddenly followed the trend.

"Tear~" An inexplicable sound suddenly resounded in this mountain stream. The last movement of the Tong Renzhuan body training method seemed to break through a certain bottleneck, and the movement was as fast as lightning, and it was completed in an instant.

After completing a set of boxing techniques, Li Ye suddenly closed his eyes and stood still, feeling the transformation of his body.

His strength was increasing, and it kept increasing. At this time, he even had an illusion that his strength seemed to be endless, and he could smash a mountain with one punch.

At the same time, some mysterious changes were taking place in his physique.

This change is from the inside out, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, as if some kind of natural evolution has occurred in the gene.

He couldn't help feeling an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if he had broken through a certain node, transformed from a human into another kind of life.

"No." Li Ye shook his head suddenly. He hadn't completed his transformation yet, but he was completely different from before.

It's as if he has transformed from a human being into a juvenile body of some kind, the feeling of a reserve.

Although he couldn't tell the specific details of this change, he could clearly feel an invisible relief.

Completely different from before, he seemed to have broken free from some invisible shackles, which was an absolute freedom.

Taking a step forward, double images appeared one after another, and Li Ye had already appeared a hundred meters away without a sound.

Until then, the ear-piercing sonic boom suddenly sounded.

His speed has exceeded the speed of sound!
At the same time, his epidermis began to crack, gradually peeling off, revealing a layer of delicate skin glowing red inside.

At this moment, even though his Dragon Elephant Fist was not perfect yet, the faint golden glow on the surface of his skin had already disappeared.

All the visions on his body have disappeared, and his height has even been shortened by ten centimeters, returning to a height of 1.9 meters.

After feeling the various changes in his body, Li Ye looked down at the panel.

[Effective practice 1 time, proficiency of bronze man pile +1]

[Cumulative effective practice of the bronze man pile 100 times, physical attributes increased by 0.1, strength attributes increased by 0.05]

[Cumulatively practice the Bronze Man Pile 1000 times effectively, the strength attribute increases by 0.5, the agility attribute increases by 0.5, and the physical attribute increases by 0.5]

[Li Ye (Yin Qi enters the body, favored by heaven) - Strength 9.0, Constitution 9.5, Dexterity 6.5; Yin Power Points: 1000000; Skills: Hammering (Consummation), Bronze Man Pile (Consummation), Dragon Elephant Fist (4000/5000 )]

"Same as the previous improvement rhythm, the two attributes of strength and physique have broken through to above 9 points."

At this moment, Li Ye couldn't help but fell into deep thought as he looked at the new prompt on the panel.

"The inexplicable feeling just now, could it be because the two attributes broke through 9 points?"

Probably!He couldn't help but have a strong premonition in his heart.

If his attribute breaks through to 10 points, his body will undergo some kind of earth-shaking transformation.

And now, although he hasn't reached 10 points in any attribute, his physique has reached as much as 9.5, which is already approaching this threshold.

Even if the power attribute is a little lower, it has reached the node of 9.0.

It seems that after 9 o'clock, the various attributes are obviously different from those before 9 o'clock, and they have already embarked on this path of transformation.

Li Ye even had an obvious feeling that even if he didn't rely on martial arts will, he could still crush the Supreme Elder of the Giant Whale Gang.

No matter how strong the opponent is, even if he is a holy warrior, he is still a human being.

And he...

Even if the appearance is no different from ordinary people, at most it is a little taller.But the inside is different after all.

Touching the smooth skin on his body, Li Ye even began to wonder if he is now reproductively isolated from ordinary humans...


At the same time, on the other side, not far from this forest, a group of men in blue suits were slowly searching the forest.

When the sonic boom of Li Ye's high-speed movement sounded, it instantly attracted the attention of this group of people.

The leaders looked at each other, and a third of them headed south to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang to report their findings.

And the remaining people in the same place did not approach rashly like this, they just found a mountain village and waited patiently.

You know, even the great elder who was a holy warrior died in the hands of that murderer. If the harsh sound was really made by that murderer, they are looking for death if they get close!

(End of this chapter)

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