Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 138: Yusha Inscription and Longevity Pill!

Chapter 138: Yusha Inscription and Longevity Pill!

Picking up the animal skin in the sandalwood box, Li Ye slowly spread it out, looked at the two characters in the corner of the animal skin, and read softly: "Yu Sha."

The inscription pattern on this piece of animal skin and the 'Zhan Sha' inscription pattern in Li Tiejiang's hand seem to be of the same series, but the specific details are completely different.

This is another inheritance of the Li family of the divine soldier, Yusha!

"Master, I finally found this inheritance." With the joy of harvest in his heart, Li Yejing stood for a while before raising his head again to look at another thing that was put together with the animal skin, a jade box the size of a palm.

Open the jade box, inside is a grass-green elixir the size of a thumbnail.

At the same time, a strong fragrance of grass and trees spread out.

Just smelling this fragrance, Li Ye felt a sense of vitality coming from him. Obviously, this elixir must be a good thing to replenish vitality.

Putting the jade box together and putting it in his arms, and then picking up the animal skin, Li Ye looked up at the shelf again.

Only these two things and an empty white jade bottle were placed on the top shelf.

There are still a few drops of water in the white jade bottle, obviously it was some kind of liquid before, but it has been used up at this time.

Other than that, there were no other equally good things on the shelf, only ordinary weapons and medicinal materials left.

For ordinary people, these magical weapons and medicines are precious things, but to Li Ye, they are just tasteless existences.

After breaking through to a new stage, the effect of these things on him was significantly reduced, and there was no need to collect them.

After glancing around, Li Ye immediately stopped staying, soared into the sky, and headed straight to the east.


During this day, secret reports were quickly spread in all directions.

At first, it was just news of the destruction of the Giant Whale Gang.Although it shocked everyone else, it didn't make all parties panic.

After all, it is very likely that the Giant Whale Gang offended a certain force that they could not afford to offend, so they suffered retaliation and were eventually destroyed.

This has nothing to do with them, but it is very good news for those forces that border on the giant whale gang.

After all, with the Giant Whale Gang gone, the war that is about to affect the entire Qionghai County will also have no initiators, and they will not have to face a war that will lead to the demise of their forces.

But when the next two messages reached them, they panicked completely.

The mountain where the tide sword sect is located collapsed horizontally from the middle, and the entire sect was buried in the ruins; a raging flame suddenly ignited in the Feiyu Martial Arts Hall located in Qionghai County City, and there were no survivors in the entire martial arts hall.

It seems that in just one day, the entire Qionghai County has completely changed.

The three top powers were destroyed one after another on the same day, so who will be the next power?

If one of the forces may be due to enmity, but the three forces have accidents one after another, they can no longer comfort themselves, this is an act of revenge.

Those who shot must have their own reasons, but the reason is beyond their ability to guess.

All they can do is pass the news to Wanghai Pavilion, and then Wanghai Pavilion will deal with it.

And just as the forces of all parties passed the news to Wanghai Pavilion at the same time, news came to them one after another.

The leader of the Qionghai County City Guard and his trusted guards died at the same time, seventeen officers of the White Shark Army garrison outside the county died at the same time, and the leaders of the inner city guards of the seven counties died...

One piece of news was spread everywhere, and after investigation by various forces, it was discovered that these people were all core disciples and elders of Flying Fish Martial Arts.

"Hiss!" It was really cruel, the murderer was really trying to kill them all.

Knowing this result, the forces of all parties became even more worried, and another piece of news spread rapidly to Wanghai Pavilion.

For so many years, all forces have followed Wanghaige's lead, and now of course Wanghaige should come forward to solve problems encountered.

After all, if Wanghai Pavilion has been indifferent, why should they submit to Wanghai Pavilion.


Swish, a figure streaked across the sky, and Li Ye hurried eastward.

The matter of revenge has come to an end, Li Tiejiang's enemy is only Wanghai Pavilion, which has not yet been destroyed, but this cannot be solved casually, and we have to wait for future opportunities.

But at this time, Li Ye did another thing first, and went to the Golden Knife Gate to find Du Hansheng.

