Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 144 Entering the Sea of ​​Mist, the Land of Inheritance Arrives

Chapter 144 Entering the Sea of ​​Mist, the Land of Inheritance Arrives

Beyond the southernmost tip of the mainland, there is an endless sea of ​​mist.

Li Ye had been to Misty Seaside before, but compared to this time, things were different.

Not to mention anything else, his current strength is no longer what it used to be.

But sometimes strength does not determine everything, such as now.

At this moment, standing in mid-air and looking at the rough sea, Li Ye felt very embarrassed.

After killing Lan Ze over Bibo Island, he came all the way to the Misty Seaside, but his actions were severely hindered next.

It wasn't that he couldn't enter the Misty Sea, but that he couldn't find the starting point on the animal skin map.

Although Li Ye flew around along the coastline, he didn't find any place close to the starting point on the map. Instead, he found the Homesickness Cliff where Wanghai Pavilion was located.

At this time, he understood why the place where Wanghai Pavilion was located was called Homesickness Cliff.

This group of Taoists probably miss their hometown in another world.

Of course, for Li Ye, now is not the time to consider Wanghai Pavilion. The most urgent thing for him now is to find the inheritance of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

It's a pity that the initial action was thwarted, and after going around in a circle, there was still nothing.

The sea breeze blew across his cheeks, and a fishy smell wafted in the air.

What worries Li Ye even more is that there is indeed a magical enchantment in the sea of ​​mist.

In his eyes, the black lines hanging from the sky disappeared strangely when they fell to the sea.

It seemed that in the misty sea, the magnetic field was completely chaotic, and he could not perceive the danger in the sea in advance by observing the magnetic field of the sky and the earth, which greatly increased the risk of Li Ye's trip.

But looking at the endless sea, although Li Ye felt helpless, he still gritted his teeth and rushed in.

After all, his strength has not improved for a long time, and he cannot tolerate his strength stagnating here.

He needs stronger strength to face the next changes in the world.

Riding the wind and breaking the waves, flying in mid-air, there are surging waves under your feet.

While flying, Li Ye was thinking about how to find that place of inheritance.

For this place of inheritance, as long as there is a chance, he is not willing to give up.

And not long after he went deep into the sea of ​​mist, Li Ye suddenly discovered that the animal skin he had been carrying with him had a reaction, and the long line above the animal skin suddenly moved.

"This is it!" Seeing that the animal skin suddenly shortened and turned into a small arrow line, Li Ye was confused at first.

However, after he discovered that as he moved, the direction of the arrow changed accordingly, Li Ye couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise in his heart.

It turned out that this animal skin map could directly guide him to the inheritance place of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

As expected of Ziyue Sword Immortal, he thought so thoughtfully.

With the guidance of the map, Li Ye no longer has any confusion in his heart, speeds up, and goes straight to the target.


On the other side, a figure suddenly appeared above Bibo Island.

Seeing that there was no one around, Lancer couldn't help but be full of doubts.

Where did Aozawa go, didn't we make an appointment to meet here?

Did Lan Ze suddenly leave because of something?Not too possible.

He has known Lan Ze for so many years, and he knows exactly what kind of Taoist Lan Ze is.

As long as he doesn't show up, Lan Ze will definitely wait here under normal circumstances.

Confused, Lancer turned around again, but Lan Ze was still not found.

However, he found that there seemed to be a slight weird smell in the air.

It seems to be the smell of blood!

Although it had been a long time since Li Ye killed Lan Ze, Lan Se's five senses were strong, and he still noticed the clue.

Startled, Lancer suddenly had a bad premonition.

No way!Did something happen to Lan Ze?

He went to look for Lan Yu before, but he couldn't find it, so he guessed that Lan Yu had been killed, but now Lan Ze also had a problem, so what should he do.

There are only three of them in the entire Wanghai Pavilion who came to this world this time. As a result, except for him, the other two have problems.

Although it has not been confirmed that Lan Ze really had an accident, since there is an abnormal situation, he will never take chances.

Who is hiding behind, planning to kill them, and what is the purpose.

Looking at the empty sky, a haze suddenly appeared in Lancer's heart at this moment.

He suddenly felt as if there was a mastermind behind the scenes who had been hiding in the dark, secretly observing him.

