Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 133 Mysterious black line, flying to the sky and escaping from the ground

Chapter 133 Mysterious black line, flying to the sky and escaping from the ground

Opening his eyes, Li Ye saw black and white.

The overwhelming black lines run through the earth and the sky, straight to the end of the line of sight, each one seems to be infinitely long.

"What is this?" Li Ye was extremely curious about these black lines between heaven and earth.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, but he couldn't touch anything. Although these black lines appeared in front of his eyes, they seemed to be invisible, and his body couldn't touch them at all.

However, he discovered that there were also many black lines around his body.

The black thread wrapped his body tightly and airtightly, but it was extremely messy.

Each black line seems to have its own thoughts, and their orientations are different.

Calming down, Li Ye felt the black lines around him with his heart, and soon felt that the black lines around him seemed to be under his control.

With a thought, a messy black thread became soft under the control of his thoughts, floating quietly beside him.

In the next second, Li Ye put his thoughts on another black thread, and began to use his thoughts to control it to slowly change, becoming as soft and silky as the previous one.

One by one, Li Ye became more and more proficient in arranging the black threads, and at the same time his movements became faster and faster.

After spending most of the day, he finally straightened out all the black threads, and the dense black threads turned into a layer of black light covering his whole body.

"This is?" Looking at the black halo around his body, Li Ye suddenly felt familiar.

Isn't this the same as the halos on the outside of those alien races.

Except for an extra green silk thread around him, the halo outside his body looks exactly the same as those of those alien races, the only difference is the color.

But what is that dark green silk thread.

"What is this? Where did it come from?"

Looking at the strangely fluctuating silk thread in front of him, Li Ye couldn't help feeling more and more interesting.

This dark green silk thread was hidden among the black threads before, and he didn't notice it at all.

It wasn't until now that all the other silk threads had been straightened out that he discovered this abruptly existing variegated silk thread.

When his mind touched this silk thread, Li Ye suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

This is the fluctuation that he can often feel before, but he hasn't felt it for a long time.

"This is something I'm familiar with..."

Li Ye thought hard, but forgot what it was.

But he was not in a hurry, the memories in his heart emerged one after another, and suddenly, one after another profound pictures appeared in his heart.

In Yishan County, recovering from a serious illness, the silk shop next to the medical center.

At the beginning of martial arts training, that night in the blacksmith shop.

The evil spirits made a surprise attack, and in the midst of a fierce battle, they understood their own mind and awakened their fire.

And, wait, wait...

Those scenes appeared in front of his eyes, and at this moment, he finally realized in his heart what the fluctuations emanating from this dark green silk thread were.

Yin Qi enters the body!

This dark green silk thread was the state of 'Yin Qi entering the body' that he had been worrying about before!
It is precisely because this dark green silk thread is emitting fluctuations all the time that he can more easily perceive the fluctuations of Yin Qi brought about by the evil spirits.

Of course, at the same time, he is also more likely to be attacked by evil spirits.

With a thought, the green silk thread was stripped from his side, curled up into a small green ball and appeared in front of his eyes.

When the green silk thread was stripped from his body, he suddenly felt that he was in control of all the black threads around him, and at the same time, he also had an extra instinct.

Gently lift your footsteps, one step, two steps...

He looked down at the ground in astonishment, and he was actually floating in mid-air.

He literally floats!
Although he had a premonition before that, he seemed to be able to fly, but after he actually did it, his mood was far more excited than he imagined.

fly!This is a human dream.

Although when he saw the [-]-meter figure emerging from the black sun for the first time, he secretly vowed in his heart that one day he would also fly, but when his wish came true, he had a very unexpected feeling. It doesn't feel real.

But at this moment, flying is his instinct.

The black thread all over his body is connected to the black thread that runs through the sky and the earth. He can go to the sky and enter the earth, and fly wantonly like those who have entered the Tao.

More importantly, this flying state does not consume the slightest mental or physical energy at all.

He seemed to be born to fly, as if he was born to breathe.

