Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 129 The Death of the Dragon King and the New Breakthrough in Kung Fu

Chapter 129 The Death of the Dragon King and the New Breakthrough in Kung Fu

At the southernmost point of Qionghai County, on the foggy beach, a large group of men in dark blue uniforms drove a group of livestock and came here again.

After a lapse of several months, the giant whale gang once again started the ritual action of the Sea Dragon King.

The Misty Sea has been in riots for about a year. During this year, the biggest source of income for the entire giant whale gang was cut off. It was also a difficult time for the giant whale gang with a large number of people.

Therefore, looking at the situation of riots that still did not subside, but intensified, the Giant Whale Gang decided that they could not wait any longer.

This time, the Giant Whale Gang has made up their minds and must find out what is going on in the Misty Sea.

If they still can't summon the Sea Dragon King, then they are going to go to sea to check the situation.

A moment later, following the order of the leader of the giant whale, a low and long horn sounded through the sky.

"Woooooo~" The sound spread from the coast of the Misty Sea to the ocean, spreading far, far away.

However, no matter how eagerly the members of the Giant Whale Gang looked forward to it, the Misty Sea was still the same as before, it just kept churning.

As for the Sea Dragon King that everyone is looking forward to, there is still no movement.

As time passed, the face of the giant whale gang leader became darker and darker, until the sun fell into the sea, the giant whale gang leader couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately said: "Tomorrow morning, choose someone to go to sea!"

"Yes, leader!" The crowd bowed in response.

In the early morning of the next day, a large boat over 50 meters long was carried from the coast to the sea by two rows of men, and at the same time thirty disciples of the giant whale gang also stood up.

They are sea fighters selected by the leader of the Giant Whale last night from the gang. Each of them is an elite who has gone to sea, and their strength has also reached the impeccable level.

It can be said that after the Sea Dragon King seemed to have some kind of problem, the leader of the Giant Whale has now pinned all his hopes on them.

Looking at the heroic men standing straight in double rows, the three-meter-tall giant whale gang leader walked up to them and said in a deep voice: "This time, the primary goal of your going out to sea is to find out exactly what happened in the sea that caused Why has the Misty Sea been rioting, and it has been going on for a year."

All the disciples of the giant whale gang bowed together, "Yes, gang leader."

"Well, if conditions permit, you can go to the Sea Dragon's Nest to see if the Sea Dragon King is still in the lair while ensuring your own safety. Chen Ang, you have been to the Sea Dragon's Nest before, this time you will lead the team, remember Stay, your first principle in doing things is to give priority to ensuring your own safety."

"Yes, master." Chen Ang, the second disciple of the leader of the Giant Whale Sect, replied respectfully.

He knew that the task of going out to sea this time was very difficult and dangerous, and this was why the giant whale gang asked him to lead the team.

It was not because he was hurt that he was allowed to go to sea, but because he was trusted to be adopted.

Although there is a lot of pressure in his heart at this time, he is still full of confidence in himself. This is the confidence he has slowly honed after completing countless difficult tasks.

"Take this." Walking forward and patted Chen Ang on the shoulder, the leader of the Giant Whale Gang handed a long horn to Chen Ang, and took another deep look at the others before shouting loudly: "Go to sea!"

"Go to sea!" All the people shouted in unison, and then boarded the big boat by the sea without hesitation, and slowly rowed into the sea.

The leader of the Giant Whale had been standing there to see off the disciples. The big ship was swaying in the wind and waves, and slowly disappeared from the eyes of everyone on the shore. Only then did someone come to the leader of the Giant Whale and asked, "Master, are we going back?"

"Just wait here. When Chen Ang and the others come back, we will go back together." The giant whale leader replied indifferently.



After only three days at sea, Chen Ang and the disciples of the Giant Whale Gang felt obvious pressure.

The wind and waves on the misty sea are really too big. If they are not all flawless warriors and are very proficient in life at sea, they would have fallen into the sea to feed the fish long ago.

And as they get farther and farther away from the mainland, more and more dangers surround them.

This is not only reflected in the dangerous environment, the marine life in the misty sea has also gone berserk.

