Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 139 Obtuse Wanghai Pavilion, magical vitality

Chapter 139 Obtuse Wanghai Pavilion, magical vitality

Swish!A rippling light and shadow streaked across the sky, bringing up layers of air waves, and after a while, it stopped straight in the sky above Qionghai County City.

At this time, the chaos in the city has subsided on the surface, and ordinary people continue their previous lives. In fact, the chaos in the city really has little to do with them.

However, for the upper class figures in this city, the chaos is far from coming to an end.

Once the Flying Fish Martial Arts Hall falls, the entire Qionghai County will face a reshuffle, and there will be more disturbances in the future.

All forces in the entire city are secretly preparing in order to gain the upper hand in the ensuing confrontation.

And at this moment, a soft voice came to the ears of the leaders of all forces, "I am Wanghaige Lanze, please come to the Flying Fish Martial Arts Hall to meet each other."

"Yes, my lord." Even though the other party couldn't see, everyone who heard the voice still felt terrified, and hurriedly replied in a low voice, then stopped what they were doing, and started to head towards the Feiyu Martial Arts Hall.

A few minutes later, when everyone arrived at the Flying Fish Martial Arts Hall, they saw a figure with a blue halo all over his body standing with his back facing them.

Following their arrival, the figure turned around slowly, and looked at the leaders of the forces, "I just came from the Wanghai Pavilion, please tell me how and when the Flying Fish Martial Arts Hall was destroyed .”

The person who came was one of the three Taoists from Wanghai Pavilion who had just come to this world. Lan Yu was nowhere to be found, and this time he was the only one who came out to deal with these troubles.

It has to be said that Wanghai Pavilion's response was very slow. After all, the situation in Qionghai County has been very stable over the years.

They didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly.

If it wasn't for the forces from all sides sending messages to Wanghaige for help, Wanghaige might not know about it.

At this time, seeing Lan Ze's question, one of the middle-aged men quickly said: "My lord, the incident happened too fast. Although I was in the city at the time, I don't know what happened..."

"Yes, that's right, Master Lan Ze. It seems that the entire Flying Fish Martial Arts Gym was ignited in a flash, very similar, very similar..." At this time, the speaker suddenly hesitated to speak up.

"Like what?" Lan Ze asked directly with a blank face.

"My lord, let me tell you. The Flying Fish Martial Arts Academy seems to be because everyone's bodies spontaneously ignited, and the water can't be extinguished, and the earth can't be extinguished..."

"Right, that is it."



After a while, you said something to me, and soon everyone told everything they knew.

Lan Ze couldn't help frowning after hearing this.

After collecting information from all parties, he couldn't help but feel troubled.

And apart from the fact that Flying Fish Martial Arts was destroyed by some unknown force in an instant, and the method turned out to be by stimulating the magnetic field of the human body, Lan Ze did not gain any other effective information.

To be able to destroy these ordinary mortal forces in this way, any 'person' who has transformed into a high-end product can do it.

It is difficult for him to judge whether this is a personal behavior or an action of a certain force.

A certain Taoist who has gone crazy, or a certain Mingzu who sneaked into this world, or a new change in the layout of the forces of a certain Taoist tribe.

The situation seems to be getting confusing...

He must find the other party as soon as possible, otherwise, if it causes dissatisfaction with Wanghai Pavilion from all parties in Qionghai County, it will be a big deal!
But how to find each other?It seems that there is no other good way but to sit on the sidelines.

So where will the opponent's next target be?
Looking at the leaders of various forces in front of him, Lan Ze couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


At the same time, on the other side, a figure was heading north rapidly, and soon crossed the border of Qionghai County and came to the area of ​​Qingshan County.

Above the sky, Li Ye couldn't help feeling refreshed looking at the emerald green land.

When he left, he was just a small Wushu warrior, but after returning now, he was able to face the fear in his heart, that Mingzu.

After the transformation of his physical body, he was considered to be on the same level as the other party.

At this time, Li Ye's heart was full of agitation. He was eager to fight that Nadir, and see who was weaker and who was stronger compared with the opponent now!

But now is obviously not the time to do this kind of thing. The most important thing for him to do when he returns to Qingshan County this time is to give the longevity pill and the 'Yusha' inscription pattern to Tiejiang Li, and other things must come after this.

Flying all the way, when they came to Li Ye, they came to the vicinity of Yishan County.

Yishan County is still wrapped in layers of fog, and a terrifying aura is entrenched in it, exuding its majesty unscrupulously.