Earlier, he had obtained a elixir from Flying Fish Martial Arts, but he didn't know the specific name and function of this elixir.

Although he had some guesses in his mind, he still needed to find someone who understood to confirm it, otherwise he couldn't rest assured at all.

After all, the elixir needs to be taken orally into the stomach, if you take it rashly without knowing the effect of the medicine, it will cause big problems.

Flying all the way, a mountain range soon appeared in front of Li Ye's eyes.

Although it was his first time here, given the reputation of the Golden Knife Gate in this area, Li Ye just caught a few random discussions during the flight and found the location of the Golden Knife Gate accurately.

Although it was a door-to-door visit, Li Ye did not deliberately stop outside the mountain gate to wait for the notice to show respect, but landed directly outside a reception hall in the resident.

After all, the status levels between the two are really different, not to mention the Golden Knife Sect, even if it is a top power with a master, he can easily destroy it, so naturally he will not surrender himself here.

As Li Ye floated down from the sky and appeared, the disciples of the Golden Knife Sect who were guarding outside the hall soon discovered his existence, and immediately shouted: "Who is it! Be alert!"

The first half of the sentence is a question to Li Ye, and the second half is a reminder to others.

Hearing this disciple's voice, before Li Ye could answer, a figure jumped out of the hall and shot at Li Ye.

Of course, Li Ye would not kill Du Hansheng's disciple directly, after all, he came here this time to ask Du Hansheng for help.

However, Li Ye just turned his eyes to the other party, and this white-faced, beardless martial artist who looked to be in his 30s was fixed on the spot on the spot.

Cold sweat dripped down to the ground, but the master of the Golden Knife Sect seemed to have been immobilized, and couldn't even open his mouth.

"Master Ye!" It wasn't until a pleasantly surprised voice came from the hall that he felt that terrifying gaze shift away from him.

"Huh~" He let out a long breath, his legs went limp, and the master of the Golden Knife Sect collapsed on the ground, and at the same time, he realized who the other party was.

Master Ye!No wonder the master-level powerhouse that the Supreme Elder saw last time was so terrifying.

"Master Ye, what do you want from me?" Stepping out of the threshold of the hall, Du Hansheng asked excitedly.

Apparently he also knew that Li Ye would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, since he took the initiative to look for him, he must have something to look for him, it is impossible to come here by some means, just come and sit here.

"Well, find a place, I have something to ask you." Seeing Du Hansheng, Li Ye smiled and replied immediately.

"Okay, my lord will follow me."

After a while, Du Hansheng led Li Ye to a secret room to sit down, and then asked respectfully, "I wonder why your lord came here this time?"

"Can you help me find out what kind of pill this pill is?" Li Ye was not polite, directly took the jade box out of his arms, put it on the table, and pushed it towards Du Hansheng.

"Huh?" Seeing the jade box, Du Hansheng frowned involuntarily.

He seems to have seen this kind of jade box somewhere, or heard of it, but he can't remember it at this time.

Opening the jade box, a strong fragrance of grass and trees radiated out. Du Hansheng's pupils suddenly contracted violently, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Li Ye.

"It seems that Mr. Du recognized this pill?" Li Ye asked softly with a smile on his face.

"Hmm..." He lowered his head and pondered for a long time, but Du Hansheng's brain was still blank.

Long-term memories began to emerge, at this moment Du Hansheng finally remembered where he had seen this kind of jade box, this kind of elixir.

Longevity Dan!It must be Yanshou Dan!
Although more than 200 years have passed, he still recognized it at a glance.

After all, the memory of this elixir is too deep for Du Hansheng.

More than 200 years ago, in those precarious days, the situation of Jindaomen was exactly the same as it is now.

The time for the Supreme Elder to become a saint is approaching, but there is no new generation of saint warriors in the sect.

But the difference is that more than 200 years ago, the previous elder of Jindaomen had a life-prolonging elixir in his hand. After taking it, he lived another 20 years.

20 years, the time for a generation to grow up.

The previous Supreme Elder finally waited for him, Du Hansheng, to break through and become a saint, and finally died peacefully.

And now it was his turn to bear this suffering.

