Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 130 The news spread in the sea area, the beginning of the road of transformation

Chapter 130 The news spread in the sea area, the beginning of the road of transformation

[Effective practice once, Promise Golden Body proficiency +1]

[Cumulative effective practice 100 times, agility attribute increased by 0.05]

[Cumulative effective practice 1000 times, agility attribute increased by 0.5]

[Li Ye (Yin Qi enters the body, favored by heaven)—Strength 9.9, Constitution 9.9, Dexterity 8.0; Cultivation method: Promise Golden Body (8000/10000)]

After a while, Li Ye looked at the new prompt on the panel, with a smile on his lips.

After the proficiency of the Promise Golden Body reaches 7000 points, in addition to the 100 points of agility added for every 0.05 points, when the proficiency breaks through the bottleneck of 8000 points, the agility is also increased by 0.5 points at one time.

This situation meant that when he practiced this technique to perfection, his agility attribute would probably reach 10.0.

Even if it doesn't reach 10 points, at worst, it can reach the limit state of 9.9, which is the same as strength and physique.

Seeing the result of this prediction, Li Ye was of course happy.

The three attribute points solidified on the panel go hand in hand is the kingly way.Even though he didn't say it before, in fact he has been thinking about how to improve the agility attribute.

At this time, one of his heart problems was removed, and Li Ye couldn't help but let out a long breath.

The future is expected!

Without continuing to practice, Li Yeji went straight to the nearby county town, intending to feel the fireworks in the world.

He hasn't been near densely populated areas for a long time, and if he doesn't get in touch with people again, his cognition will be distorted.

Without stopping, Li Ye quickly shuttled through the wilderness, and soon a city wall seven or eight meters high appeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, on the other side, a piece of frightening news is rapidly spreading from the southernmost tip of this continent to east, west, north.

Super-large sea beasts appeared in the misty sea, fighting each other!The reason for the Misty Sea riot is most likely due to the aftermath of many super-large sea beasts colliding with each other and killing each other.


Time passed, three days ago.

The waves are churning, and the waves are blooming against the coast and the sea cliffs.A group of big men stood on the beach by the sea and looked forward to the direction of the sea.

The sun slowly moved towards the sky from the east, but the figures on the coast stood motionless as if they had been immobilized.

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the large steel and wooden boat of the Giant Whale Gang appeared in the sight of this group of people.

But after seeing that only half of the people came back and the big steel and wooden boat was in tatters, except for the expressionless giant whale gang leader, the faces of the rest of the waiting people couldn't help but change their colors.

It took only 20 days to go back and forth from the time of departure. What happened in the sea and how could this group of elite disciples be in such a mess.

When the big ship docked, Chen Ang stumbled off the ship immediately, and told the leader of the Giant Whale in detail what they saw and heard on the sea.

Huge monsters appeared on the sea, starfish and rip sharks hundreds of meters in size, and the two were fighting.

There is only a huge white bone in the sea dragon king's lair, and there are no living things.Judging from the length and height of the bones, they suspected that the bones were the corpse of the Sea Dragon King.

At the same time, the fish school in the sea also seemed to undergo inexplicable mutations. In addition to becoming extremely aggressive, some changes visible to the naked eye also appeared on the fish.

The body size became larger, the scales became thicker, the bones protruded, and more importantly, even fish that had no teeth before now had a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Apparently, the fish in the Misty Sea have all turned into so-called 'piranhas'!
Not only that, but they also discovered an amazing phenomenon, that is, the closer to the sea dragon king's lair, the more serious the variation of fish.

It's as if these fish are all mutated because of some kind of mutation in the Sea Dragon King's lair.

You must know that they did not reduce their staff in other places, but in the vicinity of the Dragon King's lair, half of them were lost.

Time passed, and in front of the leader of the Giant Whale and several elders, Chen Ang explained in detail what he had seen and heard in the sea of ​​mist.

At the same time, other people on the big steel and wooden boat were being interrogated separately.

However, this is just the rules of the Giant Whale Gang, and it is not the first time for those who have gone on a mission to experience this. Their faces remain unchanged, and they just tell the truth about their findings.

After a while, the information was collected and submitted to the leader of the giant whale, and the face of the leader of the giant whale became more and more gloomy.

Sea Dragon King was suspected to be dead.

