Chapter 128 Burning Yin Power, Skill Formation!

The door was pushed open heavily, and after more than a month, Du Hansheng returned to the Golden Knife Gate again.

"I have met the Supreme Elder." In the main hall, the master of the Golden Knife Gate and several elders greeted respectfully.

"Well, sit down."

Looking at his apprentice and senior brother in front of him, Du Hansheng nodded and said again: "When I went out this time, didn't anything happen in the door?"

"No, everything is fine." The door master replied, and several other elders also nodded.

Seeing the relaxed faces of several people, Du Hansheng's heart hanging in the air was relieved, and he also told about the fact that he and Li Ye met and reached a consensus.

"Really!" Several people couldn't help feeling excited when they heard that Jindaomen had such a backer.

"Yes." Du Hansheng nodded with a smile, but at the end, he still warned, "Don't hide this matter, and don't publicize it blatantly. It should be hidden and let the limited disciples in the sect know."

"Yes." Several people were a group of veterans, and when Du Hansheng said it, they understood what it meant.

This kind of hole card is not a hole card that can solve troubles, but belongs to a level.

Of course, this so-called face cannot be hidden strictly.

Otherwise, what if some force came to the door, and at that time turned the hole card, the other party would have offended the person, and in order to avoid future troubles, what should I do if I cruelly kill the entire Golden Knife Sect.

Only by letting other people know that there is a master-level powerhouse standing behind their Golden Knife Gate, others will not offend them because of unnecessary conflicts. After all, their Golden Knife Gate will not rashly borrow the master's To make a name for yourself and do things.

After such an operation, the safety of the Golden Knife Gate can be greatly improved.

After a while, this small meeting ended.

Not long after the news that Du Hansheng, the Supreme Elder of the Golden Knife Gate, met the master who killed the five holy warriors of the Giant Whale Gang on the mountain in the far east of Qionghai County, and had a certain friendship with him, it was reported in Qionghai County. The eastern part of the county began to spread in a limited way.

Sure enough, the effect was immediate, and the small tricks that the nearby sects had secretly done before were quickly put back.

At the same time, the relationship between Jindaomen and the surrounding forces suddenly became closer.

It was all because of Li Ye's simple nod.

This is the power of a master-level powerhouse, and no one would suspect that Jindaomen dared to spread false news.

If the news is true, then there is no need for them to act. The Golden Knife Sect cannot bear the anger of a grandmaster at all, and the Golden Knife Sect will inevitably disappear by then.


At night, the moonlight is like yarn.

At this time, Li Ye didn't know that Du Hansheng of the Golden Knife Gate had just returned to the sect and spread the news that he had a long talk with him. He was setting up a bonfire next to a stream in a mountain forest and roasting deer legs.

A venison leg can't fill him up, he's just hungry and wants to have a barbecue.

Although there was not enough condiment, the fat and tender deer leg was roasted, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and it was very delicious. Li Ye couldn't get enough of it, so he simply roasted the other deer leg and ate it in one go.

On the branch of the moon, after enjoying a delicious barbecue, Li Ye didn't look for the cave at all, and directly used the sky as his quilt and the ground as his bed, and fell asleep without caring about the dangers around him.

In fact, the place he was in was not even a beast, not even an ant, so it was very safe.

After one night, it was almost dawn, Li Ye opened his eyes, let out a breath, and finally his face became serious.

In fact, he didn't know what kind of exercises he could create by relying on the deduction of Yin power.

If it weren't for that intuition, he would never have thought of creating a method with Yin power. After all, his original idea was to go to sea to find the inheritance of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

But now he feels that it is better to take the path of creation.

Ever since he killed the Dao clan, and the status sign of "Heaven's Favor" appeared on the panel, his intuition never missed it, and he even suspected that it was the hidden Dao of Heaven that was guiding him.

But this time, since his intuition told him to create a method, he just believed it for once.

By the way, through this test, he tried to determine whether the newly added status on the panel worked as he thought.

After all, the continuous "Yin Qi entering the body" is an important support in the early stage of his martial arts practice. He believes that the newly added "Heaven's Favor" will definitely not be worse than "Yin Qi entering the body".

