Chapter 143 One Hit Kill
"The void disappears!"

Just as Li Ye rushed towards Lan Ze, Lan Ze's preparations finally came to an end.

The knot seal on his hand was fixed, and the air around Li Ye suddenly boiled.

At the same time, there seemed to be a pair of invisible hands between the two of them suddenly. When the big hands moved across, ripples appeared in the sky, and the whole sky suddenly collapsed inward with Li Ye at the center.

Seeing the changes around him, Li Ye certainly wouldn't remain indifferent.

The double hammers were raised horizontally and smashed heavily into the void beside him. "Yanyan Triple Hammer!"


The strong shock force suddenly erupted, and there was a crisp sound of "click, click, click" in the air.

At this moment, Lan Ze's big move 'Void Annihilation' collided with Li Ye's 'Triple Hammer of Flame', and strong gusts of wind spread from the two of them in all directions.

The airflow in the entire sky was disturbed, and even Lan Ze could no longer perfectly control the airflow around him at this moment.

Li Ye's eyes flashed, and he seized the opportunity to come to Lan Ze's side in the next moment, swung the sledgehammer with his right hand, and swung towards Lan Ze.

This blow was caught off guard, even though Lan Ze burst back immediately, and at the same time manipulated the air around him to gather in front of him.

But the power of Li Ye's hammer was too great.

One side is prepared to accumulate strength, and the other side is caught off guard suddenly.

Lan Ze didn't dodge this hammer, the halo outside him instantly shattered, and the left side of his body was scratched by the hammer.

In the next moment, Lan Ze manipulated the air again to remove the resistance and opened the distance between him and Li Ye.

But at this time, half of his body had become bloody, his flesh and bones exposed.

Looking at Li Ye who was rushing towards him again, Lan Ze's eyes were gloomy, but he could only dodge backwards while mobilizing the vitality of this body to quickly repair the injury.


On Bibo Island, this large oval island, at this time two holy warriors were standing together and looking up at the sky.

As Li Ye and Lan Ze fought, bursts of sonic booms sounded in the sky and spread to the ground, which had already alarmed everyone on the island.

At this time, Bibo Island Master and his third junior brother were nervously watching the battle in the sky.

Obviously, one of the two sides fighting must be a strong person who has entered the Tao of Wanghai Pavilion, so the remaining one is the murderer who caused the killing before without thinking.

Sure enough, that murderer was really going to attack them on Bibo Island.

Although they had anticipated this possibility before, they sent many young disciples on the island out.

But at this time, there are still many core disciples and high-level warriors on the island. If they die, Bibo Island will not perish, but it will still be severely damaged.

At this time, the people on the ground couldn't help but pray in their hearts, hoping that the adult in Wanghai Pavilion would win.

However, Lan Ze, the party in the sky, is suffering and cannot tell.

Although he had fully estimated Li Ye's strength, he still underestimated him.

Facing Li Ye's manic attack, he could only use his speed advantage to maintain a distance from Li Ye, and harass Li Ye with various restrictive methods from a distance.

As for the head-on confrontation, after being accidentally swung by Li Ye with a hammer and almost smashing half of his body, he never thought about this possibility again.

At this moment, he could only hope that Haige's support would come sooner, and join hands with him to deal with the opponent. His own attack methods were too scarce.

Before he came out, Lan Se, the last Taoist in Wanghai Pavilion who could move freely, also went out at the same time to look for Sapphire.

They have made an appointment, and after Lancer finds Sapphire, they will look for him together.

This time, there are only three Taoists from Wanghai Pavilion who came to this world. If Lan Se couldn't find Sapphire, then he really didn't know what to do.

But it's a pity, the more Lan Ze is afraid of something, the more things will happen.

Although he was eager to see through, he still didn't see Lancer's figure when he looked around.

And he couldn't hold on any longer.

After all, half of his body was seriously injured. Although relying on his strong self-healing ability to stabilize the injury, this body is still in a precarious state.

If the injury cannot be healed in time, then this body may die of vitality.

At that time, his real body will be exposed to the sight of Heavenly Dao, and he will be doomed.

So, if Lancer doesn't come again, then he will retreat.

At this moment, he no longer cared about whether Bibo Island would perish. He couldn't possibly go all out for a group of irrelevant humans.