He wanted to escape directly and return to Wanghai Pavilion, but Lan Se still resisted the fear in his heart and landed on Bibo Island.

Soon, he found the two holy warriors who had watched the battle on the island.

Slowly falling in front of the two of them, Lancer looked at the owner of Bibo Island expressionlessly, and immediately asked, "My seat, Lancer, Wanghai Pavilion, did a big battle happen here before, and you tell me everything you know?" I listen."

Seeing the blue halo that suddenly appeared in front of him, the island owner of Bibo was startled at first, but after hearing the other party's self-introduction of his family, he put his worries in his stomach.

"My lord, there was indeed a big battle here before, but it's over."

Immediately, Bibo Island Master told Lan Se exactly what he saw.

"My lord, another lord from Wanghai Pavilion has already settled the matter and left directly."

"Hmm..." He pondered in his heart, but Lan Se didn't quite believe what Bibo Island Master said.

It wasn't that he suspected that Bibo Island Master was lying, but that he felt that the other party didn't know the real situation of the battle in the sky at all.

If Lan Ze killed the murderer, why did he leave suddenly instead of staying here and waiting for him.

Therefore, in fact, there is a high probability that the opponent killed Lan Ze, or that Lan Ze was defeated and fled, and the opponent also chased after him.

But at this moment, Lan Se's heart suddenly settled down.

Compared with the unknown situation, the few words of Bibo Island Master made Lan Se think of another possibility.

That's why Lan Ze didn't die, but ran away, which is why Lan Ze didn't stay here.

After all, he knows Lan Ze's ability.

Although the combat power is not very strong, the life-saving ability is definitely the strongest among the three of them.

Even if both Lan Yu and him died, Lan Ze was the least likely to die.

Based on the current situation, there should be no one in this world who can kill Lan Ze.

Thinking of this, Lan Se didn't make things difficult for Bibo Island Master, and flew directly to Wanghai Pavilion.

He felt that if Lan Ze escaped, he must have returned to Wanghai Pavilion.

After all, it has been operated by their Taoists for countless years, and it is the safest place.


In the sea of ​​mist, Li Yefei was in midair, adjusting his direction from time to time, but at this time his speed gradually slowed down.

After all, the deeper you go into the misty sea, the more danger you will encounter.

Although he has avoided many dangers and troubles by flying in mid-air, sometimes flying cannot avoid all dangers, such as now.

The sky ahead was dark, and thunder and lightning flashed above. Li Ye had to lower his figure and float on the surface of the misty sea.

For this kind of thunderstorm weather, Li Ye didn't want to try whether he could resist being struck by lightning.

Although his physical body has already transformed, he never thought that he could compete with the power of heaven and earth.

Compared with the great power of heaven and earth, he is still far behind at this time.

However, although landing on the sea surface can avoid the danger of falling in the sky, it encounters troubles in the sea.

Swish!Suddenly the sea under Li Ye's feet parted, and a huge mouth sprang out from the sea, biting towards Li Ye.

It was a large fish dozens of meters long, with metallic luster on the scales on the surface, and sharp teeth in the fish's mouth, with flesh and blood remaining between the teeth.

This is a sea beast that is far more powerful than a holy warrior. Even if Li Ye falls into the sea, he may not be his opponent.

Fortunately, Li Ye is in the sky now, and this is not the home of the strange fish.

With a sway of his feet, Li Ye dodged the surprise attack of the strange fish with a dodge, and kicked it out at the same time, and the whole head of the fish was kicked into the sea by him.

The big fish rolled in the sea, but it had no intention of letting Li Ye go.

After stabilizing his figure, he followed Li Ye again and sprang out of the sea again.

Looking at the stalking big fish, a sharp light flashed in Li Ye's eyes, and he decided to solve this trouble first before moving forward.

After all, there are still unknown dangers waiting for him ahead, and he can't let the dangers accumulate slowly, leading to consequences out of his control.

Seeing the big fish attacking him with its mouth wide again, this time Li Ye didn't hesitate anymore, and directly fell towards the big fish, and got into the big fish's belly.

The waves were churning violently, and vortices appeared and disappeared.

A moment later, a thick layer of blood appeared on the surface of the sea, and Li Ye also floated up from the sea, rushing towards the distance again.

Even though Li Ye couldn't kill such a savage beast in a flash, he still managed to deal with it easily.