Even ordinary sea fish that can only be used as food at ordinary times are wandering in groups in the sea at this time. As long as they see fish that do not belong to the same family, they will rush forward and besiege them frantically until they tear the target into pieces Only then will they spread out again and continue to look for the next target.

However, in just three days, the big ship was attacked by fish schools eight times.

Fortunately, the whole body of this big boat is made of steel and wood, otherwise it would have been knocked out of the hole by the fish long ago.

At this time, standing alone on the deck of the big ship, looking down at the crazy sea, Chen Ang's expression was serious, but he didn't order to return.

After all, they had only been out at sea for three days at this time, and they hadn't found any information. No matter what, they couldn't justify going back now.

And looking at the clusters of crazy fish schools, he was also curious, what is the reason that even the fish schools that were supposed to be non-aggressive became what they are now.

As time passed, another seven days passed, and their big ship went farther and farther in the sea. Gradually, the truth of the Misty Sea Riot was also unfolded in front of the disciples of the Giant Whale Gang.

Going forward for a long time against the huge wind and waves again, Chen Ang suddenly saw two huge figures far away.

After observing it intently for a while, he realized that it was two giant beasts hundreds of meters long fighting.

Every time they collide, a stormy sea will be rolled up and spread in all directions.

A flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and Chen Ang muttered to himself: "Are you kidding me? Is this still the Misty Sea? When did such a huge monster appear in the Misty Sea besides the Sea Dragon King..."

One of the sea beasts looks like a huge starfish, with a pentagonal body spread out, at least 200 meters in length, its skin is blue-black, and the edges of its body reflect metallic luster.

As long as Chen Ang and the others are not stupid, they will know how terrifying this starfish is.

At this time, under the watchful eyes of Chen Ang and others, its body was spinning rapidly and bumping into another sea beast.

The other sea beast looked like a rip shark unique to the Misty Sea, but the largest rip shark they had ever seen was only five meters long, but this time the rip shark was over 300 meters long.

The skin is pale and white, half of the body is the head, and there is a big mouth on the head. Even if the mouth is closed, the sharp fangs are exposed.

Seeing the giant starfish crashing into it, it opened its mouth wide and bit it.

"Clang!" The sound of huge metal collisions streaked across the sky, and at the same time, more violent waves kept churning, shooting towards the big boat of Chen Ang and others.

"Turn! Back!" Without any hesitation, Chen Angdang shouted loudly, letting the disciple in charge of the boat lead them to escape.

In front of such a huge monster, not to mention that they are flawless warriors, even thirty holy warriors are just food for the sea beast's teeth-making sacrifice.

At this time, he couldn't help worrying about the Sea Dragon King in the sea of ​​mist. You must know that each of the two monsters was bigger than the Sea Dragon King.

He was lucky enough to meet the Sea Dragon King once before. The Sea Dragon King's figure resembled a water snake, nearly [-] meters long.

At that time, he had seen such a huge sea beast for the first time, and he couldn't help being shocked, but only now did he understand what it means to have people beyond humans and beasts beyond beasts.

Compared with these two monsters, the Sea Dragon King is like a malnourished giant monster cub.

Any one of these two monsters is enough to easily kill the Sea Dragon King.

The big ship gradually left the area where the two monsters were fighting, Chen Ang let out a sigh of relief, and ordered again: "Go, go to the Dragon King's lair."

"Yes, Second Young Master." A loud voice came from the cabin.

At the same time, the big ship also began to turn around and head in another direction.

In three days, after fighting and killing six groups of common sea fishes that hit the big ship, they finally came to the former Dragon King's lair.

The wind and waves here are much smaller, and the fish schools in the sea are also much less.

Looking at the blue-black foamy sea, Chen Ang didn't turn around, but just waved his hand and said: "Five people, go down and see the situation of the Dragon King's lair, pay attention to the danger."

"Yes, Second Young Master." There was no questioning voice, and in the sound of "Plop, plop", five waves splashed on the surface of the sea, and five figures quickly dived towards the depths of the sea.

It was not until half an hour later that the five figures surfaced again, and their faces were already filled with astonishment and fear.

After boarding the boat, the first thing they said was: "Second Young Master, the Sea Dragon King is dead!"