"What exactly is this?"

In a short period of time, Li Ye had already had several doubts about the black lines around his body.

Li Ye knew in his heart that the biggest change in his transformation this time should be the black lines he could see in front of his eyes.

So whether it's between heaven and earth or the black lines around him, he must figure out what it is.

But before taking action, Li Ye still looked down at his panel.

At a glance, he was startled. Although he had expected that his panel would change, he never expected that the panel would change so much.

[Li Ye (blessed by heaven)—spirit 9.9, physical body 10.0; Yin power point: 200000; Cultivation technique: Promise Golden Body (Consummation)]

First of all, the state of Yin Qi entering the body really disappeared.

Playing with the dark green ball in his hand, Li Ye was determined that this ball should be the same as he thought, it was the state of Yin Qi entering the body caused by it.

The state of 'Yin Qi entering the body', which has existed since he came to this world, turned out to be this dark green silk thread.

Li Ye couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, as his level keeps improving, he will be able to see more and more truths.

At the same time, at that time, he will also understand that sometimes the truth is not as complicated as he imagined, but incomparably simple.

The disappearance of the state of "Yin Qi entering the body" was actually within Li Ye's expectation, but apart from the "Yin Qi entering the body", he really did not expect that his attributes would undergo such an earth-shaking change .

The three-dimensional attributes are directly merged into one, turned into physical attributes, and completely break through the boundary of 9.9, and come to a new stage, 10.0.

Looking at the attributes on the panel, he knew that this must be a brand new starting point.

In addition, there is a new attribute on his panel, the spiritual attribute.

He guessed in his heart that this so-called spiritual attribute should be the embodiment of his martial arts will, fearless fire and other spiritual wills.

It's just that it didn't appear before, and it didn't fully appear on his panel until now.

Looking at the physical attributes of 10.0 and the spiritual attributes of 9.9 on the panel, Li Ye also had a new goal in his heart.

That is to find a way to continue to improve the physical body, and try to improve the spiritual attribute to 10.0.

Life is endless, struggle is endless, he will never be satisfied with his current strength.

After spending a quarter of an hour studying the new changes on the panel, Li Ye no longer hesitated, and immediately lifted his feet off the ground and flew towards the sky.

He was going to chase the black thread and fly high above the sky, to see where the silk thread that runs through the sky and the earth ends.

But as he gradually rose, he found that the situation was not as simple as he thought.

Even though he had already broken through a layer of clouds, the black thread still had no end in sight.

And the higher you fly, the lower the temperature.

After Li Ye broke through to a certain height, the cold wind blew past. Even his current body felt unbearable, so he had no choice but to lower his height and look up at the sky.

Looking at the endless silk threads between heaven and earth, Li Ye thought for a while, then reluctantly changed his mind. He planned to see if there were similar black threads around other beings.

Flying all the way, mountains and rivers can be seen in his eyes, which is still different from his feeling of climbing high and looking far away.

Subconsciously opened his mouth, but he still didn't shout out, but kept scanning the ground with his eyes.

Soon, Li Ye found the source of the first black thread, a hare walking alone in the forest.

The hare is not big, only one foot in size, but there are only a lot more black lines around it than Li Ye, and the black lines around the hare are even more messy.

Li Ye was very curious that other creatures also had this black thread on their bodies.

"Since I can control the black thread around me, can I also control the thread around this hare?"

With this idea in mind, Li Yedang even controlled his body to land, and after hanging above the hare's head, he controlled his mind to touch the silk thread beside the hare.

It was as if Qianqianyu had plucked a piano string, and that silk thread was gently picked up by Li Ye.

Then came the second thread, the third thread, the... thread, and soon, when more than one-tenth of the silk thread around the hare was controlled by Li Ye, Li Ye suddenly had a feeling that he controlled the life of the hare.

Following instinct, Li Ye gently pulled the cluster of silk threads.

Swish!Suddenly a flame ignited around the hare.

