Chapter 134
A black light streaked across the sky, and Li Ye flew in the sky recklessly.

Below you are mountains and rivers, and in the sky is a straight line going straight to the south.

During the flight, Li Ye was still perceiving the black silk thread around his body.

As his thought moved, the silk thread shimmered, and suddenly, Li Ye disappeared from the sky.

But this is not really disappearing, but hiding from human eyes.

As he became more proficient in controlling the silk threads around his body, distorting the light was just the simplest trick, and he succeeded with ease.

It's just that because it was the first attempt, Li Ye's distortion was not natural enough. Although his figure disappeared into the sky, a strange and colorful light and shadow was still left behind.

"Grandma, look at the rainbow!" On the ground, a little boy pointed to the colorful light strips in the sky, and exclaimed bouncingly.

"Silly boy, it's broad daylight and it doesn't rain, so there's no rainbow." The middle-aged mother raised her head to look at the sky as she said.

"What is this... what is this?" Although it was not an arched rainbow, the dazzling and colorful colors in the sky still stuttered her in shock.

She had never seen such a scene in the sky before, "Is this really a rainbow..."

At the same time, countless people on the earth saw the light and shadow in the sky.

There were bursts of exclamations, and light and shadow suddenly appeared from the horizon, and then disappeared at the end of the sky, leaving behind many mysterious rumors.

At this time, Li Ye also heard the exclamation of the discussion on the ground, but he just smiled lightly, and then swept across the ground, ignoring it.

He flew non-stop all the way, and soon, a city with a vast area appeared in front of his eyes.

This city is the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang, the Giant Whale County, a huge county that was selected by the Giant Whale Gang and built from scratch.

Although it is a county seat, it is not much more than a county seat.

Not only in terms of land area, but also the population living in it far exceeds other counties.

The core members of the entire Giant Whale Gang and their families live in this city, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has been an unknown number of years.

At this time, the entire city is full of disciples of the Giant Whale Gang. After all, the new election in Wanghai Pavilion is finally over, and the war that has been postponed for half a year is finally about to begin.

In particular, the number of disciples selected by Wanghai Pavilion in their giant whale gang reached five, which gave them the confidence to choose to start the war all the time.

After all, from a certain point of view, their giant whale gang can be said to be the biggest beneficiary of this Wanghaige election.

At this time, on the huge square in the center of the city, there were densely packed strong men.

Each of them is a martial artist who has practiced well, and the last thing is to break through the entry level and step into the stage of a formal warrior.

On the square, a holy warrior was speaking loudly about the goals of the Giant Whale Gang this time, while everyone below listened seriously.

And at this moment, Li Ye had just entered the city.

There were people standing next to each other shoulder to shoulder. In Li Ye's eyes, a bunch of scattered black lines appeared in front of his eyes.

If it weren't for his strong psychological endurance, he might be surprised by the dense black thread balls in front of him.

There were so many that Li Ye even planned to find a way to turn his eyes back.

Although this kind of sight is special, it really affects life.

But the more important thing at this time is to solve the Giant Whale Gang first. At this moment, the liquidation begins...

Without stopping, Li Ye soon came to the vicinity of the square and stopped in a corner.

Looking at the holy warriors who were still talking in the square, and the crowd below, Li Yedang even started his own actions.

He scooped up black silk threads one by one, and although they still quietly floated beside the original owner, one end of them turned towards him.

The voices in the square continued, and more than half of the crowd in the audience had abnormalities in the black lines around them, but no one here noticed any abnormalities at all.

"Giant Whale Gang, it's time to end this hatred..."

In a few breaths, all the black lines on everyone here were controlled by Li Ye.

In the next moment, Li Yenian thought.

"Boom." A grand flame began to burn in the central square of the county, burning violently.

All the people in the square began to ignite raging flames, without exception.

"Ah~" The screams resounded through the sky one after another, and the frightened people eating melons backed away crazily, fearing that they would be stained by this sudden flame.

At the same time, people in the square also started running out, trying to find a water source to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

The holy warrior on the high platform was the fastest. Although his body was still burning with flames, his actions were not compromised at all.