Even though he already had a bad premonition before this, this news still made him, a big man who had never changed his expression before the sky collapse, couldn't help losing his composure.

After all, their biggest reliance after the giant whale gang went to sea is gone, which is definitely bad news for the giant whale gang.

However, regarding the news in the misty sea, the giant whale gang did not choose to conceal it, but actively promoted the spread of the news.

After all, the sea cannot go, and the giant whale gang must enter other fields to make money.This approach will definitely create conflicts with other forces.

Their giant whale gang also informed the nearby forces in advance that we can't go to the sea now, so it's not our fault that we set foot in other fields, and we have nothing to do.

With the impetus of the Giant Whale Gang, the news of the explosion quickly spread throughout Qionghai County.


Donglin County is a small county below Qionghai County.

Compared with other counties, the population here is much worse.

After all, here is neither the sea nor the mountains, and most of the local people can only make a living by farming.

But in Qionghai County, this is obviously very unmainstream.This also means that Donglin County is doomed to not have many businessmen.

Walking on the streets of the county seat, listening to the cries around, Li Ye squinted his eyes, enjoying the short-term peace.

He hadn't calmed down for a long time, and walked on the street without any purpose.

The last time he was so relaxed was in Qinghe County and Yishan County in Qingshan County.

But as he walked, Li Ye's brows suddenly frowned.

"Have you heard? Huge sea beasts appeared in the misty sea. I heard that those sea beasts are fighting one by one in the sea, as if they want to decide the king of the misty sea."

"Ah, your news is old calendar. I heard that sea beasts have come ashore. I heard that several counties in the south have been breached by sea beasts..."

"Haha, where did you hear the news? In fact, those sea beasts have already decided the final king, but the sea beasts haven't started to go ashore yet, but I heard that it will be soon. Didn't you find it? There are a lot more people in Lin County, and these are people who escaped from the south!"

"Let me tell you, don't tell the outside world. My brother-in-law is from the county government. I heard from him that the gentlemen in the county government have decided to continue fleeing northward. When the time comes, humans and sea beasts will fight together. We are in the east of the county. I can't stop it. If you want to leave, let's go as soon as possible."


The voices of conversation came into his ears, and Li Ye's brows became more and more wrinkled.

In fact, each piece of news is really different and different, and it is also very exaggerated and sensational.

But no matter how different these people said, they all have one thing in common, that is, giant sea beasts appeared in the misty sea.

At this time, Li Ye couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't choose to go to sea, otherwise if he encountered that kind of sea beast, he wouldn't even think about being able to come back.

His mind was disturbed by this shocking news, and Li Ye no longer had the desire to wander around in the following time. Even if he left the city, he returned to the mountains and hibernated again.


In Qionghai County City, Flying Fish Martial Arts was discussing the news from the giant whale gang at this time, but of course the news they got was not false news based on rumors, but accurate information directly sent by the giant whale gang.

In the lobby, the master of Flying Fish Martial Arts was sitting on the main seat, and asked the several holy elders below: "Let's talk about it, how should we respond to this news?"

Seeing the owner’s question, one of the elders said with an angry face: "I think the Giant Whale Gang deliberately said this, no matter what is going on in the misty sea, whether the news about the giant sea beast is true or not, anyway, they are sure that we will not I will go to sea to see it myself, so I deliberately spread this news."

"But if it's false, then why did they spread such news?" Another elder asked doubtfully, as if he hadn't figured out the reason.

"What else can it be? The Giant Whale Gang wants to expand to the north! What they mean is that we can't get through the south now, and we are going to make efforts to the north. Let's say hello to you in advance!"

"Uh..." Several other elders looked at each other, and one of the white-browed elders couldn't help frowning his snow-white eyebrows, and said uncertainly: "No, you must know that the current division of power has been maintained for hundreds of years. The territory has already been cleared, and they won't break the tacit agreement without authorization."

"I also feel the same way. You must know that this is not a matter of one or two forces. As long as one or two forces are in chaos, it will affect the whole body." Another elder echoed.

"No, I think this possibility is very high, and we have to make corresponding preparations in advance."

Swish!Several pairs of eyes suddenly focused on the person who just spoke, and they all closed their mouths.

"Okay, don't all look at me, let's get ready to fight, Qionghai County is not the Qionghai County of their Giant Whale Gang, what they want to do, they have to ask our Flying Fish Martial Arts Academy if they agree!" The owner opened his eyes half-closed and said domineeringly.