Taking a deep breath again, Li Yedang concentrated his energy on the Yin power value on the panel, thinking about deducing the exercises in his heart.

He didn't know what the process of deducing the exercises should be like, so he simply mobilized the Yin energy directly and let his thoughts spin on their own.

Swish!In just an instant, the yin energy value suddenly began to drop wildly, and at the same time, the figure in front of Li Ye reappeared.

It's just that this time the figure looks very similar to Li Ye, as if he himself appeared in front of his eyes.

Under Li Ye's onlookers, the silhouette began to practice boxing over and over again.

At first, Human Shadow had been practicing the Bronze Man Stake, but as time passed, at a certain moment he began to practice Dragon Elephant Boxing again.

After that, the movement of the figure's hands changed, and it became the basic hammer method and the Yanyan triple-fold hammer.

As time passed, after all the sets of exercises Li Ye practiced were rehearsed several times by the figure, the figure's movements also began to change slowly.

Whether it's the two body training techniques or the two hammer techniques, under the burning of Yin power, it seems that an inexplicable change has begun to occur.

It seems that the cultivation methods are merging, and at the same time, the practice steps of each cultivation method are also extracting the essence, removing the worst, leaving only the most core things.

Gradually, the four sets of exercises began to merge into one, becoming a complete set of exercises, and began to become more and more mature under the rehearsal of the figure, and slowly transformed into a brand new exercise.

At the same time, the invisible martial arts will that belonged to him suddenly began to integrate into this set of boxing techniques.

Every movement of the figure begins to carry the will of martial arts condensed in Li Ye's heart, which can not only strengthen the body, but also a style of play that can shake the spirit.

Li Ye just watched the birth of this technique, and he was moved countless times in his heart.

It seems that this is his unique cultivation method, the cultivation method and the fighting method are combined into one, regardless of each other.

With the formation of the skills, the burning speed of Yin energy began to slow down, and the figure gradually became blurred.

But at this moment Li Ye suddenly felt that there seemed to be something missing in this set of exercises.

what is it then?The figure was slowly disappearing, and Li Ye kept asking himself in his heart.

what exactly is it?At this moment, Li Ye felt that this answer was very important to him.

Suddenly, Li Ye suddenly recalled what his master Li Tiejiang had said to him one night in Yishan County.

"Gather your beliefs and light the firewood for your firewood. As long as your beliefs are not extinguished, the fire of your heart will never be extinguished."

Can Xinhuo be integrated into this exercise?

As the thoughts in Li Ye's mind turned, the figure solidified again from illusion.

"Boom!" The crimson flames suddenly blazed up on the figure, and began to slowly change as the figure moved again.

This time, on the panel that Li Ye didn't pay attention to, the speed at which the yin value dropped suddenly began to increase wildly.

Every second, the yin value on the panel is decreasing in units of tens of thousands.

It seems that Li Ye's Fearless Flame is not compatible with this martial art at all, but this time it is because of the yin force that they barely blend together, so the consumption of yin force is so large.

As time passed, gradually, Fearless Fire seemed to be no longer a mental method, but a part of Li Ye's practice method, and some inexplicable changes had also appeared in his method.

From the outside, Li Ye's set of exercises has added a condensed fearless fire, and his punches and kicks can add powerful damage to evil spirits and Taoists.

But the real core is that at this moment, his martial arts will and the Fearless Flame are completely fused together, transforming into a powerful spiritual energy.

The advantage of the fusion of martial arts will and heart fire is that from now on, his martial arts will can not only shock people's hearts, but even truly burn people's souls.

In other words, the Fearless Flame that could only target evil spirits and special creatures like the Dao race could now even attack human souls.

This is a sea change!

Gradually, the final technique slowly took shape, and the figure began to blur again.

Although there was a little accident in the middle, this exercise deduction has finally come to an end.

At this moment, Li Ye suddenly realized that this set of exercises was complete!

I heard it in the morning, and death in the evening is enough.

With a clear mind, an inexplicable satisfaction appeared in his heart. This set of exercises is the perfect one that belongs to him.