On the other side, looking at the darkening sky, Li Ye also slowly stopped the movements of his hands and stopped.

After completing another Wuji Golden Body practice, Li Ye let out a long breath as he watched the proficiency increase again on the panel.

[Promise Golden Body (7099/10000)]

After two months of practice, at this time Li Ye's new exercise has been practiced for more than half, and he has broken through the small bottleneck of 1000 points as many as seven times.

But despite this, the attribute points on Li Ye's panel still did not change, as if there was really no possibility of his attribute points improving.

Of course, although his physical statistics haven't changed much, he still feels that his combat power has improved a lot.

Every time he breaks through the small bottleneck of 1000 points of proficiency, the degree of fusion of his Fearless Fire, Martial Dao Will and Promise Golden Body will be raised by a higher level.

Even if there is no data display at this time, he can clearly feel that more than half of the fearless fire and martial arts will have been fused at this time.

He believed that as long as he practiced this technique to a perfect state, the will of martial arts and the fire of fearlessness would be completely integrated into the Wuji golden body.

At that time, his technique will be able to truly show its due lethality!

Looking up at the sky again, the night was no different from the day to him, and after taking two deep breaths, he began to practice again.

Time passed, and after a while, Li Yemeng opened his eyes, which were full of surprises.

Just now, he completed another practice of kung fu, and as his kung fu proficiency reached 7100 points, he suddenly felt a change in his body that he hadn't seen for a long time.

It's not that his body's strength and strength have improved again, but his body's coordination and flexibility have begun to evolve again.

A strong surprise burst out in his eyes, and Li Ye suddenly burst out laughing.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

agile!Without looking at the prompts on the panel, he knew that his agility attribute had been improved.

Looking down at the panel, a new prompt appeared, confirming his guess.

[Effective practice once, Promise Golden Body proficiency +1]

[Cumulative effective practice 100 times, agility attribute increased by 0.05]

The agility stuck at 7.0, because of the breakthrough of his kung fu proficiency finally had a new improvement.

At this time, Li Ye couldn't help but feel very excited, and he didn't care about the day and night, and started a new round of practice again.

A long night passed, and in the second half of the night, Li Ye completed one hundred effective exercises again, and at the same time, his agility attribute increased by 0.05 again.

The agility attribute data reflected on the panel also changed from 7.0 to 7.1, but at this time Li Ye finally stopped practicing.

Although he practiced the Wuji Golden Body without much pressure on his physical fitness, he was constantly exhausted mentally.

Without continuing to practice, Li Ye randomly found a bluestone slab and lay down, then raised his head to look at the starry sky on the dome.

There is no familiar Big Dipper here, and there are no twelve constellations such as Sagittarius and Capricornus.

But despite this, the starry sky here is still very beautiful, very beautiful.

There are no all-night lights here, and there are no airplanes or modern means of transportation, such as cars, so that the starry sky here is like a huge black curtain, which is full of brilliant diamonds.

In this way, Li Ye looked at the night sky without blinking his eyes, until the sky brightened again and the starry sky gradually disappeared, then he smiled at the corner of his mouth and gently closed his eyes.

At this time, he didn't know that at the same time as his cultivation technique made a new breakthrough, at the southernmost tip of the continent, a large ship was also riding the wind and waves in the sea, and gradually discovered the truth of the Misty Sea riot.

Time passed, and another four days passed in a flash. At this time, Li Ye's proficiency in the Promise Golden Body had reached 7999 points.

Under the dark night sky, looking at the proficiency progress on the panel, Li Ye did not choose to continue practicing this time, and urgently raised his proficiency to an integer of 8000 points.

Whenever there is a big event, he must calm down. Although he has broken through this kind of small bottleneck seven times, he still won't deal with it casually.

At this time, he has been practicing for a whole day, and his spirit has been exhausted, so he decided to make a breakthrough in the best state tomorrow morning.

After resting peacefully all night, Li Ye woke up again.Feeling that his state has been adjusted to an excellent level, he started a new day of cultivation.

Time passed, and a set of movements was quickly completed.At this time, Li Ye's body also began a new round of transformation...

(End of this chapter)

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