When Li Ye glanced at it, he felt that there was also a scarlet gaze looking at him.

However, Li Ye didn't care at all. He just glanced over and headed straight for Qingshan County, leaving Yishan County far behind.

At the same time, as he left, the gaze that had been watching him gradually faded away and disappeared.

A quarter of an hour later, the scene of Qianfan standing tall appeared before Li Ye's eyes again, and he knew that Qingshan County had arrived.


"Master, I'm back." Li Ye shouted loudly as he pushed open the gate of the courtyard.

"Xiao Ye! Why did you come back suddenly? Have you finished your work?" Blacksmith Li, who was basking in the sun in the yard, immediately straightened up and shouted excitedly when he heard Li Ye's voice.

"I've finished processing some things for the time being. Master, look what I brought back!" After a few steps to the small courtyard, Li Yedang put down the package on his back and opened it.

Li Tiejiang, who was on the side, looked at the long sandalwood box in the package, and couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face.

But after Li Ye opened it, doubts turned into surprises in an instant.

"This, this!" Looking up at Li Ye, Li Tiejiang stammered and asked, "Is this the 'Yusha' inscription? Where did you find it!"

"That's right, master, this is the inscription of 'Yu Sha', how about it, is it surprising or unexpected?"

In front of Li Tiejiang, Li Ye no longer had the composure he had before. Instead, he looked like a child who had scored 100 in the exam, with a happy face and seeking praise.

"Unexpected, too unexpected. I thought I would never see this animal skin in my life."

The big withered hand touched the whole animal skin inch by inch, the emotion in his eyes seemed to see the most beloved girl, and he kept his head down, unable to move away for half a quarter of an hour.

It was as if this was just a dream, and he would wake up from the dream when he raised his head.

Li Ye stood aside, just watching Li Tiejiang quietly.

This time he had been away for more than a whole year, and Li Tiejiang seemed to have become even older.Fortunately, this time he brought back the longevity pill.

After a long time, a questioning voice from the nearby courtyard interrupted the peaceful atmosphere in the small courtyard, and Li Tiejiang came back to his senses, snapped the sandalwood box shut, and turned his head away.

"Old Li, what happened?"

"I'm fine. It's Xiaoye who came back. Come back to have dinner together tonight." Replying to Chen Feng loudly, Li Tiejiang turned his eyes to Li Ye who was beside him.

His eyes were piercing, but Li Tiejiang's mouth squirmed but he didn't make a sound.

Walls have ears. Although Li Tiejiang didn't know how Li Ye obtained this piece of animal skin, he guessed in his heart that Li Ye must have risked his life to obtain it with difficulty.

He didn't want to put Li Ye in danger again because of his careless mistake.

However, he was really curious about how and where Li Ye retrieved the 'Yu Sha' inscription.

On the side, looking at Li Tiejiang with a troubled face, Li Ye chuckled and replied directly: "Master, don't worry, the owner of this piece of animal skin is you now, you don't have to think about it so much, the other party won't come here again." .”

"What do you mean?" Blacksmith Li couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Originally, I planned to tell you later, but since you are so impatient, Master, then I will tell you clearly now."

Pulling the stone bench and sitting down, Li Ye briefly explained where the animal skins came from and what he did in Qionghai County.

When he heard that Li Ye had killed all three enemies of the Li family, Li Tiejiang became even more excited.

"Really?" Although he never suspected that Li Ye would lie to him, the news was too exaggerated, so he couldn't help asking.

"Really, to be honest." Li Ye was not impatient at all, and kept squinting and smiling, patiently answering Li Tiejiang's questions.

"God!" Clutching Li Ye's arm, Li Tiejiang was trembling with excitement, and his five fingers were getting harder and harder.

"My ancestors, Xiao Ye, you really didn't lie to me? The Giant Whale Gang, the Flying Fish Martial Arts School, and the Tidal Sword Sect have all been wiped out by you?"

Li Tiejiang's voice was trembling all the time, and his eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

Li Ye knew that this was Li Tiejiang's nightmare that lasted for 30 years, and it was normal for him to react like this, so he nodded and comforted him again: "Master, it's true, news from Qionghai County should come over after a while."

"Xiao Ye...I, I really don't know how to thank you!" Li Tiejiang replied with a choked voice.

"Master, what kind words did you say to me? I am a member of the Li family, and revenge for the Li family is what I should do." Li Ye shook his head, patted the back of Li Tiejiang's hand lightly, and comforted him.