He used to frantically want to get another longevity pill, but there was no way to get it.

The only life-extending pill in the sect was handed down a long time ago, just to ensure that the sect passed through a period of incompleteness.

Now that the Zongmen has started to keep going downhill, it is just a dream to get the longevity pill.

But, right now, a Life Extension Pill suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Du Hansheng's heart was full of greed and struggle.

If one can get this life-extending pill, the predicament of Jindaomen will definitely be solved.

But how to get it.

Cheating deals, besieging and robbing, kneeling down and begging...

On his slightly lowered face, his eyes were full of ferocity and hesitation.

Finally, after taking a long breath, Du Hansheng gave up all his thoughts.

"This is a life extension pill, which can prolong the life span of nearly 20 years..." He raised his head lightly, at this moment Du Hansheng's voice was surprisingly hoarse.

It was so difficult to give up, but he still chose to tell the truth.

It's not that his conscience is still in his heart. In the face of the continued interests of the sect, personal good and evil are not worth mentioning at all.

It's just that he didn't have the slightest chance of getting this elixir from Li Ye. If he did it rashly, it might lead to the immediate destruction of the entire Golden Knife Sect today.

Now that the result is doomed, it's better to tell the truth and behave well.

Doing so may also gain Li Ye's goodwill. If Li Ye gets the longevity pill again in the future, he may still exchange it from Li Ye.

Li Ye will definitely take this one by himself, but since Li Ye can get one life-extending pill, there is every chance to get a second one, and then it will be his chance.

"Shoushou Pill? Is it the kind refined by Wanghai Pavilion?" Li Ye asked curiously.

"Yes, that's right. Our Golden Knife Sect used to have a longevity pill. Although it has been used up, the jade box containing the pill is still there. It looks exactly like this jade box." Du Hansheng nodded affirmatively.

"Sure enough, it's just as I guessed." Seeing Du Hansheng who became more and more respectful, Li Ye nodded in satisfaction.

As early as when he had just obtained this elixir, he had guessed that this elixir might be the legendary longevity pill.

This time he came to Golden Knife Gate, his purpose was just to make sure, just to be on the safe side.

After all, he did not take this elixir himself, but prepared it for Li Tiejiang to eat.

If something went wrong, Li Tiejiang's normal body would not be able to handle it.

That's right, Li Ye never thought about taking this pill by himself.

As early as after his physical body transformed, he felt that his life activity had been greatly improved.

In other words, his lifespan has been greatly extended.

In a vague way, Li Ye intuitively realized that after about eight or nine hundred years, his body would begin to age, and after nearly 900 years, his body functions would completely disappear.

That is to say, after the transformation of the body, his lifespan will reach 1000 years. In this case, of course, he does not need to take this longevity pill for ten or twenty years of life.

As for asking Du Hansheng about whether the matter of longevity pill would cause covetousness, Li Ye certainly wouldn't care about such a trivial matter.

Just kidding, if Du Hansheng has malicious intentions, he is just asking for his own death.

But I don't care if I don't care, but seeing that Du Hansheng still sincerely told all the things he knew in the end, Li Ye was quite satisfied with him.

Li Ye doesn't care how much the other person's heart is moving, as long as the good side is shown in the end, Li Ye thinks that this person is not bad, and if there is a chance in the future, he doesn't mind helping him.

Looking at Du Hansheng who was hesitant to speak, Li Ye smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Needless to say, I understand, if there is a chance to get the longevity pill later, I will give it to you, of course, the premise is It is you who can pay the corresponding price.”

"Really?" With a huge surprise on his face, Du Hansheng quickly replied: "Master Ye, don't worry, although our Golden Knife Gate has gradually declined, we still have some foundations. Do you want us to go to the treasure house now? Tell me what you like, everything is negotiable."

"Forget it." Li Ye shook his head, "Let's talk about it after I get the Life Extension Pill."

"Look." Du Hansheng showed regret on his face, but he still restrained his emotions, "From now on, I will always be in the sect, waiting for your presence at any time!"

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." He nodded at Du Hansheng, and without him seeing him off, Li Ye disappeared in front of Du Hansheng's eyes in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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