Within two breaths, he rushed to the side of a river in the city, and then jumped into the river.

Unfortunately, this flame was unusual. Even though he had already sunk underwater, the flame was not affected in the slightest and was still burning continuously.

Leaping out of the water, bombarding the ground, and burying itself in the soil, it's a pity that the dust still couldn't suppress the flame.

In the end, this holy warrior was burned to death by the flames.

At the same time, on the other side, other giant whale gang disciples who were burning with flames were also trying various methods to save themselves, but none of them succeeded in the end.

A quarter of an hour later, everyone who had stayed in the square was burned to death by the flames, and a huge panic broke out in the entire giant whale county.

"God, what the hell is going on?"

"It's really scary."

"My poor child, he is only 20 years old. Although he married a three-bedroom wife, he has not left a queen for our family, so he is gone..."

"Is it true that our giant whale gang has done so many harmful things that it is now punished by heaven?"


"Get out of the way, get out of the way." The people in the city were discussing frantically, and at the same time, a large group of law enforcement disciples of the Giant Whale Gang rushed from the station to the central square, and began to check the traces left by the group of disciples who spontaneously burned.

However, as soon as this group of people walked to the square, flames suddenly ignited on their bodies.

At the same time, a large number of giant whale gang disciples in the entire county had spontaneous combustion.

Whether it was the core disciples in the garrison or the law enforcement disciples scattered in the city, as long as they were wearing the dark blue costumes of the Giant Whale Gang, their bodies were ignited with flames.

Fear continued to spread in all directions, and a large number of ordinary people fled outside the city.

There were frequent chaos in the city, and there was even a stampede, but Li Ye didn't pay attention to it at all.

Although after his all-round attack, the core personnel have been wiped out by him, but the high-level leaders headed by the giant whale gang are not in the city at all.

If you don't die by beating a snake, you will have future troubles.

Li Ye stared blankly at the chaos happening in the city, and his body rose straight from the city, hanging in the sky and looking in all directions.

With a gloomy gaze, Li Ye soon saw a group of Giant Whale Gang disciples in dark blue uniforms heading towards a barren hill outside the city in a neat formation.

"That's it?" Attracted by this neat team, Li Ye could guess the purpose of the other party's trip just by turning his mind.

If such a big event happened in the city, if he were a disciple of the Giant Whale Gang, he would immediately look for the real leader of the Giant Whale Gang to preside over the overall situation.

Of course, there is also a second possibility.That is, this group of loyal disciples came to inform the leader of the giant whale to run away with a bucket.

But no matter what the purpose is, since Li Ye discovered it, there will only be one result.

Thinking in his heart, Li Yedang followed even while hanging in the air.


In the barren mountain, the head of the Giant Whale Gang is sitting on the ground with the ancestor and having a good talk.

"Old Ancestor, if Feiyu Martial Arts is going to make a move this time, I hope you will come forward to block that old ancestor of Feiyu Martial Arts. As for the others, just leave them to us."

"Okay, I see. This time the war cannot be ignored. Is everything ready?" the ancestor of the giant whale nodded and reminded.

"It's all ready. Elder Liang is holding a general mobilization meeting in the group. We can set off when it's over there."

The leader of the Giant Whale Sect replied respectfully, then changed his voice and asked again: "Old Ancestor, this time Wanghai Pavilion suddenly recruited new students three years earlier, what is the reason?"

"I don't know, but it's not too bad for us anyway."

"Hey." Shaking his head, the leader of the Giant Whale Sect let out a long sigh.

"The three disciples we had cultivated since we were young and had high hopes were not selected. In the end, the other disciples who made up the number were selected as five. I don't know what the selection criteria for Wanghai Pavilion have become now. To explore again."

"Since we can't figure out the requirements of the Giant Whale Gang now, then our Giant Whale Gang will seriously train all the disciples of the right age. It only consumes such a small amount of resources, and our Giant Whale Gang can fully afford it." .” Frowning, the giant whale ancestor replied in a deep voice.