"One family, one family..." Opening the sandalwood box again, Blacksmith Li took out the animal skin and watched it carefully and repeatedly.

Gradually, Li Tiejiang could no longer restrain the joy in his heart, raised his head, and laughed.

The laughter shook, and once again attracted the attention of the people in the next yard, and a strong curiosity surged in their hearts.

"What the hell is Blacksmith Li laughing at? Will Li Ye's return make Blacksmith Li so happy?" '


At night, Chen Feng and Sun Yao bid farewell to each other after having dinner in the courtyard.

In the bedroom, Li Ye chatted with Li Tiejiang again.

But this time, it was Li Tiejiang who was mainly talking about what happened in Qingshan County this year.

In fact, Qingshan County has been fairly stable here, but the big county in the north also has strange fog, evil spirits, and dark shadows coming.

Except for the Dao Clan who have been laying out, the Ming Clan has never stopped their actions.

Moreover, in Sunset County to the north, the Ming clan raised a huge momentum, and a large area of ​​no man's land appeared. At least one-fifth of the population of the county was infected by the Ming clan and became distorted.

A large number of people fled from the north and poured into Qingshan County, which also had a great impact on the stability of Qingshan County.

Looking north for a moment, Li Ye sighed helplessly.

If the Ming clan invaded southward, Qingshan County would definitely be the first place to bear the brunt, and Li Tiejiang's situation seemed to have become dangerous again.

However, Li Ye has no choice. This world becomes more and more dangerous as you go to the back. In the future, you may not be able to find a place where you can live in peace and without danger. So this time Li Ye does not intend to take Li Tiejiang away again. up.

At least for now, Qingshan County is considered safe. The Taoist forces in Qingshan County have the absolute upper hand. The Ming clan is suppressed in Yishan County, and there is no possibility of going out to do things.

A few minutes later, after listening to Li Tiejiang's narration, Li Ye also said the second thing he came back this time, taking medicine for Li Tiejiang.

Fortunately, Li Ye had inquired about the method of taking Yanshou Pill as early as in Golden Knife Gate, otherwise he would not have known that taking Yanshou Pill had a special explanation.

Unlike warriors who take the longevity pill directly, for people with ordinary physique, the best way to take the longevity pill is to take a bowl of water and place the pill in it to slowly dissolve.

This can not only reduce the impact of the medicine on the body, but also allow the body to absorb the medicine more fully.

At this time, Li Ye found an empty bowl and began to operate.

After a while, a bowl of green liquid medicine was placed on the table. Li Ye looked at Li Tiejiang and said with a smile, "Master, drink it."

Seeing that Li Ye had been playing charades and finally finished his work, Li Tiejiang also asked the doubts in his heart, "Xiao Ye, what kind of medicine is this?"

"I'll tell you after drinking it." Li Ye replied with a smile.

"Hmph, playing tricks." Li Tiejiang never thought that Li Ye would harm him. Seeing Li Ye's insistence, he immediately picked up the medicine bowl and drank it down.

"Master, what's your body's reaction?" Seeing Li Tiejiang swallowing the liquid medicine, Li Ye blinked and asked curiously.

The longevity pill can prolong the lifespan of ordinary human beings by ten to twenty years, so Li Ye was of course curious about it.

What kind of medicinal materials are used for this, what method is used to refine it, and what is the pharmacology of it.

It's a pity that Li Ye didn't know much about pharmacology, and it was impossible to use the only longevity pill for research.

So I can only look at Li Tiejiang's reaction now, and guess the possibilities in my heart.

"What kind of reaction, no reaction? What are you trying to tell..."

Li Tiejiang hadn't finished speaking when suddenly a stream of pure energy spread from his stomach and headed towards his body.

Under the nourishment of this pure energy, the wrinkles on Li Tiejiang's face were slowly dissipating, and various body functions began to recover.

Withered trees come spring, this is Li Tiejiang's current state.

On the other hand, Li Ye was keenly aware of the change in Li Tiejiang's state, and at the same time, he also noticed the principle of longevity pill's ability to prolong life.

vitality!There is a large amount of vitality of plants and trees in Yanshou Dan.

This vitality has a magical nourishing effect on the human body.

At this time, Li Tiejiang also felt the change in himself.

Looking at Li Ye with wide eyes, Li Tiejiang said in astonishment, "Xiao Ye, what is this? Could it be..."

(End of this chapter)

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