Li Ye looked at the flickering look in Lan Ze's eyes, and he could guess that the other party was afraid of retreating.

After thinking about it, he suddenly paused, stopped in mid-air, and said lightly, "If you want to leave, you can leave now. Don't get in the way here and delay my work."

His own speed is not as good as the opponent's, and he can't stop the opponent from leaving. If this is the case, there is no need to get entangled.

But while he was speaking, the strength in his body began to gather quietly.

There is only one chance, and it depends on whether he can seize it.

A hundred meters away, upon hearing Li Ye's words, Lan Ze's eyes burned with anger.

It's a pity that he can only be incompetent and furious, but he can't do anything. He can only try to threaten the other party and make him feel jealous.

"Our people will arrive soon, and then it will not be a matter of coming or leaving as you like. You'd better think about your last words now, so that you don't die unwillingly."

"Hey." Of course Li Ye knew that the other party was trying to scare him, but in order to lower the other party's vigilance, he also acted with the other party, "Oh, then when will your people come over? They won't wait for you to die before the other party comes to give it to you." You collect the corpse."

"Oh, it seems that you don't believe me, so let's wait and see." Of course Lan Ze replied verbally not to be outdone.

"Okay, then I'm here, waiting for you to kill me, I want to see if you can do it."

Li Ye's body trembled slightly, the strength of his body had been fully concentrated. Seeing that Lan Ze seemed to have relaxed, he opened his mouth to reply to him again, immediately raised his arm and let go of his palm, and threw out the hammer in his hand.

"Hoo!" The next moment, a black shadow crossed the sky.

An earth-shattering sonic boom sounded, at this moment, like a hidden weapon, the hammer suddenly shot from Li Ye's hand towards Lan Ze.

The hammer pierced through the air, piercing the air pressure between the two in an instant, and came in front of Lan Ze.

"You!" Lan Ze's eyes were frightened and angry, and he dodged to the left like a conditioned reflex, and at the same time, the air in all directions was also gathering towards him.

But the speed of the hammer breaking through the air was too fast, it was too fast.

When Lan Ze only moved [-] centimeters to the left, the hammer had already arrived in front of Lan Ze.

"I..." His mouth squirmed, and before he could utter a complete sentence, the hammer struck him.

The next moment, Lan Ze's eyes showed a look of horror, and his whole body began to crack, and then exploded.

"Boom!" There was a blood mist in the sky, and Li Ye came to the front of the blood mist in a flash, punching through the air, and a flame ignited in the sky.

Amidst a burst of wailing, Lan Ze completely disappeared.

[Kill the first-level Taoist family of Youpin*1, gain Yin Power*1000000]

That's right, the charged hammer just now was Li Ye's last attempt.

If Lan Ze is always vigilant, it is very likely that he will not be able to make meritorious deeds.

But maybe it was Li Ye's long-term performance that confused Lan Ze. He really believed that Li Ye had given up, and he felt slack in his heart, so of course he couldn't react immediately.

In the end, he made a bad move and was shot dead by Li Ye on the spot.

Flying to grab the hammer that was still flying rapidly in the air, Li Ye looked at the slowly falling red gas, just shook his head and flew south again.

Although he didn't panic, he was also afraid that Wanghai Pavilion would really have reinforcements coming.

Although he can kill Lan Yu and Lan Ze one-on-one, but under the entanglement of many people, it is not so easy for him to quickly deal with opponents.

When the time comes, the two parties will switch identities, but it will be him who becomes the prey.

On the island on the ground, watching the battle between the two sides end, a figure crossed the sky and went straight to the south, and the two holy warriors on Bibo Island couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

No one came down to attack them, and it seemed that Wanghai Pavilion would win with a high probability.

The nightmare is finally over.

After they observe and observe again, they can try to recall the group of disciples who are hiding outside.

Wanghai Pavilion is really too strong, and he will deal with this murderer as soon as he makes a move. The only downside is that he is too cold, and he left without even saying hello.

But these are trivial matters, as long as the matter is resolved, it will change.

For a while, the loyalty of the high-level officials of Bibo Island to Wanghai Pavilion strengthened again.

They chose to take refuge in Wanghai Pavilion, and they were right.

At critical moments, Wanghai Pavilion is really reliable!
(End of this chapter)

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