"Yes, the owner." Several voices sounded at the same time, and then the others got up and left the place, and at the same time, orders were sent out quickly.

As soon as the small meeting of the holy warriors was over, the entire Flying Fish Martial Arts Hall began to prepare for the battle.

Of course, all of this was done in secret, after all, the Giant Whale Gang hadn't revealed their whale horns yet.

At the same time, other places are also discussing this news, and have begun to prepare for it.

Especially the forces adjacent to the site of the Giant Whale Gang are very nervous, either starting to prepare for the battle, or starting to ask for help.

On the other hand, the Giant Whale Gang in the south also began to call back all the sub-rudders to the headquarters, as if they really wanted to start a big war.

But all of this has nothing to do with Li Ye. After returning to the mountain, Li Ye completely settled down and devoted all his energy to the cultivation of the Wuji Golden Body.

After all, the road to the Misty Sea is completely blocked, so the only road in front of him is the last technique of the Wuji Golden Body.

He was looking forward to whether there might be other changes after the practice of this technique reached its perfection.

For example, if the attribute point breaks through the 10-point mark...

In this quiet environment, the progress of Li Ye's Wuji golden body has been increasing rapidly.

Time passed, and half a month passed in a flash.


In the early morning, the morning mist is misty.

Among the mountain streams, by the edge of a lake, Li Ye slowly stopped what he was doing, took a long breath, and let it out slowly.

Standing still, he turned his gaze to the panel.

[Effective practice once, Promise Golden Body proficiency +1]

[Cumulative effective practice 100 times, agility attribute increased by 0.05]

[Cumulative effective practice 1000 times, agility attribute increased by 0.5]

[Li Ye (Yin Qi enters the body, favored by heaven)—Strength 9.9, Constitution 9.9, Dexterity 9.9; Cultivation method: Promise Golden Body (Completion)]

"Sure enough." Looking at the three attributes on the panel, Li Ye nodded.

He had expected this kind of result a long time ago, and the Promise Golden Body didn't allow him to break through the bottleneck of 10 points, it just raised all the attributes to a limit state.

On the contrary, his Fearless Fire and Martial Dao Will have been completely integrated into his Martial Dao skills.

From then on, every punch and kick of his will carry the oppression of his martial arts will and the soul burning of the fearless fire.

The current him is at least three or four times stronger than when he did not practice the Wuji Golden Body.

But despite this, he is still in the realm of becoming a holy warrior, and has not passed that hurdle.

At this time, he may be called the strongest saint, or the strongest master, the number one master in the past and present, etc...

However, he is still a holy warrior.

But this is also normal, his combat power has only increased by three or four times compared to before.

After all, he can clearly feel that as long as he successfully takes this step, and the three attributes move forward, then he will definitely undergo physical transformation again by then.

At that time, his combat strength will not be as simple as three or four times, but will be completely different from now.

It's like before and after the transformation, that's the essential difference!

But this still requires him to find a way...

The martial arts training on his body was beyond practice, so even Li Yedang came to the nearby Donglin County, a small border county again.

At this time, the city seemed to be no different from before, and the rumors that had been raging before suddenly stopped at some point.

After all, these things have nothing to do with their lives. After the excitement passed, everyone put it behind them.

This time when he came to Donglin County, Li Ye did not come and leave in a hurry like before, but bought another small yard here to settle down.

After he no longer needs to practice the exercises, he still likes to live among the crowd.

After all, human beings are always group animals. Although it is possible to live alone, if it is possible, no one will choose to stay away from the crowd completely.


Seven days later, early in the morning.

Li Ye pushed open the courtyard door, greeted the surrounding neighbors with a smile, and walked out.

Every morning at this time, he would go to Excuse's Tofu Shishi to have a mouthful of refreshing hot tofu.

But this time he just took one step, then suddenly his face changed drastically, and his steps stopped.

"This is……"

At this time, seven days have passed since his Wuji Golden Body consummated. He thought that after the Wuji Golden Body was consummated, his state had been completely fixed at the current limit state, but just now, he suddenly felt that something happened to his body. A slight change.

His body seems to be transforming at an extremely slow speed...

Li Ye couldn't help being shocked when he discovered this situation.

"This, this, what the hell is going on..."

(End of this chapter)

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