"Ah~" With a wry smile, the leader of the Giant Whale Gang glanced at the ancestor in front of him, and said in his heart, "It's not as easy as you said, you don't care about these things, but I don't have your confidence. '

You must know that each generation chooses to train Wanghai Pavilion disciples, which is the result of a high-level game. There is no background, and those who fail in the game, no matter how talented they are, will not appear in front of the "immortals" of Wanghai Pavilion. This is the giant whale The place where the leader is troubled.

But looking at the ancestor in front of him, he didn't express his thoughts.

After all, if he said what he thought in his heart, it would be like suing him. He didn't want to give the ancestor the impression that he couldn't control the affairs of the gang.

Subconsciously changed the subject, the leader of the Giant Whale once again chatted about the preparations for this big battle.

This battle can be said to be very important to the Giant Whale Gang.

Previously guarding the inexhaustible treasure of the Misty Sea, they didn't even bother to compete for territory on land.

But at this time, they lost the ownership of the Misty Sea behind them, and they will inevitably develop northward in the future.

Otherwise, with their small territory, even if the people living in the area were exploited to death, they would not be able to support the vast number of Giant Whale Gang disciples.

Therefore, going north must succeed!
At the same time, on the other side, the team of giant whale gang disciples also came to the foot of the barren mountain.

Seeing the guards at the foot of the mountain, Chen Ang, the leader, immediately shouted loudly: "Something happened in the county town. I want to see the master. I am in a hurry. Immediately, go and report!"

The guards at the foot of the mountain were still asking what happened in Chen Ang's city, but they didn't notice that a distorted ray of light crossed the sky and went straight to the mountain.

"Boom!" The raging flames burned on the mountain, and everyone at the foot of the mountain turned their heads to look at the mountain in shock.

Swish!A figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for Chen Ang's sharp eyes, he might not have noticed the shabby white robe of the other party at all.

"Devil Flame!"

"Devil Flame!"


A series of exclamations sounded from behind Chen Ang. Before Chen Ang woke up from the shock caused by the figure covered in flames, figures suddenly appeared in front of him and disappeared again.

"This, this, this..." The expression on his face became more and more frightened, Chen Ang suddenly raised his head to look towards the halfway up the mountain, and shouted loudly: "Master, run away!"

But he didn't know it at all. At this time, the head of the Giant Whale Gang and the ancestor didn't dare to move at all.

At this time, in front of the two of them, a figure shrouded in a black halo suddenly emerged from nothingness, looked at the three-meter-high giant whale leader and smiled softly: "Li Ye, the magic soldier, sends his greetings to you."

"...Li!" As soon as the surname came out, the hearts of both of them sank at the same time.

They knew in their hearts that the other party had only one purpose for coming here, and that was the revenge of the extermination of the clan 30 years ago.

In fact, neither of them participated in those two incidents, but they didn't explain anything at all.

Without any hesitation, the two just looked at each other and attacked Li Ye at the same time.

Seeing the slow movements of the two of them like grandpas practicing Tai Chi, this time Li Ye did not move the black lines beside the two of them, but just looked at them quietly.

Two heavy fists hit the black halo, but the black halo didn't even ripple.

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the two of them, Li Ye didn't say anything more, but just swung a hammer at the two of them.

Compared with the previous attacks launched by the two, Li Ye's movements were as fast as lightning.

The hammer in his hand came first, and appeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

"Crack~" There was a sound of bone shattering, and there were two more puddles of meat in front of Li Ye.

The two most powerful members of the Giant Whale Gang were gently erased by Li Ye.

The physical strength of 10.0 points is much stronger than before. The best of the two holy warriors is as fragile as two babies in front of Li Ye.

Whether it was strength, speed, or reflexes, Li Ye completely crushed the two of them.

At this time, all the holy warriors on the mountain had been wiped out. Li Ye looked to the north and muttered to himself: "Master, this is just the beginning, I won't make you wait too fast..."

With a sway, he reappeared at the foot of the mountain and walked towards the north.

Behind him, everyone including Chen Ang ignited raging flames at the same time.

The Giant Whale Gang was destroyed...

(End of this chapter)

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