After all, Big Fish is brave enough to dare to eat him.

After solving this big fish, Li Ye kept moving forward.

On the next journey, Li Ye found that in the entire misty sea, there were countless sea beasts as powerful as the big fish he solved.

Basically, every time he flies a certain distance, he will encounter a sea beast attack in the sea.

Fortunately, sea beasts also fight each other instead of working together.

Although Li Ye would encounter troubles from time to time, he still escaped easily by various means.

But soon, Li Ye had to stop, stood still and looked into the distance, hesitating.

On the sea in the distance, a giant whale blocked his way like a mountain.

Looking at the figure several hundred meters high, Li Ye had no intention of doing anything this time.

He didn't want to try to beat such a big guy, and he didn't want to turn into the belly of this giant whale.

After all, who knows if this terrifying guy has a weakness in his stomach.

If not, then he would be completely stupid and take the initiative to send it to his door.

Thinking about it, Li Ye changed his figure and went around in another direction.

After making a big circle and completely avoiding the giant whale, Li Ye looked at the arrow on the map again and flew towards the destination again.

As time passed, Li Ye went deeper and deeper into the sea of ​​mist.

At the same time, he also saw more and more sea beasts.

Some are floating alone on the sea, and some are fighting each other.

When encountering a middle-level guy, Li Ye directly ruthless, dealt with the opponent as quickly as possible, and then left directly.

But if he encounters a big guy like a giant whale, Li Ye will directly choose to avoid it and take a detour.

Along the way, Li Ye tried to avoid fighting and fighting, and kept changing directions all the way. At a certain moment, he finally stopped and stood on the spot.

It's not that he doesn't want to move on, but that the arrow on the map has disappeared.

Taking a long breath, looking at the surface of the rough sea, Li Ye knew in his heart that the place of inheritance had arrived.

However, there are no land islands around, only the endless sea.

It seems that the place of inheritance is not on the sea, but in the sea.

I don't know if the place of inheritance has changed in the past 3000 years, or it is located in the sea itself.

But no matter what, he was going to sea.


"What! Lan Ze didn't come back?" In Wanghai Pavilion, in that independent space, Lan Se looked at the vicissitudes of Lan Xun, his face was full of astonishment.

"Why did you come here to ask me, didn't you go out with Lan Ze?" Lan Xun replied slowly with an old voice.

"No, although he and I went out together, the two of us didn't stay together all the time." Immediately, Lancer divided himself and Lan Ze into two groups, he went to look for Lan Yu, and Lan Ze waited for the rabbit. The action told Lan Xun again.

"What about the sapphire? Did you find it? Why didn't you come back with you?" Hearing Lan Se's words, Lan Xun asked suspiciously.

"...I didn't find Sapphire. I searched all over Qionghai County, but I still didn't find Sapphire. I suspect that he is dead!" After a moment of silence, Lancer said honestly.

"Dead? Impossible, who in Qionghai County can kill him, the guy who wiped out three human gangs?"

Hearing that Lan Se said that Lan Yu was dead, Lan Xun immediately shook his head in disbelief.

After all, the entire Qionghai County is so big, and Lan Se couldn't find him if Lan Yu just hid in a random place.

"Sapphire herself doesn't like trouble. This time, she probably knew what happened in Qionghai County during this time, and she hid herself for fear that I would arrange him to do something." After thinking about it, Lan Xun said.

"Uh, it's also possible. No, the focus is not on Sapphire, but on Lanze!"

With an excited expression, Lancer emphasized what he found above Bibo Island.

"Could something have happened to Lan Ze! Do you have a way to determine whether Lan Ze is still alive?"

"I can't do it. This is not our world. When I come to this world, I can't leave a soul seed at all, and I can't understand what is going on with Lan Ze."

Lan Se was rejected without hesitation, Lan Xun thought for a while, and said again: "Don't worry, you also know Lan Ze's methods. In the sky, who can kill Lan Ze. I think we should first Wait, maybe you came back first, Lan Ze is still behind."

Taking a deep look at Lan Xun, Lan Se was very dissatisfied, but he also knew that Lan Xun couldn't leave this space at all.

After thinking about it, Lancer was still worried. "I'd better go out and have a look."

After speaking, he left this space directly.

(End of this chapter)

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