The exercises contained all the exercises he had learned since he came to this world, and finally turned them into his own.

Ignoring the gradually disappearing figure, Li Ye couldn't help feeling inexplicably grateful at this moment.

If he didn't have enough yin power, no matter how much time he was given, he would not be able to deduce this set of exercises.

The compatibility of heart fire and martial arts will is not something he can do alone.

After a while, the figure disappeared completely, and at the same time a huge memory flooded into his mind.

Even with his current strong spiritual will, he felt his head swell and his eyes went dark.

It took a long, long time before he recovered from the dizziness in his brain and began to absorb this massive amount of practice memory.

The movement of each punch, how to arouse the will of martial arts to be compatible with the fearless fire, and how to naturally integrate with the movements of boxing.

Every memory is so clear and clear, as long as Li Ye follows the standard procedure, he can completely transform his various kung fu into one.

Time passed, the sun was setting and the sun was rising, and Li Ye woke up from the memory absorption when the sun was hanging in the sky again. It was only then that he focused on the panel.


It was just a deduction of the kung fu, which actually cost him 80 yin energy points!For the first time, he felt that Yin energy was so expensive.

At this time, he suddenly had a wild hope in his heart, should he try to practice a kind of meditation again, and then attract a Taoist to kill him and get Yin power.

But after thinking about it, Li Ye gave up the idea.

The spiritual battle is extremely dangerous.

If he misses a move, he will be completely killed, and there is no room for maneuver. There is no need for him to do such a dangerous thing for cultivation resources such as yin force.

After a while, Li Ye recovered from the complicated emotions, and turned his attention to the 'unnamed exercise' on the panel again.

At this time, the four skills recorded on the panel before, which had been practiced to perfection by him, the Dragon Elephant Boxing, the Bronze Man Pile, the Basic Hammer, and the Yanyan Triple Hammer, all disappeared, leaving only this one. The exercises are waiting for him to name them.

"I haven't named the exercise, what name should I give this exercise?" Li Ye couldn't help thinking to himself, "Purple Gold Battle Body? Bronze Elephant Battle Body? Good or bad."

Li Ye always feels that although these names are good, they are not enough to fully meet the characteristics of this practice.

After thinking about a few more names before being rejected by himself, Li Ye finally made up his mind.

"Let's call it the Promise Golden Body... implying that there is no limit to this technique!"

As the thoughts in Li Ye's mind were confirmed, the text on the panel also began to change, and the words of the unnamed exercises became [Wuji Golden Body]

Since then, only the last one [The Promise Golden Body] is left to be recorded on his panel.

After confirming the name of the exercise, Li Ye could no longer bear the urge to move, and immediately got up and began to practice this exercise.

Although he had already learned about the practice process of this new technique in detail during the deduction of the technique, it was actually the first time he practiced it in a real sense.

As his movements unfolded, the fearless fire suddenly began to burn on his body, and at the same time, his spiritual will burst forth, and an invisible martial arts will also began to emerge above his head, distorting the surrounding air.

Gradually, the two began to merge slowly, the martial will on the top of his head slowly disappeared, and the fearless fire on his body was also restrained into his body.

With the non-stop rehearsal of the movements over and over again, the information on the improvement of the proficiency of the exercises began to be continuously refreshed on the panel.

Soon the sun set again, and when Li Ye stopped his movements, he looked at the panel again, and the skill proficiency had changed from [0/10000] to [130/10000]

However, although the proficiency of the exercises had skyrocketed by more than 100, Li Ye didn't feel any other changes in himself except for the fusion of his martial arts will and fearless fire into the exercises.

However, Li Ye was not in a hurry. His attribute value had reached a limit state, and the early practice of this technique could no longer improve him. This result was already within his expectation.

At this moment, what he was thinking in his mind was whether this technique could improve his agility attribute again.

Of course, whether it can be done will have to wait and see later, his next goal is to practice this technique to perfection.

In the following time, Li Ye began to practice in seclusion again.

Time passed, and two months passed in a flash...

(End of this chapter)

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