The flames were blazing, no matter how frantically the hare struggled, it couldn't get rid of the flames that appeared out of thin air, and was finally burned to ashes.

"Flame", "appeared out of thin air".

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Ye suddenly remembered what Li Tiejiang had said to him.

The 'immortal' from Wanghai Pavilion made a move, and all members of a gang spontaneously ignited out of thin air.

"So that's how it is." Even though he hadn't seen that scene with his own eyes, Li Ye already realized in his heart at this time that the so-called 'immortal' in Wanghai Pavilion did it like this.

The black thread that interferes with other beings can make people spontaneously combust out of thin air, and he can do it now.

So what is the principle?
It's a pity that he has no inheritance, so he can only guess the so-called principle of this black line out of thin air.

Quickly flying through the air in the jungle, Li Ye's eyes were like lightning, chasing the black lines that appeared in his field of vision.

After a while, he came to a conclusion that all beings in this world have black lines all over their bodies.

Moreover, he can also control the black threads around all life.

This is the conclusion he came to by sacrificing dozens of hundreds of lives. At the same time, hundreds of experiments have also made him more and more proficient in pulling the black line.

The only regret is that Li Ye now doesn't know if there are black lines around those ghosts, evil spirits, Taoists, etc.

But now he has no subjects to experiment with, and the opportunity will be reserved for the future.

After preliminary verification of his own strength, Li Ye already understood in his heart that he is completely different from before.

No matter what the opponent's strength is, it doesn't matter whether it's transformed into a mortal or flawless, even becoming a saint is a result.

As long as the opponent can't control the black line around him, then he can kill the opponent invisibly.

Knowing his own strength at this time, Li Ye went straight to the south of Qionghai County without any hesitation.

Some debts, now is the time to collect them.


On the other side, the misty seaside, homesick cliff.

In a towering attic, an extremely old figure was talking with Ji Qiu in an inexplicable language.

"Sapphire, the quality of the new seeds you brought back this time is really poor, what's going on?"

Hearing this question, Sapphire, also known as Ji Qiu, replied coldly:
"Lan Xun, you can't blame me for this matter. Although our action to recruit new people has expanded this time, because we didn't act according to the ten-year period, those human forces were completely unprepared, so that the young people with many forces from all sides People think that they are not old enough, so they directly choose to practice martial arts.

It is also true that many excellent seeds cannot go to Qionghai County City to participate in our recruitment ceremony at all. Those forces can only recruit those wastes who have not practiced martial arts to make up for it.

I have brought back all those who have the gift of meditation, and only these.As for whether it is good or not, I didn't pay attention at all. Anyway, everyone is here, so you can figure it out for yourself. "

"Sapphire, what kind of attitude is this?"

Lan Xun's old voice resounded faintly, and one could feel a kind of antiquity and vicissitudes when listening to it.

"Ever since you came to this world, I have always felt that something is wrong. You have changed a lot compared to before. If there has never been a case of our Dao race being taken back by humans in this world, I would even doubt you. It was taken away by that human named Ji Qiu!"

"Lan Xun, your jokes are not funny at all. You have been in this world for thousands of years. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. Why do you think I haven't changed?"

Sapphire frowned, expressing her dissatisfaction at being suspected.

He looked up and down at this confined space that was completely isolated from this square world, but his tone suddenly softened, and he replied again: "I just don't like going out and doing things, and you should deal with such meaningless things in the future." Give it to those two guys."

Lan Xun: "Okay, I get it, you really prefer quiet, go and rest, I won't disturb you if I have nothing important to do in the future."

"Thank you, farewell." Standing up, Sapphire turned and left the closed space.

He is not that old antique of Lan Xun. After leaving this space, he will be directly locked and killed by the will of heaven in this world.

He has not changed his body, his soul and soul clothes are perfectly compatible, and he can stay in other places.

However, after leaving this space, Sapphire did not stay alone in the attic quietly, but after thinking about it, she left Wanghai Pavilion again and went straight to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang...

(End of this chapter)

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